Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/1912

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mnnx. 3253 Tuberculosis, Page- Tug Fork, Big Sandy River, W Va. and Ky., P¤8¤- appropnation for prevention, etc., among appropriation for improvement of . 730 Ind1a.ns..._ .. 271, 1059 Lock and Dam No. 1 . . . 652, 730 aliens afflicted with, excluded admission. . 263 Lock and Dam No, 2 ..,.,, 652 Tuberculosis Congress, International, - bridge authorized across, Warfield, 1% , 230 deficiency zgpropriation for expenses . 781 time extended for bridging, Nolan, . Va. 198 Tuberculosis, . C., Tug River, appropriation for registering cases, pre· bridge authorized across, Thacker, W. Va. 197 venting contagion, etc ... 402, 993 Tugaloo Rwer, Ga. and S . C., Tuberculosis, etc., in Dmnestic_Anlmals, preliminaz examination of, to be made- - 954 appropriation for preventing spread of, Tugs, Nzwy_ eagmng, _ » from one State to another 420, 1239 construction of two, authorized; cost .. 1387 Tuberculosis Ho; `tal, D. C., Tukey,_Susan J. (wulow), appropriation tz; maintenance .. 408, 999 Tppnsgpnlincreased .,.. 1496 or mortuary . 408 u ip u s, deficiency appropriation for ... 1298 duty 011; ..-... - - - 36 for contingent expenses . 787 Tuller,_Ert C., d 1909 Tuba, 4 pension increase . ... duty on, filter. .. 19 Tullivil, Gyllkn, {legible mgm] ____________,,,,______ . . . . 26 pension increased . . .- 2005 for umbrellas ,. 29 Tullodi, William H., welded, ggamed, or jointed. ..,__,,.. . . . 26 p0l1810I1 11101*6889d -----···----- - ---····--- 1575 iron or steel, not specially provided for. . 26 Tully, _M1.chael J. (father), _ plate metal, reenforced 26 Tggmrglgié ·---------·-------- - ------------ 1763 TVN y av : . . . . duilgon, cotton, etc., and india rcbber 48 construcuiin of public building authorized 8; k ______ ‘ _________________________ _ _,,, 60 te ap . t . .£ S3 Tucker Act rpm 0 cour s . . jurisdiction of district courts in claims Tunulty, John, yr., _ 18 2 under ______ _ ________ 2 _ _ _ Z _____, , , , 1093 pension increased --.-.--·--- - ----··-· 3 proceedings in Court of Claims in matters Tumlinson, William 0., n·ansmitted_b1y Congress under . 1138 P6¤¤10¤ 1¤¤1'°9·¤°*1 ···-·--- - ··--·····----·· 2099 Sjagled by J udicm Code .-· - - 1168 T'V»’14l$P¢'1» . 30 T ·"°‘ Chime, , cts d d`L°}'e§’€wng"°’ `°```````"` ````````'````'`` 31 ,-weed' · r re- ------- · -----·—·-~—··-··-·-- P p0rtmgi»i¤iacts;1lettc(i . .H]i- ii . . . 837 Tuning Forks and Tuning Hammers, conc usions of court as to character of <1€· duty 011 --·-··- · ··········· · ··‘‘‘‘‘ . ‘‘‘‘’‘‘ 70 msgs, ····* m··* "“‘* **1 “° "~‘ 8,, “.:‘t’,££"T.i¥‘...3"’£&‘:,‘$’,“;‘,°£t m.-..-mm. tt. PO ..-.. ...- -··- ------ •···· , 1 A IE .. . ...-·- - ---- · ··--··-·--···

;rS§0u?i,r]?: -- -.. . . . .  . . . . . . - · - · ·   Tupelo! Mi8'$'7 . . ·  

mrs Alfred 1.. _ aPP1’9R1'1“119“ 10* {*1*11*2 1)**11*1***8 ·-·- . - · : ·- peushm iuc"“’,,d ____ 2006 acquiring site an tgecting public building 686 - `````'````````'`` ` at, authoriz .. - ·--···--·----· T`{f£i£”i”.'IZ';,..,,,d 2043 Man, Mia. . . . . . MM- HM 0-» “*’1"°"*'““°?-"Z{,.3,’“""§L%“iL‘é%,`§t°"’°"` 345 Tpeugion Increased _______ _ _______ _ _ _ , ,,... 2066 Turkey 151011 0 111 11'Y ·······

 --<------—--—--·»·-—-~-—   e;;;1:,*;:;;;2,*z2:*:.t:;€?f.‘R·.·:1::1z333:%%

MM, Jolm P-, ,5,,, for interpreter toembsssy 338,1028 Tpensloll; lnc;'egS€d‘ ’‘' ’ ' ° ° ` for ggcgnd ggcfétafy- . . . . ···- · ..-- gggy » °”P -· for third secretary .. , pension increased ... . . -----····- · --—· 1955 for student, interpreters .. . 338, 1029 Tucker, Mary A. (widow), for cost of tuition ... _ 3 39,1030 pension increased ...··-- - -··· 10*13 , for quarters for student interpreters. . gig, Tuck", Milo An for steam launch fordemmsz. .é6imu· , pension incremwd _________, . .. . .. 2120 for igittgggetérs ¤¤ 81111* 346 1035 T",;”§,i',;,Y§£f2T',1;.,*Z¤?""""“" °‘{’T‘f’T’?T’3 .. we f<>r¤¤¤¤1>¤1¤'»`é·1*111*11*·1{é(11*1'1‘1=··; ·—-- ?- ggg?}ggg Mm, W<¢-m» €’§*‘V1*v1"*** V·»~~·~» ,,,, ig;$;.ii€tii;°r1i£¤iiITT.ii?.?Tii?iiiiZZ3-usliosc P°¤—"'1m 1‘1"1’°°” ·····-·-·· · ·······‘‘‘’‘ ‘ mi I fm , admitted at minimum tax-i . 2509 T~=’¤~¢~~ ”~¤’¤· N·.·’·» ,,6 q·..rn§t°i>0tt$sm8 in Am, _ _ _ ¤pp!'0Pf1¤¢10¤ 101' 1mP1'°V°m°“1° °f ···‘‘ ‘ 637’ articles from, admitted at nummum tariff. 2645 Tuckings, Turks Island, _ _ _ , duty on, cotton, flax, etc .---·- · -·-·-· · - - - 50 Tuuticlgs fygm, admitted at mimmum tauff. 2589 Tucson A . _ """"w .

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gcquiring for pllbllc building 8*111 mhmqé, {ohn W-y authorizm _________ _ ,,,,,.,... . I Tpyerfpgonfgxliplreesédl --------·-- · --·--·····-- il · 1 T“”* ‘I"""?° K‘· _________ _ ____ 1735 pensibn increased -·--------- - ·-··-·-·--· · 1838 pension increased · - [ Turnbull Adam Taft, Minnie (widow), 1915 ; pcusiog iucmagd _____,_,, . .. 1593 pension .. - ---·-·- - ·—-·- - ·-·· · ‘‘‘‘