Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/396

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1840 SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. C1-1. 351. 1910. ,Q¥:i°e;’,,ushneu_ The name of Rosalee Bushnell, widow of George Bushnell, late second lieutenant Com any B and captain Company F, Ninety-third iglegimtintfilewl Yo5kuVolunteer Iiglantry, and pay her a pension at era o weve dollars_ ermon . P¤¤¤i¤¤¤i¤¤£¤¤<r The name of Mary E. Hi)nds, widow of James B. Hinds, late second ‘ “°”E'm° lieutergaxat Complalnfy C, Twodhundlred and sixth Regiment illennsyl- ' nte ant , an er a ension at the rate 0 wenty— f;’@·,0 cm at i’T<iii]1i£iloll)airs peii·rmonthliii lieu ggiihat shei) is now receiving: Promkied, desth of child- That the Event of th; dea§hJof Susilnnlalh Ighozlfle Hilnlds, helpless and d n ent a hter 0 said ames . in s, the a itiona pension $§“;}"Q,,'g’nf§1“ °“ hgiiiin grantedlghall cealisefand deterimiingz Alpd providgd f zfirgzer, Tha; in the event of the deat 0 Mary E. in s, the name 0 said usanna Phcebe Hinds shall be placed on the lpension roll, subject to the rovisions at1i§lfl.imitati3ns% of the pgnsionf gwsiat téhe rgtizi of tvsgizlgel dolllars rmon oman aterte ateo eat osai ary . ins. Wmim We p6TheCp;me;,0f Willia1;111fLove, latedofCo1lr11[I;any B, Forty-third Regi; ment 0 o unteer antry, an pay a pension at the rate 0 thirty dollars per month in lieu of that he is now receiv` `. . '1'¤¤¤¤¤$¤**l· The name of Thomas Stead, late of Company H, Nii-iii Regiment New York Volunteer Heavy Artillery, and pay him a nsion at the rate_ of twenty-four dollars per month in lieu of tliiaiit he is now receiving. ¤¤m·yu.nm1¤._ The name of Henry M. Marvin, late assistant surgeon, 'hvelfth Regiment Michigan Volunteer Infantry, and pizy him a pension at the rate of forty dollars 5:;* month in lieu of that e is now receiving. ami-ew 1. reruns. The name of An w J. Perkins, late of Company L, Sixteenth Regiment Kansas Volunteer Cava.hg;_and pay him a pension at the rate of twenty-four dollars per mon in l1eu of that he IS now receiv- Jmpa s. a..n¤ss¤¤. mglhe name of Joselph A. Judson, late second lieutenant Com any G, Seventy-eighth egiment New York Volunteer Infantry, andp ay hémha pension at the rate of twenty-four dollars per month in lieu 0 t at e is now receiv . ,,,§·**¤*¤ P- °¤¤¤¤· Thi; nam; o%I§ld§s Qliampbélrp, lated captaiiliim and assistant uar rmasr, D1 a s oun rsan t, (tihe rate of thirty dollars per month in lieii of thetilie is neiiwpxiiilcigrling. wuum sam. The name of Willham Scott, late of Company E, Fifth Re ent Kansas Volunteer Cavalry, and pay him a pension at the rate oigigirty dollars per month in lieu of that he is now receiving. J¤¤¤¤ M-J~¢k¤¤¤- The name of James M. Jackson, late of Company C, Thirt -eighth Regiment, and Company G, Thirty-fourth Regiment, Iowa Viilunteer In£nIn1t)rly,ha?1dl}>ay0g1;1i111&tahpei1;sion at the_rate of twenty-four dollars pe eu _ e now receiv . ne¤5.m1¤o.c¤¤¤. The name of Benjamin O. Conn, late Si-gina lieutenant, Company C, One hundred and mnety-seventh Regiment Pennsylvania Volunf.‘i;".¥£1"¤'3‘.?&§?tt£’Z’i.£"5§‘.§‘..€.°£‘§;2?V?.Eg‘h° "“‘°° °‘ ‘°*“‘“°" ‘*°““” PH James nan. The name of James Hall, late of Com. an B, T t —fi `- ment Missouri Volunteer Infantry, and IQN1)? him dvéiierisiolnstaiifiiiiile rate of thirty dollars per month in l1eu of that he is now receiving. Thomnwnaems, The name of Thomas Whittleton, late of Company C Thj;·ty.fOm·th Regiment New York Volunteer II1f§iDl3_l'y, 8'Dd pay a pension at the rate of thirty dollars per month in lieu of that he is now receiving · Ewa Gawhcl- The name of Enos Gatchel, late of Company F, Ninth Regiment t g;ug(Xl;£;n:;§;yI§§I§a£§% E13 ggayhhirri a pension at the rate of thirty- a e is now _ new Robinson. The name of Henry Robinson, late of CaptaI.ifii3‘lhveli1§3rown’g company, Ninth Legion Indiana Volunteer Infant , and pay him a n- sion at the rate of thlfty-SIX dollars per monih in lieu of that lifis now receiving. KMF- B- ¤*·°C°¤· The name of Kate E. B. MacC0nnell widow fCh l C - MIL nell, late first lieutenant and captain, Fifth Reigimeiiii illnitehciaézgstgs