Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/1941

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3282 INDEX. · Yakima Indian Reservation, Wash., Page, Ellow Metal, Pigsappropriation for irrigation system on ; duty on . ._ .. 30 reimbursement . 286, 1075 Yellowstone National Park, _ report on necessity for wagon road in . . 1075 appropriation for commissioner 529, 1233 deficiency appropriation for classifying, or maintenance, etc. . . I ... 725, 1402 g etc., lands of. . . I - 213 restrisgion on removing snow from 725 , towusites to be reserve etc., on unal ot roa . · u m1“‘?S1§’*1;s;ie‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 3323 i°’ p'°”°$l§’”s§i° ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ li? iiig _ ao en c no e ..., orcareo u oes . ... , approparflaotion for expenses of surveys, for chapel on Fort Yellowstone Reserva- 1050 t etc . . . 349 tion in - . fiesenmtiontgiigtown sus for pchzols, etp 349 include;} in Wyoming judicial district. . - . 11% is 'tiono roceeds msa eso town ots 349 terms o courtm . - . 1 Ypliowliliticgi oiiinliioxicants 349 jurisdiction of Wyoming district court over 16 a iver, iss., crimes, etc., in ... . .. 94 Ypreliminary examination of, to be made. . 672 Hzllowstone River, ` amhill River, Oreg., bridge authorized across, in Dawson appropiigiation for improvement of . . 664, 950 Counyy, Mont . . ., 600 Ymcy, L., Yerba Buena stand, Cal., Ypension increased . . . Z 2073 appropriation for naval training station, ankton, Norfolk and Southern Rmlway maintenance .,,,,,_.,,._,_ 609, 1269 tim Ctoamggggé, b _ _ M_ _ R_ deficiency appropriation for naval training e ex n or ri rmouri iver, stati , mninto C ______________ 1304 Y k Y , S. .. 267,1351 Yetter, John ($1, mm 8 ’ vm ion, . . nsion in eased ...,.,,,.. 2109 time extended ior bridging Missouri River Tgikum, Tell; at ------·----·---·---· 186, 267, 1082, 1351 appropriation for public building . . . . 1385 Yankton Tribe (¥S‘i01L3I Indians, S. Dak., acquiring site for public building at, au- ¤E9wp;·i¤¤l<;:dgr§¤¤§1ing¤e£;wr8v;i1h. - 2*:4, 1072 Y thm-ized ... - .,... 692 ~ c un or m mneso erred ocum, George, Court of Claims- .. - ... 284 . ‘ in msssd _____________ _ ________ 2050 attorneys to be furnished . . 284 `Yocum:mMo.;r, ; V YhPl¢»_ Hap! E- (WWW), Ypension increased ... . ,,,.,, 2075 Ypensnon increased _. . ._ . 2111 ohum, Mary Anno (daughter), aqugna, Oreg., Customs District, Ypgngign ____ _ ______________________ _ ____ 1547 ¤9!T1$0¤'Y -·---·---·--·--·---- . .--..-·.-·- 579 onkers, N. Y, . POW of °¤l¥Y Y 0111** --·--·--·-···--·-- 579 a propriation for public buildin' g . , . . 1385 port of del1very;ul*I ewport ... i ... 579 limit of cost increased, public building. . . 678 Yofficers ind regence ‘ 579 York, Charley E_, aqmlm, war egy , · . 1`6886d ·-.. . . ... . 1 2 Yprehmmary examination to be made of. . . 956 5;;;-3 _4_, 8 7 Wd, 4l°<*i•md¢*’ A I/pension increased . . ...,,.., 1647 Ypension 11l<{l'€$8¢¢i_ .. . . 1477 ark Rwer, Va_, Ygtgisxgglnw (www), 1492 aptygoggriiiggg for improvement of .. . . gg mms: _ _ _ Pa. -H-"·"-Hinh".-M.-in duty 00, amfcml silk, GW ·--·---·------- 60 appropriation for jpublic building 1385 c<>¢¤¤¤ -·---------- _ --·---------.---.--· 4 1 Yosemite gxrommaz sri, 07,7,, 9*1% h°mP» °1’ ¤¤¤° ·-···-·---- - ·-··- 49 appropriation for protection, one ,_,___ 745, 1420 gifs]; · • - · ··········-··-··--- · · - - 42 Ol' €X§II11B3i7l0DS for sources of San Fran- »t 1***1} ii? °¤- - :dé&·f ·-·—--·--··-- 5 cisco water supply m .. 745 w0*;‘{°:P°°m Y P*'°“ 9* ··--····- - continued. . ,_ , ,______,_ 1420 - ‘‘‘‘ . ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘’‘‘‘‘·‘‘‘• ‘ ··‘‘‘‘ Yost David J on free list, corr .. . ..,,.,.., 74 ’ · · " yam, Alfred, pension increased ,. _ ...,_,,,_______, 1529 nsion increased . . 1712 Y°"tr JOM! H Tv . y¥,_,_ Hm.,,“,,’ pension increased ..,,,,,,_ _ __________ 2056 nsiou increased ... . ...,..,.,_..,. 1832 Yvuyhwylgmy River, Pa., Yggapag Count Ayfz_, appropriation for improvement of . 638 yi _ lands granted to Arizona to pay bonds { Young, Andrew J, Y Rljssuedvby . 573 pension increased __________ _ _____________ 1344 ` 0200 ‘¢°{€h_ 1831 Young, Antoine, ap ro nation for improvement of mouth f- 647 ‘ ‘ tease ____ · idr iinprovement oi, and tributaries., .0 647, 942 y5;:;10Ea1Z,$n d . '``` ```'``‘`‘ ° 1677

 2022 pensionincréased ..,, _ ,,,_______,____ 1643

Yizidiger, Daniel M., Ymmgz Cllarleir mum increased _________ _ ____________ 1770 pension increased ,, _ _,_,_____________ 1792 Ygyyz yium, Young, Charles L., r ’})€DS1()I1 .,. , .,_,,____ _ ____ 1550 YP6¤5101éh1;1 ... . ..,,,,,, 1710 eamaps, _ oya oung, r 3 ., Ypenmon increased . . 1709 pension increased ..,,______________ _ _____ 1901 ¢”<~ Foro f . , , Young nam nam, ¤PPmPm¤¤¤ W P'°V°¤¤°¤ of °P1d6!¤1¢- - 717, appropriation for improvements . · 1394 of, on Waa Island, Wash . 286