Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/192

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1636 SIXTY-FIRST conennss. sm. 11. ou. 12.2. 1910.

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[Private, No.$5.] so rerssu sa om. Be it enacted by the Senate and House 0 Re entativea of the United P°°"°°'~ States of America in O ess assemble}; Tgat the Secretary of the Interior be, and he is heregy, authorized and directed to place on the pension roll, subject to the provisions and limitations of the pension awe-

  • "°¤¤'°¤¤ *¤°*°*°°*‘· The name -0f William H. Wright, late of Compan I, One hundred

mmm H` wngm and eightyjfourth Regiment New York Volunteer Iliifantry, and pay gnkailpensron at the_rate of twenty-four dollars per mont in lieu of a e rs now receiving. Wm**'¤ G°Y· The name of William Guy, late of Company A, Second Regiment Tennessee Volunteer Cavalry, and pay him a pension afthe rate of thirty-six dollars per month m lieu- o that he is now receiving. ’•¤*°¤'— *•Y°'* The name of James L. Meyers, late of Company E, Sixth Regiment Tennessee Volunteer Infantry, and_pay him a lpension at the rate of twenty-four dollars per month m lieu of that e IS now recervmg. }’,f_{*g",§}·,m,_ The name of Jane K. Hall, widow of James Hall, late of Com an . . . . . P ZY _ B, Th1rty—rnnth Regiment Wrsconsm Volunteer Infantry, and pay _ her a pension at the rate of twelve dollars per month. }?,¥m*,;•$_*;¤,*;}g*,;‘{‘,’}°,,‘,§_ The name of William B. Britton, late ma] or Eighth Regiment Wisconsm Volunteer Infantry, and pay him a pension at the rate of fifty dollars per month m lieu of that he is now recei . w""‘“" H' mm The name of William H._ Edie, late of Company f, First Regiment ‘ Ohio Volunteer Heavy Artillery, and pay a pension at the rate of ‘ Mm L · thrrphty dollars per month in lreu of that he is now recervmg. _ e name 0 Allen Patrick, late of Company C, One hundred and nmth Regiment Illmois Volunteer Infantry, and pay him a pension at the rate of fifty dollars ger month in lieu of that he is now receiving. ”·°"°" °“"""· The name o Robert arlton, late of United States ships Conestoga and {Iaglij United States _N ayy; and pay him a pension_at the rm ·=—··»¤- ""%.‘Z. ...1i..3’.f°E'2i”...’3.°%Z’.“.`3£‘¤lhf.§‘..i'°.}} `}i£`.“Ei‘° ‘§r“‘i»"' ’E°i£"“’g‘ . 1 y US ($11;; Bigggrgplegrdlélleiavy Artilleryfl audi pay fh§p11 tg }pension at tiliienigille - arsermon m euo a " . "*°"°""“'”°"- The name of Rachel) Turner, widow·0f·John L.1STIi1(i}ndrei·?clidzd11<§f Company I, One hundred and twenty-sixth Regiment Ohio Volun- _ teer Infantry, and pay her a lpension at the rate of twenty-four Q}?;'*__,°,_:,’_;,,,cme0,, dollars per month rn 1eu of t at she is now receivin : Provided, <1e¤¤¤·>i¤ml¤. That m the event_of the death of Freddie Turner, helpiss and de- P i pendent son of said John L. Turner, the additional pension herein _,,,_$g*j,*gQ,,j;>,,~;f,*j}° on granted shall cease and determine: And prvvidedfurther, That in the egeatlpg the cgrth ofl'RachelTume1li the name of said Freddie Turner sa_ pac onte nsionro, b`tttl1 " lrmrtatrons of the pensd):1 laws, at Ellie Jiidte of mgellileolllgllglri aglei P _ month from and after the date of death of said Rachel Turner. ..5.“..;‘.:’.‘?.·r. .. The ¤¤m<> of Barbara A- Bacon, forjmer widow of cnrk W. 1)..11, late of Company D, Sixty-eighth Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Penmmncmqed anrglwpay her a pension at the rate of twelve dollars per month. .Ih,,m,w·Bmd€,g0,,·_ _ e name o Thomas Henderson, late of Company K, Nineteenth Reg1ment_Oh1o Volunteer Infantry, and ay him a pension at the mms com rate of thirty dollars per month in lieu oi) that he is now receiving. · ·· Thel rigme of Thomas S. Coley, late of Company H, Twenty- secon egrment Kentucky Volunteer Infantry, and a him a pension at_the rate of thirty dollars per month in lieu oi) that he is __ _ now receiving. _ w‘·“““ R·S*“""‘· RThe name of Wrlliatm Strawn, late of Company B, Sixteenth egrment Pennsylvania lolunteer Cavalry, and pay him a pension

ct%lpe_ rate of twenty-four dollars per month in lieu of that he is now