Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/196

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1640 SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. C11. 132. 1910. G?°’¥°H°“°”°“· The name of Georige Henderson, late of Company F, Seventh Re i- ment Wisconsin Vo unteer Infantrlyi, and play him a pension at tie rate of thirty dollars per month in `eu of t at he is now receiving. wm*°"’ A-9m**h· The name of William A. Smith, late of Companies B and M, Sixth Retg111;epIp_ Kapisalp Volunteer Clavaliy, arpdupayhhim a pension at the ra o rrty dollars per mont in reu o at e is now receiving. Wm’*¤LM¤u°¤¤°- The name of W11liam A. Mallonee, late of Company I, First Regiment Iowa Volunteer Cavalry, and pay a pension at the rate of Mberm mm forliiy dollars pgrinippthlan hpu of tlpat e iscnow - °*~ e name 0 rt . ames, ate of om any B, 'rty-sixth Regiment Iowa. Volunteer Infantry, and a a pension at th rate of thirty dollars pler month in lieu ofptliiat he is now receiving? ”f,*f**¤ L G- '¤¤°m¤* The name of ohn . G. Thorplpson, late of Company G, Second Retgrmprit Illpiopr Vollurilteer Cav ry, and ppy ahpenslion at the ra o wen y- our dollars per mont in·1eu o t at e is now H,jégf•¤¤¤¤‘ B°*· rfciqhe name of Alexander Bollinger, late of Company E, Seventy- _ sixth Regiment Pennsylvan1a~Vo unteer Infantry, and ay him a $21;%:;:; rate of twenty-four dollars per month in liieu of that wumm u. norton- 'Ine name of Wi’ll1'am M. Holton late second lieutenant, Company B, Sixtretilrtlilegiutrganti Ilgolunteer Infalptry,1 and fpay him a pensrona era o t ° hth' mmm B mm n0¥hmwiving·f wml Y dollars per mon rn 1eu o t a e rs _ · ° enameo `amB.Whitcomb lteofC B,E` ht -· mb second Regiment Indiana Volunteer llnfiintry, aiiifpaauyhim zigpehmi-L . the rat; 0; thirty dollars per month in lieu oi) that he is now e name 0 liza A. Elliott wido f J than Elli tt 1 second lieutenant Company I, Onie hund‘i·e¢(i anldntilhirty-secoiid ment Indiana Volunteer Infantry, and pay her a pension at the rate sd mm mm ofqtggnty dollagjper m<§tli)1n heiutgf phgt she is now receiving. °'“ · · name o omon . rice, a o M, Se d R '- ment_M1chr%1an Volunteer Cavalry, and ay (irIiiir)Id1;ensionci1.(l.Dthe sails of thirty dollars vperjmonth in lieu of that he is now receiving. Wl1li.smH.St¤l¤· Tltrelpame of allmfnp H. Stultzf, late of Conépany C, First Regimen emrsy vama o unteer Infantry d C Thi - eighth Regiment Pennsylvania Militia Irifaxzry, ii.iiii);>I;}y hiin a nh- Omm 6 :;:)>§h:;ct}};$i;l:;t;(g>f twenty-four dollars per month in lieu of that li); is · ¤¤¤¤‘· e name o_ scar N. Greer,} te fC G Th' fg ·., ment West Virginia Volunteer Ili1fa1itry?l:i1)dn yay ihimuia ggirgigiiiilt Job umu 6 :;r(E%§iltpgof twenty-four dollars per month in lieu of that he is now "‘ "' “· e name of John McGowan, 1 te fC H On h twerrty-eighth Regiment IllinoisiiVol)untgiaIi·p§°isintiy a‘i1dL;1aii_;€liliri1md pension at the rate of twenty-four dollars per month in heu of that e rs now recervm . Alo¤zoC.Grout. The na f 5 G I _ _ . ...;:..2.;*e:,.;2¤:;..:.$~:.;.·* areas Srihsieer Regiment Mamachusetts Volunteer Cavalry and ary hm} QD at the rate of thirty-six dollars per month lieupof that h pimsmn receiving. 8 is DOW H°“’Y B*“'“¥"· The name of Henry Billm I t f C ‘ Regiment Pennsylvania Volhiilteeii In(iant(i·_l5i:paIin1£I I§ryERgr£t§·¥e;;?gg gg rgpeingf twenty-four dollars per month in lieu of that he is B°b°¤ O·W¤m¢¤· The name of Robert O. Wh`tt ,l te f C ‘ Igegrment Indiana Volunteer Infliilirtriy, &(Ild 0§;rpi£g1I§§,;¥;g;gSgxgl;

1 egegzgacof twenty-four dollars per month inllieu of that he is now