Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/1869

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3210 INDEX. Seoul, Chogm, Page- Seward, Melvin, P°8°· appropriation for interpreter at consulate 346, 1035 pension i¤¢1‘€¤·¤€d -----····-··---- - ---···· 2109 Sequmkx National Forest, Cal., Scwardp, 1{ndrew F., appropriation for maintenance, etc., of- 429, 1251 penmon increased .. . . 2109 _ proclamation modifying boundaries of . 2727 Sewers, D. C'., _ _ _ transferring part of, to Kem .. 2720 aptpropriation for cleaning and repaumg. 388, 979 transferring art of Sierra, to . . . . 2728 0I' pumping Si11}ti0I1 - · -··----·---·--— 388, 979 Sequoia N¢mZ¢maZPPark, Cal., for main and pnpe 388, 979 appropriation for protection, etc ... 745, 1421 for suburb&I1;m0t01‘ trucks ----·-· 388, 979 deficiency appropriatiou for ... 222 for rights of way . ...,... 388, 979 Scum, Samuel E, for Anacostia main interceptor. . - 388, 979 pension increased ,,. - 1490 for Rock Creek main interceptor .. 388, 979 Screnbetz, George B., for east side interceptor . _ .. 38 8, 979 deficiency appropriation for services . . 1318 deficiency appropriation for mghts of Sergeam-at-Ann; and Doorkeeper, Smale, way .. . : . 784 ` appropriation for, assistant, doorkeepers, for cleaning and repmring .. 784 messengers, etc ..,. 2 471, 1173 Smrring Machine Needles, for employees for Senate Office Building, duty on . . .. 28 under . L _ 471, 1174 Sewing Machines, for police force, Senate Office Build- duty 011 .. . . 32 mg ,,,,.. . .. 471, 1174 Sewing Silk, deficiency Zplpmpriation for clerk to; ad- duty OD . .. 1 57 dino pg- . . . -- 802 Sextzm, Elbert, _ Sergeant-at-Arm.: ouse of Representatives, pension increased 2112 up ropriation {or, dgputy, etc . 475, 1178 Seychelles blends, Eu police force, ouse Office Building, articles from, admitted at minimum tariff. 2571 under . . 476, 1178 Scyfcr, John G., Sargent, Thomas D., pension increased 1468 pension increased ... . - ... 2036 Scyferth, Jordan, Sergiue Narrows, Alaskaa pension increased 1831 preliminary examination to be made of- - - 956 Seymour, Conn., _ Sem, Norbert, _ appropriation for public building .. 1381 deficiency zgpmpriation for reimbursmg. . 797 acquiring site for public building at, au- Semmx, etc., bcrculin, thorized .. . 689 appropriation for purchase, etc., of, for Seymour, Ind., · treating animal diseases 420, 1239 appropriation for public building .. 1381 Servants, Pemmal or Domestic, acquiring site and erecting public building aliens employed as, not subject to contract at, authorized .,.,...,_, , , , 685 labor exclusion . .. 264 Seymour, Myrtle M. (daughter), Server, .Freden?:k, pension . ., , ,.,,.,,,,,,_ 1895 pension increased . . . . 1887 Shackktt, George, Scrvia, _ pension increased ..,..,,, , , , , 1893 articles fmm_, admitted at minimum tanff. 2671 Shadden, Joseph A. Servuh, Bulgana, and Rqumcmh, _ pension increased ...,,,,,.,,, , _ _ _ 1933 appropriation for mmnster to . . . 337, 1027 Shaddockg, or secretary of legation and consul- duty on ,..,... , ,,,,,,,,___ _ ____________ 38 general . 338, 1028 Shade, Amos K., . - ' Sermbe Sdwcls, Army, _ pension increased .,.,...,__ _ ______ _____ _ _ 1323 appropriation for instruction expenses. 244, 1037 Shades, leavesof absence to instructors ... 244 duty on, wood, em ,,,,,____ _ __________ _ _ _ 34 Summa or Sesarrwm Seed, Shady, Frederick, on free list, 01}. . . . ._ ... . . 77 pension increased ,_,,,,,__ _ __________ _ _ _ _ 1593

S6&8'i0'I18, Lmlla F. (10141010), Shafer, Ira,

pension . ---··-· . ... 1613 pension increased .,,____,_ _ ______ 1509 Settle, Green A., Shafer, John, pension iDCI€8S6d 1765 pension increased _____ , ________ _ _______ _ _ 1946 Settlemire, Gabriel M., Shafer, James H., pension il1C1’€386d . . . . 1510 pension increased ______ _ ______ _ ________ _ _ 1586 Sauer, flrilip, Shafer, Mattice, pchswu iDCl’€8BBd 1591 pension increased ___________ _ ____________ 1772 Swenzemzh Street NE., D. C., Shay, Albert G. E., proceedingstocondemn land for extending. 1347 ngiqn incrqgggd ______________ _ _________ 2056 aplproprmtion for expenses . 1347 Slggkrz Arnold, Swml Judicial U‘[TL'u1:£, pengmn incre3ggd_ ________ _ __________ _ _ 1715 States included in . .. 1131 Shafer! Benjamin, ° ' four circuit judges authorized for .. 1131 pensmn ___________________ _ ___________ 2064 $¢‘li¢m{. William -, Shajfer, Henry, Penmylvamh An-ilkpgy, I - - sm%““‘?>‘.§,Q‘$'°‘2;“£‘.§‘,;.;.a2e ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ " ***5 S£Z;”i°2i""°%““··1 ····· y ·······-----· 2**** _ » TQ 1 _ cr cn , en vania n a ` him! rank un Const Amllcry Corps, cor- pension iu7cyre¤sed7t? ,. 1626 _ --·-.-... 2 .. 202 Shafer, Jaeob S., SWW Ndfwnal FOT88¢, Utah, pengmn iueredggd _______ _ ______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1474 appmpriagiuu for xgmiutenauce, etc., of. 429, 1251 Shafer, Nelson, ` ` prochmatmn modnfying boundaries of. . . . 2771 peumqn incrgggd ___________________ _ ____ Iwo