Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/1875

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3216 INDEX. Silver, Page- Sinclair-Scott Company, _ _ P¤g°- duty Ou, jewelry articles of __ . . . . 67 deficiency appropriation for reimburseleei ____,_,.,,,,,.,._. 1 . _ 30 ment. . . I ...-..-- · ·-·· 690 manufactures oi, not specially provided 33 Sine, Jjulza G. (wulgw), 1839 f _________ , ,,,,____,,,,,.._...,,. pension increase ... . .-·- on freellilgt, bullion .,,. . .. 74 Slnepuxent Bay, Md,, _ coins _________,__,,__,_____,,_ . ,,,,_,,_ 74 preliminary examination of, to be made. . . 671 medals received as prizes, etc ... Sims, James S., d 1648 ore ________,, , ,_,,.,,,_,,,, , - ,,..,.,.. p€11810I1 1I1Cl`€8»S€ . · --...---·· .,-7 storms --···-·-····· - ·~--··········· 78 S*"’?.21?%'é?2£2a nn 1, 'UCT (VIM. P0 O -: ···-· - ~·~· · --··--·-•· deficiency appropriation for transporting Singers, Alien Professional, _ fnmzionnl ___,,,,___,__,,_,,_,__, 225, 777 contract labor exclusion not applicable to. 264 for loss on recoinage of dollars .. 777 Sinklwgn, Wilber F., Eleviaéion allowed in weight of single pieces 1354 S peillnsio} B. .6 .------.------ 1483 Si ver, crmlm, in `ng- u ce, . ., dut on ., . . . -1 ... 29 appropriations for salaries .. 376 969 Sil72er?'Manuel V, Sinsabaugll, Lammel E., ’ ·paymen% .. . ..., 1873 S pensgm ugxeased ..·. . . . . 1693 Simmons ., iowa it owa pension increasegi ... 1943 S termgvoiigcogrtgstlzi ... 1111 Simmons, Francis` . ioum a , . a . nsion increased.: . . .,,. 1807 a ropriation for public building . 1382 P0 PIP , Szmmons, George W., or rent .. , _. . 1 .. 1382 pension ... . 1887 limit offcost increased, public building Simmons _ any terms o court at . ... _pe¤¤1¤¤imcr¢¤1¤e<1--·: --·---·-- - ---------- 1790 sions 1m1tm,1>7}mm¢ mm, Swwwzw, Nancy S. (Mw). up mpnnnon nn fulfilling treaties with.283, 1072 _P°11¤1°¤ 111°1'°”°d ---·--—·-···-·- - ··-·-··- 1691 Ear agency employees ... . 283, 1072 S”'”'°°T*·’» *$”'°'m W1: for subsistence . 283, 1072 S,P°¤¤1°¤ ----····~····-----·- 1829 tralnsportation; employment of In- 2 W1 , » _ isms ... - .. ; 283 107 _P°11¤1°11 ····--·······—-·•····•·····-· · -·-· 1481 payment from tribal funds to Indians 1 Simmofih ]V¤l1¤c¢ An on Cheyenne _River and Standing S_p¤,::¤<g,¤m1¤;m¤,j¤¤¤d -~-·—-- - -----~---------- 2113 f Rock resprvgtrolgs . . ..,. 284,1072 ”"· i , · or supporto sc oo ... 284,1072 _P°1’¤1°n 111°1`°“°d -·---·----··--··------·- 1807 for Yankton Sioux . . . · .,. 2 84 1072 S’*PB”'°Im’H n i - · · - _ • - U · · · U I · 1855 deficiency appropriation for supporthecéi; gg, S1”'°"‘?’» 41bm *]-7 for subsistence . l . . ,1323

,,r¤¤¤,¤¤;,·;gg;,=¤,;d ··---··-·—- · --··-·-··-—· 1580 no nlm; _ of Mn nn, N. nn.,

peudog, mcrmwa _____________ _ __________ 2062 appropriation for support, etc., of .. 279, 1068 Simnds Om T- Sioux Indians, Susqton and Wahpcton Tribes, ,,,,,,,,,0;, incmggd _____________________ __ _ 1493 paymelrggger capita of balance from sale of 1 Simons, Anna (widow), _ _ 8 ‘'‘‘‘‘·‘····· j ··············- 86 w,,,,“°*°‘;1*"°'¥7‘.?°" ························ 1****** Sm '”‘“’“"&" i'"¥“Y1E‘i¤nT"%7gt”‘*‘7i; 284 1072 · _ a. ropna on or u wi . tpeneiim _,,_,,,_______,_________ 1839 ciiiims for lands in Minnesota referred to ’ Simons, Dunne E., _ of Claims . ..,.._, , , , 284 pension increased . ... 1549 Swcw Na¢3on4zl1;'<rres¢, S. Dak. and Mont., ,3* ki , y k, appro nation or mainte tc., f. 429 1251 tgloliisiilii ingileased ... . 1527 Sine. NiiMy(w¤11ow), umm G 0 ' Simpson, Alike I. (wikiow), pension increased ... . .. 1574 S pension g,ncreased.j_ .. 1523 S'¢P1V!/1 _LW{18, impson, enjamin ., _P€¤¤1011 lucfeueed . . . , 1891 ‘ ‘ ensed 1549 Soups sdinem? E., duty; pn, cane juice .. 34 pension increased . . .. 1973 fruit 1101 specially provided for . 41 Simpson, Willzhm, Indwkma Volunteers, _ imple -·-... . . ..,,,,,,_ 34 pension increased 1695 S7-wl Grass, Simpson, William, Kansas Volunteers, duty on, cables and cor-dnge ,,,,,,,_______ 49 pension increased ..., 1850 ou free 11812, bmding twine; retaliatory Simpson, William, Pennsylvania Volunteers, duty . ..,,_.. 1 ,,_______ 73 S_pensAi1o7i,1dincr$ased 1703 Hot (116-¥BB€d ordighngufactured, not speciima, _ raw ., 3 y provi or ...,,_,,,,,__ _ ____ 76 pevsion increased ..-. 1662 1S’l8£’ITl0’l'8 Willqhm Sims, John H. ; ‘ ’ ‘ 'd ____ . .p»·s»¤ unseen . - .. me g o§;2i3‘i7‘.i2%°Ft27,· 7;;,,; 2.1 ·é,;7_; · · r· M Sum, John M., · appropriation for maintenance ele. 01, 429 1251 S,P°‘”’1°¤ 1¤€F€*1·‘**<1 ·-··--- - ---—-··-·---·-·- 1961 lS188¢¢07l· and Wahpetem Bands gfsigux jndqhng ’ ww, i_7•<>m» , N. pal., ’ P°‘“?°“··· —---·- - ··—·-······-···--~·-·-· 1540 appropriaton for aynient of ceded land; 279 penmonincreasedi ... 1523 ’ land; 1) (3 ...i...?...?.,.i?. 861