Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/1852

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IIN DEX. 3193 Rose, Joscggh W., d Page. [ Rosa, Hugh Tv pam nsmn increase . ... 1544 ' agi, Lydnh 0. (mum, R§§§f‘“}§§,,§”°'°“°°d ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘················· 15*3 pension increased 1909 pension iizcrcasod 1743 Rose, 4“G7|»€“’|: Auruuig/lO}'(l, Ross, James KW - . · _ · . · i · O . - I · · du? on gmckg, ggcq of ______ _ _ ____________ 37 pgngign increased, ___,,_______,__,___,___ 1797 Rzge lands, etc., Ross, Jasper, ut on ·---------·--·-··-··--- - --.-.. 37 usi n in was ,,,,,,,_,,,_____,_______ Rose, >;Yill{dm A., Reg; Rgswel? C., ed 1507 R p€1'lSl0l1 . .. . 1770 R pemgon i¤§;g33gd_ _____________ _ ______ _ _ _ 1464 oseberry, o n ., cme , N. ex. pension increased 1893 appropriation for public building . 706, 1381 Rosebud Indian Reservation, S. Dak., Roswell, Rona B., time extended for payments b home- pension ipc;-cased ________________________ 2068 steaders on surplus lands of}? ... 265 Rates, Henry S., interest to be paid .. 265 pension increased ,,__,,,_,_ _ _____,_______ 1578 compliance w1t.h homestead laws ... 265 Roth, Charles, unsllotted, etc., lands in Mellette and pension incrmggd __,_,,__________._______ 2015 Washabaugh counties, to be sold; dc- Roth, Charles H., scripticm ... 448 pension increased 1806 timber lands excepted ,. ‘ 449 Rothbaust, Lewis D., relinq uishmeut, of allotments 449 pension increased 1662 reservation for agency, school, etc 449 Rothmberger, Levi, patents to religious organizations 449 pension increased 1851 opening to entry by proclamation .. 449 Rothermel, Henry, allotments to be completed before 449 pension increased 1949 town sites to be surveyed, ctc 449 Rothery, Eejwin, payments; use of groceeds ,,,,,,,.,.. 449 peusion Increased 1464 appraisal and sale of omcstcads ... 450 Rothwell, .[ohn T., ehmsiticarion or lands ... 450 peusmn increased 1912 timber lands reserved for Indians . . . 450 Rothwefl, Qamml, method of lpa ent and entry ,__,.. 450 PGDSIOH 111C1'€8S€d-.7 --·-----.----·-·.·.-- 2122 reappraisa. ozrglndisposgd of lands .. 451 Rotten Swqw, deposit of proceeds to credit of Indians. 451 0¤ f!'€9 115% Cfudff, 6W -----·----—--—-·--- 79 sections 16 and 36 granted to South Dakota; Rvtunda of the geépvtol, _ _ lieu land selections; restrictions . 451 1186 Of, g1‘¤1} fo1' _¢61'€!¤0111€¤, 1'6}110V1118 neu md wnmiom emuded m me rcmams of Pwnc Ckariw L Enfant whole reservation; restrictions. . 1073 to Arlmgmu- · ----·-------··--·-·· 2129 apiprepriation for urchase of school lands. 451 R0uch,_Na{h¢m, or expenses op appmising, etc., rcim- P€¤¤1°¤ mcrwed ---····--···—---·----·-· 1922 bumemem ________________________ R¢:)u:o;é9a%£ Extracts cj} 72 iutoxicants rohibited ... · _ - · -; ----··---···----·--··-···-· liability of lgxited States defined .. 451 Rvvyv R'w?"» _Mu'h·» _ _ _ treaty rights uDimpair€d_ _________' _ ____ _ _ 452 a,ppr0p1;mtion for 1mp1‘0VemeDt of, restrictime extended for classifying, etc. , uuallot- mm -····-··-···· · ··············· 655, 947 ted mas in .,.. 1073 R¤wh¢sm» .·’<>¤¢P’·· _ 14 Roseburg, Oregq b I 1 1381 Rgfgzgzqz mcr°8'S°d· ·•·*‘‘·‘· ‘ ·‘·‘°‘‘‘·‘·*‘ 81 appropriation for public ui c ing ,... . ¤ . . . acguiging gitc forlinublic building at, au- 691 mnclcsmrgfomv admltmd at mlmmum 2672 Rosmmytlggzed- l - - - U ‘ I · I '--`.°'``'·` Roumaniaz S_mm1` and_By4lgaria, _ on me lm ________________'______________ . 77 apFropmt10uforfr{11n1i}&¤r to. i Hq} .1.. 33¤, 1027 Rmmbargq, William (son), °’ ”"gf‘°·">' ° **8** “’“ *"“ °° ~ ‘ g°§é8 1028 pension ..,.,...,,...,. . .. 1641 Round Izm ‘‘‘‘‘’‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘’‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘ * 7 Rvvmbyryeq, Juwb C'., 2121 duty on ________________________________ 22 R0Qf;‘“°“ “‘°""“"‘°d ·········‘‘·‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ m com mlmas 6.% 22 on hee list, atm: of ... . ... 77 I R°““ N“’?°’€“ Fm-**y. ° ·* f - Rommoi I g,ppr0pr1aQ10nfqr maintenance, etc., 0 . 428,12ol dnt, nn, sawad bO{Lfd§l, PtC.-··--· l pr0k?l t]0n dl-[nIn]shlDg`···.-·.·-i.'--·· fm Hat, logs, rough nr hewn only .,,,,,, 81 Rwr ,_ Z fh r 1664 Rasizr, Francis E., . R pes?} mc m i ‘'’``’°'`'°`'‘`' militiury record mrwcteed ..,.. 1998 ‘;;m;i0I;"iH"wcr'w8€8é8d 1533 R0 `n nd J , ; . '`'`'```'`'`'`'```'`' Rfznaxx; as to 4, 228 R0;¢;;<;’$nEif]@gg€;'ggd 1689 n 10 m . ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘'`‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ Z1s»;z§» Ou. . .' ... .. 70 g Rvvmy, 42 Rm, chmzu, 5 my ·2¤, ¤<>¤*¤¤ ·---------—··—-·-·---—·-· 49 pension increased ... . .--·-- - --·-· 1487 ¤ r°·m1°··.zi. ‘‘‘‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘ '‘‘'‘‘'''''' Ross, Fenton T., T R°"’*`d"F¢ W? wm " 1809 usmn increased ... . ·... 1968 payment to .. . ...--·---·- · ·--·--· 1 P9 , Ross, Francis M., 5 R°‘”"v ¢"’°'{g‘ In 909 R pemgou inglwsed ______________ _ ____,_,., 2003 \ R ggcgwsed --·----- - -----·---—--·-- 1 oss, eorge ., r . . ‘* pension increased ________ _ ______________ _ 1483 penmou increased .---------- - --·----- 2044