Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/1032

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SIXTY·SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ons. 156, 157. 1913. 1{X)9 five, sax, seven, and aight south, range twenty-one ent; townshi five, six, and seven sou , range twenty-two east; townshi five south; range twenty-three east, San Bernarehno meridian, shalllbe canceled prior to May first, nmeteen hundred and sixteen, because of failure on the part of the entryman to make any annual or final proof‘§ gaze upon any such entry prior to May first, nineteen hundred an n. Approved, March 4, 1913. GHAP. 157.-—An ‘ mma ms. anmofcmd ActAut::rlzmgtheSecretaryo|Wart¤n1akecertdnde¤a» [8_,,.};,,_l . . [Public, No. lh.] Be·ite·nact¢dbyi7wSe1mteandHmwe0 R o the United States of Argwricu in Congress asannbkeg That the Secretiiry of War °D'¤°*°“,m,,,,°'°¤*¤·=¤H,, be, an he is hereby, authorized in his dhcretion, to deliver to the 1•¤¤¤¤¤r.Pi cit of Lancaster, in the State of l’enns lvania, for the use of General Wiiam S. McCaskey Camp, Numbered Fifty-three, United S anish War Veterans, two condemned bronze or brass cannon or iield’pieces and a suitable outfit of cannon balls; ‘ To the town of Washington, in the State of Mississippi, for the use W•¤N¤¢*¤¤·1¤l•· of Jefferson Colleie, one condemned bronze or brass cannon or fieldpiece and a smta le outfit of cannon balls; ’ To the city of Corinth, in the State of i, one condemned °°""‘°*·“*· Ertoligze or brass cannon or iieldpiece and a suitablia outfit of cannon


To the city of Grand Forks, in the State of North Dakota, two D?,f“‘“ ’°"”·N· condemned bronze or brass cannon or iieldpieces and a suitable outfit of cannon balls; _ To the city of Lakota, in the State of North Dakota one con- L'“‘°“·N‘”‘“‘· demned bronze or brass cannon or iieldpiece and a suitable outfit of cannon balls; To the State of North Dakota, for use at the Fort Rice Memorial §,{‘,"R§;,_ Park, two condemned bronze or brass cannon or iieldpieces and a suitable outiit of cannon balls· 1 To the city of Minot, in the State of North Dakota, one condemned ’“°°"· N' °“· Bglilrgze or brass cannon or iieldpiece and a suitable outfit of cannon To, the ro r authorities of the State Soldiers} Home at Port Pm °*"*’•" WM; Orchard, Washington, two condemned bronze or brass cannon or agi? S°I°h°" iieldpieces and a suitable outfit of cannon balls: To the city of Davenport, Washington two condemned cannon; °"*¤P°'*· “`•¤¤- To the city of Trinida , in the State of (lolorado, for the use of the ‘;m Trinidad Post, Numbered Twenty-five, Grand Army of the Republic, ' two condemned bronze or brass cannon or fieldpieces and a suitable outfit of cannon balls; mea r¤¤1,c¤a. To the city of Rocky Ford, in the State of Colorado for the use of Mm! wtthe Wadsworth Post, Numbered Ninety-three, Grand Army of the Republic, two condemned bronze or bras cannon or iieldpieces and a suitable outit of cannon balls; To the city of Raton, in the county of Colfax and State of New F~·*¤¤·“·¥¤· Mexico, two condemned bronze or brass cannon and a suitable outfit of cannon balls; Lwmt umm, , To the town of Lookout Monmtain, in the State of Tennessee, two Tm ‘““· condemned cannon and a suitable outfit of cannon mcu bmgcmm To the county of Mecklenburg, in the State of Virgmia, two con- v,_ ’· demned bronze or brass cannon or Eeldpieces and a suitable outfit of cannon balls; _ _ _ _ ywnnug To the city of Jackson, in the State of Mxssxssigpi, one condemned bronze or brass cannon or fieldpiece and a suita e outfit of cannon balls;