Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/1735

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3076 INDEX. Pm8·io*rw—Continued. Pemiom — Continued . increased—continued . Pago increased—c0ntinued . Pogo. Billings, John . 1977 Blair, John H .. . .. 1830 Billings, Joseph M . 1827 Blair, Leander . . ... 1482 Billings, William .. . ... 1706 Blair, William 1719 Billings, William J ,,,.. 1947 Blair, William H .. . ... 1626 Billingsley, John ... 1938 Blake, Charles A. J .. . .. 1480 Billington, Edward R . . 1737 Blake, John ... 2067 Billman, Henry P . 1889 Blake, John A . 1518 Billmyer, Henry ..,,,. . _... 1640 Blaker, William H . . ... 1981 Bilyen, Hosea ...,__,,,,... 1543 Blalock, William H . 2033 Bindhammer, Michael .. 1628 Blanchard, Adolph . 2088 Bingaman, Robert. J 1473 Blanchard, Asa . 1992 Bingamin, Perry ... 1938 Blanchard, David M . . . 1712 Bingham, Charles ., . 1896 Blanchard, Ebenezer ... . 2091 Bingham, John N _____,,._,,,,,,,,,___,, 1590 Blanchard, Helen M . . .. 2086 Bingner, Harry G ,__,,,...,.__.. 2008 _Blanchard, Jeremiah F .. 2011 Binninger, John A ,, 1672 Blanchard, William H .. 1601 Bird, Samuel W ________,,,,__,,_,,,___, 1797 Blanchard, William H. H ... . .. 1608 Birdsall, Abram H ,,__,.,.,,,__...,__,, 1745 Bland, Jaines ... 2077 Birdsall, John ...,__,_.. 1802 Bland, Wmiield S .. 2048 Birkey, Henry W ..,... 1834 Blandm, William W ... 1745 Birkhausgr, Theodore ___,______________ 1847 Blasdell, Levi S . : .. 1646 Bisbee, Wright ..____,__..,____.___,___ 1742 Bledsoe, Anthony . 1556 Bish, Jacob .,,,_.. 1712 Blessin, J uhus ... 2014 Bishop, Amos ____________ _ _____________ 1889 Blevins, Henry ... . 2047 Bishop, Columbus H ... . ... 1828 Bl§V1l18, ·l0l1I1 --·-·---·-·-----·------.-- 2011 Bishop, George H .__...,..._.. 1568 Bliss, Charles H ... . ... 1792 Bishop, John B . ... 2086 Bliss, Day¤d_G 1917 Bishop, Milton B _____,_,.,_____,_____ _ _ 1572 Blitz, Heinrich ... . . 2051 Bishop, Reuben .,..,_ __ 1792 Bhvms, J. P ·.. 1935 Bishop, Sarah B ...,... . ..___,_ 1986 Blooksom, Josoph ... 2092 Bishop, Sylvester 0 .,., _ , _ _ 2034 Blookoom, Woodbury -·-.. . -... 1549 Bishop, Willis-nn, Kentucky Vols ... 1716 Blood, Alonzo ·---- - ·---·.-...----. 1598 Bishop, William, Missouri Vols 2114 Bloodi Robort A ---·--- - ------------..- 1981 Bishop, wiuism 0 .,_,_,,., , __,.,.,__,_ 1559 Bloom, Poulmo S ----·--------.---. 1983 Bishop, William 0, M ._.,.,__,.,.,,___ __ 1844 Bluo. Goorgo F -·-------·-----·---.-..· 1522 Bishopp, Weller .. . . 1591 Bluo lolul---, ---------- - -------------- 2011 Biteman, Samuel F .,...,.,,,_ , _ 1657 B1“mv -101111 1° ·---···---·-·-····-·-·~-·- 1832 Bitner, Robortl? .. 1756 B1“11k> M°“S ·············--·- - ·--·-~·-- 1621 Bitters, Andrew 1 .. , _ __ isis Bluslh Siuuuol ----------·--··-·--- - ---- 2012 Bittmann, Frederick ..,., . ..,,_____ 1682 B1Y> W1ll1¤u1 S ·····-·~·-·-~---·----·-·- 1179 Bivens, William ..,____,,,_,___,,,__ _ _ _ 1585 Boalv ‘1°11aS *1 ·········· · ··········-···· 1124 Bixby, Philip ,,,,, , ,,,,.,______ 1990 glalji 1,00000 Qi, ·-··--··- - --·--·--—---— 1050 Blachly, Wi iam W ... 1639 Bmrdl S °°"§° ‘······················ 1549 Black, COuvg)_¤8C_____________ _____ __~__ Board: t€pJB11··-il ·--···---·· · ---·--~ ·— Black, David F ...,,_ . ,,_._._,_____ 1949 Bg;;d$;1‘· L31;1§Srd ·-·---·~---·--··--- Black Gauge ‘‘‘'`‘'‘'‘’‘ ‘ ‘'’‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 1530 Bockhousé \$ill;.m·1*;m-um. . d 1 1521 Black, George B ... . 2011 B ook S # I V ···········--·-··- 15 Black, Harrison ,,_,__,__ _ _ 1790 Bxemieizmg/Eu. ··············· r -·~—- 158 Black?H€HryA"""""""'•"‘····· lam--'_-'··-·-".·-I-- B1ack7Hl1gh"' ••··· ···· ···· ··· ----· ·- Bodle}; James\iT·'·.·--·--.---.--·_'·- Black’J0h¤A '‘‘‘'’‘'’'‘‘‘'‘‘‘ 1092 Bogard,Jeremiah-innu_nN··-N--I 1684 Blacki ·l0$€P11 ·-·- · -··-·-···-·---·----- 2052 Boogcif Thomas S° ```````°`````'``` ` ` 1510 Black, Tl10l}l9~0 'A --·--·-----.·-·... 1795 B ° egg Thomas 0 °````‘‘‘'`'‘``‘``‘’‘ om,} Black, William C .. . ..__,__ 1935 _ B&g·S Elizabeth I; ‘‘‘·‘‘·············· {,,50 Black, William H .. . ... 1985 Bog; ’Dav,d s ‘`‘‘'‘`‘’‘‘'‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘ 1675 Black, William L .,, 1626 B “Geo (QW '`‘‘‘‘‘‘'‘‘‘’‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘··· 1651 Blackburn, Solomon 1991 Bg¥§s’Hamr§tO,, 0 '‘``‘’‘ `‘`’°‘`‘‘‘‘ 1736 Blackburn, William H .. 1592 BOM hem`, ``'`' ‘ ‘‘'‘‘ 1666 Bl3Ckl11t01l, Goorgs D ..·.. . . 1498 Bong,. Chériéé ```'``````````'`'``` ` ` 2051 Bl3.CkmBl1, Lllthér M . . , 1674 Bones! Jacob '~```'`-' °````````````` 1900 Blackrick, G1'€g01’y .. . . 1898 Bones, Jesse `'-```````````` `````````` 1900 Bl2CkS10I1€, Frank N .. 1602 Bouiuz, Mari, ``'``````````` `'`````````` 2122 Blsokwoldou Wiley- -----·-·-—-------- 1707 Bollinger Aioiésiiéio; ```‘‘’`°`’°‘`‘‘°‘‘ ioio Blackwell, William F .. . ... 1959 B0uing(,,’ G€O,,g€_ ``'```'```````'`' ` 1748 B1¤0kW00<l» -1001011 -----—-~·--·~-~·—··-· 2082 Bounian,’chrisrophe}`0'.`[_`,jjj j [ j j j j j jj 1533 B1“$1°· ·1*’·m” ·····-- · ··-·-·-···--··—-· · ~ 1993 Bollman, William C _._,._,,_,_, 1888 Bl=uu· lssool ------ - ----——-—--·--·~---· 1000 Bolt, Thomas J . . ..,...____ 1479 111*11% Solo¤¤0¤ ——··—·----···--···--— — · ·— 2109 Bolton, Franklin F .. . ..,,,. 1927 310111% 101000*9- ·-—··~-—·-····-—-——··· 1095 Bomar Henry J . ... . 1676 B1*!”*’• E‘1W':"‘r —····-·-·····-·-—-·~·- 1621 BOD8J',,T110KI18S S .. ; I I . 1601 111835 1·`¤o0¤¤¤l= -~·----·-·---· -- ---·---- 2002 Bond, George . . new Blair, Hem-y T. .. . . 1883 Bond, Henry M _,________________,,___ 1515