Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/695

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2144 AGREEMENT-GREAT BRITAIN. JANUARY 27, 1909. ARTICLE V. "'!`¤‘¤>¤¤*' °*¤**>*°*°· The Tribunal of Arbitration provided for herein shall be chosen _ °¥·16rm•u¤¤. from the general list of members of the Permanent Court at The Hague, in accordance with the jglovisions of Article XLV of the Convention for the Settlement of ternational Displutes, concluded at the Second Peace Conference at The Hague on the 18th of October, 1907. The provisions of said Convention, so far as sagphcable and not inconsistent herewith, and excepting Articles L _ and LIV, shall govern the proceedings under the submission herein provided for. ` The time allowed for the direct agreement of the President of the United States and His Britannic Majesty on the composition of such Tribunal shall be three months. ` Awrrcu: VI. ”•*“¤¤ The Hleadings shall be communicated in the order and within the time fo owing: Deliver! ¤¤ we As soon as ma be and within a period not exceeding seven months from the date ofy the exchange of notes making this agreement binding the printed case of each of the Parties hereto, accompanied by printed co ies of the documents, the official correspondence, and a other evidgnce on which each Party relies, shal be delivered in duplicate (with such additional copies as m§ be agreed upon) to the nt of the other Party. It s all be su cient for this purpose if sung: case is delivered at the British Embassy at Washington or at the American Embassy at London, as the case may be, for transmission to the agent for its Government. Within fifteen days thereafter such printed case and accompanyin evidence of each of the Parties shall be delivered in duplicate to eacg member of the Tribunal, and such delivery may be made by depositing within the stated period the necessary number of copies with the International Bureau at The Hague for transmission to the ` Arbitrators. u;>;¤iv¤*v¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤*· After the delivery on both sides of such printed case, either Party ' may, in like manner, and within four months after the ex iration of the period above fixed for the delive to the agents of the case, deliver to the agent of the other Party lgvith such additional copies as may be agreed u(pon), a rinted counter·case accompanied by printed copies of ad itional dbcuments, correspondence, and other evidence in reply to the case, documents, correspondence and other evidence so presented by the other Party, and within fifteen dave thereafter such Party shall, in like manner as above provided, deliwer in duplicate such counter—case and accompanying evidence to each of the Arbitrators. mggsr ¢ri<¤¢¤<>¢ M- The foregoing provisions shall not revent the Tribunal from per- ` mitting either Partv to rely at the lhearing upon documentary or other evidence which is shown to have become open to its investigation or examination or available for use too late to be submitted A within the period hereinabove fixed for the delivery of copies of evidence,_but in case any such evidence is to be presented, rinted copies of lt, as soon as (possible after it is secured, must be delivered, in `ke manner as {provided for the delivery of copies of other evidence to each of the Ar itrators and to the agent of the other Party. Thd admission of any such additional evidence, however, shall be subject to such conditions as the Tribunal may im se, and the other Party shlall have a reasonable opportunity to oflle(i· additional evidence in re utta . w·;gd•g;;<}f¤<‘¤ *0 be The Tribunal shall take into consideration all evidence which is offered by either Party.