Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/990

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DECLARATION—PROJECTILES FROM BALLOONS. Oor. 18, 1907. 2439 Declaration between the United States and other Powers prohibiting the discharge of projeetiles and losi/ues from balloons. Signed at The Hague October 18, 1.907; ra ation advised by the Senate March 12, 1.908; ratified by the Presi t of the United States Ilebruary 23, 1909,· ratiyication deposited with the Netherlands Government November 27, 1909; proclaimed February 28, 1.910. BY THE PRESIDENT OF Tun Urzrrnn STATES or Anmmca. A PROCLAMATION. Whereas a Declaration prohibiting the discharge of pro(gectiles and , wP1{<3¢¢**‘°¤*’°¤b*l· explosives from balloons was signe at The Hague on ctober 18, mmnie. 1907, by the respective Plenipotentiaries of the United States of America, the Argentine R¢é:)ubl1c,_A11stria·Hungary, Bolivia, Brazil, Bulgaria, China, 1omb1a,_ Cuba, the Domimcan Republic, · Ecuador, Great Britain, Greece, Haiti, Luxembuliiv, Norvvay, Panama, ‘ the Netherlands, Peru, Persia, Portugal, Salv or, Siam, Swntaerland, Turkey, and Uruguay, the original of which Declaration, being in the French language, is word for word as follows: [Translation.] XIV. XIV. DECLARATION DECLARATION RELATIVE A L’INTERDICTION DE PROHIBITING THE DISCHARGE OF LANCER DES PROJECTILES ET PROJECTILES AND EXPLOSIVES DES EXPLOSIFS DU HAUT DE FROM BALLOONS. BALLONS. Les soussignés, Plénipoten— The Unders%ned, Plenipoten- lntemniionnldeclv tiaires des Puissances conviées a tiaries of the owers invited to '““°“ "“°`"’d‘ la Deuxieme Conférence Interna- the Second International Peace tionale de la Paix a La Haye, Conference at The Hague, duly dument autorisés ia. cet eiiet par authorized to that effect by their leurs Gouvernements, Governments, inspired by the s’inspirant des sentiments qui sentiments which found expresont trouvé leur expression dans la sion in the Declaration o St. Déclaration ide St. Pétersbourg Petegslliurg oghe 29th Nogeéneber 29 novem re , - llt ecem r), 1868, an ing du 11 décembre 1868’ Bt desu-fmt desirous of renewing the declararenouveler la Déclaration de La tion of The Hague of tho 29th V°*·32·P·“’*°· Haye du 29jui11et 1899, arrivéea Jply, 1899, which has now cxexgrafion, Pirlgdi I éc arent: ec nroi Les Puissances contractantes The Q0fil5I`8€tlI1g Powers agree H¥·¤¤;¤¤¤i¤sbg{;>i¢¢*- consentent, pour une ériode to prohibit, for a Heriod extend- .,$_p,.'X§Yy,n.,d_ °°°" 3]],;;,1; jus u’5 13, fin dg ig, gmi- ing to the close oft eThird Peace siéme Corilérence de la Paix, a Conference, the discharge of Ero- Pinterdiction de lancer des pro- {GCUIBS and explosives rom al- 'ectiles et des explosifs du haut de oonspr by other new methods of ballons ou par d’autres modes H Snnllnr nature. analogues nouveaux.