Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/923

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2372 CONVENTION-MARITIME RED CROSS. Ocronsrz 18, 1907. C°““`°°““¤' P°W‘ REPUBLI UE DE CHILI; SA public of Cuba; His Majesty the mPO°numm` MAJESTEQIIEMPEREUR DE Kin of Denmark; the President CHINE; LE PRESIDENT DE of tie Dominican Republic; the LA REPUBLIQUE DE .CO- President of the Repub ic of Ecua- LOMBIE; LE GOUVERNEUR dor; His Majesty the King` of PROVISOIRE DE LA REPU- Spain; the President of the BLIQUE DE CUBA; SA MA- ·French Republic; His Majesty _ JESTE LE ROI DE DANE- the King of the United Kin dom MARK; LE PRESIDENT DE of Great Britain and Irelang and LA REPUBLIQUE DOMINI- of the British Dominions beyond CAINE; LE PRESIDENT DE the Seas, Engeror of India; His LAREPUBLIQUE DEL’EQUA- Majesty the infg of the Hellenes; TEUR; SA MAJESTE LE ROI the President o the Republic of D’ESPAGNE; LE PRESIDENT Guatemala; the President of the DE LA REPUBLI(%`U'E FRAN- Republic of Haiti; His Majesty EAISE; SA MAJES E LE ROI the King of Italy; His Majesty U ROYAUME·UNI DE the Emperor of Japan; His Royal GRANDE BRETAGNE ET Highness the Grand Duke of Lux- . D’IRLANDE ET DES TERRI- em urg, Duke of Nassau; the TOIRES BRITANNIQUES AU President of the United States of DELA DES MERS, EMPE- Mexico; His Royal Highness the REUR DES INYDES; SA MA- Prince of Montenegro; His Maj- JESTE LE ROI DES HELLE- esty the King of Norwa ; the NES; LE PRESIDENT DE LA President of the Republic of REPUBLI§UE DE GUATE— Panama; the President of the MALA; L PRESIDENT DE Republic of Paraguay; Her Maj- LA REPUBLIQUE D’HAITI; esty the Queen of the Nether- SA MAJESTE LE ROI D’ITA- lands; the President of the Re- LIE; SA MAJESTE L’EMPE- public of Peru; His Imperial Maj.- REUR DU JAPON; SON AL- `esty the Shah of Persia; His Maj- TESSE ROYALE LE GRAND- esty the King of Portugal and of DUC DE LUXEMBOURG, DUC the Algarves, &c.; His Ma`esty DE NASSAU; LE PRESIDENT the King of Roumania; His ]Maj- DES ETATS - UNIS MEXI- esty the Emperor of All the Rus- CAINS; SON ALTESSE RO- sias; the President of the Repub- YALELEPRINCE DE MONTE- lic of Salvador; His Majesty the NEGRO; SA MAJESTE LE ROI King of Servia; His Majesty the DE NORVEGE; LE PRESL King of Siam; His Majesty the DENT DE LA REPUBLIQUE King of Sweden; the Swiss Fed- DE PANAMA;LE PRESIDENT eral Council; His Majesty the DE LA REPUBLIQUE DU Emperor of the Ottomans; the PARAGUAY; SA MAJESTE LA President of the Oriental Repub- REINE DES PAYS-BAS; LE lic of Uru ay; the President of PRESIDENT DE LA REPU— the Unite<IlStates of Venezuela: BLI%IgE DU. PEROU; SA MAJ TE IMPERIALE LE SCHAH DE PERSE; SA MA- JESTE LE ROI DE PORTU- GALE ET DES ALGARVES, ETC.; SA MAJESTE LE ROI DE ROUMAN IE; SA MAJESTE UEMPEREUR DE TOUTES LES RUSSIES; LE PRESI- DENT DE LA REPUBLIQUE DU SALVADOR; SA MAJ ESTE LE ROI DE SERBIE; SA MA- JESTE LE=ROI DE SIAM; SA MAJESTE LE ROI DE SUEDE LE coNsE1L FEDERAL SUISSE; SA MAJESTE L’EM—