Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/208

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1652 SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 138. 1910. Y H°¤*’Y C- *"“’*’· The name of Henry C. Babb, late of Company B, Eighth Regiment Iowa Volunteer Cavalry, and pay him a pension at the rate of twenty- four dollars per month in lieu 0 that he is now receiving. ,°·,‘}“€°““’ S·"?“€“‘ The name of Augustus S. Boughton, late of Company A, Forty- ` ninth Regiment Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, and pafy him a pension, at the rate of twenty-four dollars per month in heu 0 that he IS now ` _ eivmg' . -'<>¤¤ ¥¤¤‘¤¤¥°¤· mcThe name of John McCracken, late of Compoloy H, Fourteenth Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry, and pay _ a pension at the ratohrgf thirty <%oll}a;1;)s perBmo-pth onlheu of ghat he is 1]}ovv:I{vece;v1ngi d G°°¤¢¤B- PW']- name 0 e . ear , ate 0 ompany , en y·t r Regiment Wisconsinlafolunteer Infantry, and payx him a pension atthe rate of thirty dollars gr month in lieu of that e is now receiving. ·'°¤¤ D· H°*>¤>¤· h1The}pau;o of John DS;0 obron, lasescaptainlpftpohihlémted gtates · s ort are `na, merset, an avanna , ni tates avy, andm a him a nsion at the rate of twenty-four dollars per month an in lielir of that hleleis now receiving. I '""‘ °°°°‘ The name of Frank Morgan, late of Company G, Second Battalion, Fourteenth Regiment United States Infantry, and pay him a pension at the rate of twenty-four dollars per month in lieu of that he is now receiving. °*“**"°°c“"m The name of Catharine Cahill, widow of Edward Cahill, late of Company E, Nmth Rolgiment ?onnect1cotHVolunteer Inflantx, and pay er a pension at the rate 0 sixteen dollars per mont in `eu 0 that she is now recei . ‘ ` F¤¤k¤·¤¤w· The name of FrarEu§i. Bgrfy, late of Company E, Eighty-ninth Regiment Illmois Volunteer antry, and pay him a pension at the ratrleh of thirty oogars mhopzgh in lieu og tgat he is l13rW66CBgYlI1g. d‘ ueoey. enameo asse . o,ate0 oman , ne d cmd!. · and twelfth Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infaiitrg and unassuilgnleiii, Seventy-ninth egiment Indmna Volunteer Infantry, and ay him gooorision atlgthe rate of thirty dollars per month in heu of that he is eceivi . M¤=·>¤¤ ¤¤¤¤v- The name of Almont Silsby, late of Company K, Eighth Regiment Vermont Volunteer Infantry, and pay him a pension at the rate of twenty-four dollars per month in lieu of that he is now receiving. ’°‘*¤ °·B°*““· V The namelof Johr} Bettis, late of gompany F, First Regiment ermont o unteer antry, and ay im a pension at the te f‘ twenty-four dollars per month in ligu of that he is now reeeiviliilg. 0 C ’°"°P*‘ ”“'*"· The name of Joseph David, late of Company E, First Regiment Kentucky Volunteer Cavalry, and pay him a pension at the rate of twenty-four dollars per month in lieu of that he is now receiving. '?“¤ *‘¤*m°'· 1 The naing of Ella galore? widow {pf Frank galmer, late seeond ieutenant ompany , ig teenth e °ment enn l V 1 - teer Cayalry, and pay her a pension_at tgiie rate of twentyaclldhazg lpldr month in lieu of that she is now receiving. J°’“* H·M°"¥“‘· RThe nano? of JohnVH. Morgan, late of Company G, Fifty-third egrment entuc y olunteer Infantry, a cl a hi t the rate of twenty-four dollars per month Iii; lied? of Itilhgtplililsiixmriosiv _ receiving. B“m“°‘W‘“""’· The name of Samuel Willard, late surgeon Ninety-seventh Regin;eip1;`tIlli(po1;s Volunteer Ilpfanfry, zondhpay him a pension at the rate _ooyoarsermont1n1euotateisn L°°“”’d “· °""‘*"· The name of lleonard B. Corliss, late of Troopolli I-Slgzcli/iv1d1I{egiment United States Cavalry, and play him ·a pension at the rate of thirty _ dollars per month in ieu of t at he is now receiving. °h""“ G·H“‘“‘“g’· The name of Charles G. Hastings, late of Company G, Fifteenth Regiment New York Volunteer Engineers, and pay him a ension at ~ the rate of twenty-four dollars per month in lieu of that Ilie is now receiving.