Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/1013

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990 SIXTY·SECOND CONGRESS. Sms. HI. Ch. 150. 1913. or growing out of any violation of the provisions of this section, on the ground orhfor the reason thahtlhue en reqrmed 0 ma mcnmma

  • ¤*g&{:*! mm gr siiblgcttrliim to prinalty or forfeiture; {ut no person so

p°°°°° testified shall be prosecuted or subjected to my penalty or forfeiture for_ or on account of _ transaction, matter, or thing concermng which he may have team or produced ani documentary evidence: §j,°*jgmmn,,mPmvided,Thatnope1sonsotestifyingehaH eexemgtleg romproseperm. cution or punishment grlzserjuryz Provided further, t the immum¤g_·;,¤;g¥_g_¤‘Y '·° mty conferred to a natrual green who, m - obedience to a subpcna, gives testimony under oa or produces umd doh evidence, documentary or under oath. _ an °°"“' Par. 71. That upon application of agytgson commission shall '.1.';4’?"“b§i°*1“£°°-°°P.h‘”’s¤““t‘?,' of ”"¢.a.· .v.·.r...t..°° ‘i*..;‘r‘§’ $5 e 1 , puma s therein. '·@°'“ °¤m,g¤""¥ Par. 72. Thatthe wertocreatelinm te &"’·»’°·$‘¤"»L»·r *"°* public tunes inthtlgegtriorit at commu. sin aeuxiirttisbé special privrl' ` t supervih tion tri ti control of wli•§:•li is vated in the,pl:£ii]:utilitir: c n of the District of Qolumbra, and such power shall be exercised accord- ' to the visions of this section. lined ac. ln? E · . . _,,,¤..,,{‘,°°{,‘; M,. ar. 73._ t no public utrhty shall hereafter issue any stoclrs, =*•*¤·· stockcertaiic•tes,bonds,mortgages,orsnyotherevrdencesofmdebtednem blemmorethanoneyearfr·omdate,unt1l1tshal1 FP . haviefrstcril author- , 1 or su issue m comrmsion. B°°°'**°‘°'“°°"°· tyPar. 74. That no public utility hue any stocks, certificates of stock, bonds, or other evidences of mdebtedness for money, property, or services, either or indireejy, nor shall it receive any mong;·0;;roperty,_ or services m payment the same, either directly erin t1y,unt1l havebeenrecorded upon the books of suclgpggilic utility the oerhiicate of the commission in this section pro or. ¤°¤¤*¤***¤•¤•*·»·¤·· Par. 75. That no ublie utility shall declare an tock be d °°'m°°°' sci-ip dividend orésditvidfhtlm proceeds of the sale otyaiiy stock,ub¢in?1f or scrap among 1 s 0 ers. ¤•·¤g¤¤¤¤¤¤••¤= Par. 76. That no blic utili shall e tocks certifi tes ¢’i¤°$¤,.Z-.°|E{°§ of stock, bonds, or gtlher evidetrices of Iigdlebaihiiass seeured oiiaits in tnc o um ra or e ofan reo ""”°‘ Property' theD1s_t_fCol b` f thupurpose rgan- ‘“‘°.m¤‘*°‘2.2Zs°3?°$r}‘,L’§“%2¤‘3. °%$°2‘£r ‘Z‘%d°§m°E}°§.'Ift§L§¥§.L1”é’I”°' 1 OD outstan against the pirblic tiliti rgam] g lidating, (giino such public utilityushaH8?>us1(·char?sfe the pmpe(i·1tyc(¢ii'mzi)n other public utility iiir the surpose of effecting a consolidation untg th%commi§§og ett.§·rmin§;i1 and set forth in writing that sai conso a on m pu `c intermt, nor until the commission shall have approved in writing the terms upon which said lid ti shall be d . - nggrgmixp M rm collgsafr. 7,;. (That no prliiiiicc utility shall a ply the proceeds of an ' such tsotock, eerttigcates of stock,b0ndsti1or o&er evidences of indebteri ness any o purpose or issue e l f l Bm to terms than that specified in the certificatesii-si~1(i1e(ii1 baDthe8?:b gn? F°v,_,§m°§§,§TY °v;’1r;;0Z:.0éf?;i§ all stocks, cezrsificatéas of stocgc, ionds, and other . 6 _ 0 issu con rary to the provisions of this h ,;,{}1’;‘;,{,c§;*fc§_°¢*"Y ?9?uThB:t.v§:; public utilit , or any agent director or officer thereof, Who shall, directly or indyirectly, issue ox: cause tc; be issued any stocks, certihcates of stock, bonds, or other evidences of indebted- ?§;8p°°¤¢F§l;yf1t;> pgilvrségrés of gis section, or who shall amy e e mo any purposes other than t