Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/966

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CON VEN TION—NEUTRALS IN NAVAL WAR. OCT. 18, 1907. 2415 Oonventwn between the United States and other Powers concerning the O°’°*’°" “· lg"- rights and duties of neutral Powers in naval war. Signed at The Hqague October 18, 1907; adherence advised by the Senate April 17, 1908; adherence declared by the President of the United States February 933, 190.9; rati)‘ication degosited with the llletherlands Government November 27, 1909; proc imed Ipebruary 28, 1910. BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. A PROCLAMATION. Whereas a Convention concerning the rights and duties of neutral w,§‘f""“" i" “°"‘I owers in naval war was concluded and signed at The Hague on Pre¤¤\>\¢- Dctober 18, 1907, bg the respective Pleni otentiaries of Germany, the Argentine Repu lic, Austria-Hun,g;ary,}l3e%ium, Bolivia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Chile, Colombia, Denmar , the ominican Republic, Ecuador, France, Great Britain, Greece, Guatemala, Haiti, Italy, Japan, Luxemburg, Mexico, Montene¥o, Norwaiy, Panama, Paraguay, the Netherlands, Peru, Persia, ortugal, oumama, Russia, Salvador, Servia, Siam, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Uruguay, and Venezuela, the original of which Convention, being in the French language, is word for word as follows: [Translation.] XIII. XIII. CON V ENTION • CONVENTION CONCERNANT LES DROITS ET LES CONCERNING THE RIGHTS AND DEVOIRS DESPUISSANCES NEU- DUTIES OF NEUTRAL POWERS TRES EN CAS DE GUERRE MARI- IN NAVAL WAR. TIME. _ SA MAJESTE L’EMPEREUR His Majesty the German Em- ¤¤¤¤¤·¤**¤HP¤w¤¤ D’ALLEMAGNE, ROI DE peror, King o Prussia; the Presi- PRUSSE; LE PRESIDENT DE dent of the Argentine Republic; LA REPUBLIQUE ARGEN— His Majesty the Emperor of Aus- T INE; SA MAJESTE L’EM— tria, King of Bohemia, &c., and PEREUR D’AUTRICHE, ROI Apostolic King of 'Hunggr ; His DE BOHEME ETC., ET ROI Majesty the King of the ellgians; APOSTOLIQUE DE HONGRIE ; the President of the Republic of SA MAJESTE LE ROI DES Bolivia; the President 0 the Re- BELGES; LE PRESIDENT public of the United States of DE LA REPUBLIQUE DE Brazil; His Royal Highness the BOLIVIE; LE PRESIDENT Prince of Bulgaria; the President DE LA REPUBLIQUE DES of the Republic of Chile; the Pres- ETATS — UNIS DU BRESIL; ident of the Republic of Colom- SON ALTESSE ROYALE LE bia;Hisl\Iajesty the King of Den- PRINCE DE BULGARIE; LE mark; the President of the Do- PRESIDENT DE LA RE- minican Republic; the President PUBLIQUE DE CHILI; LE of the Republic of Ecuador; the PRESIDENT DE LA RE- President of the French Re ub- PUBLIQUE DE COLOMBIE· lic; His Majesty the King of the SA MAJESTE LE ROI DF: United Kingdom of Great Brit-