Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/1035

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1012 SIXTY-SECOND OONGBESS. Sess. III. Gus. 157, 158. 1913. ¤·¤¤¤¤¤·¤•L T th ‘t fRedB1ut1" theState fCali£ °,f th u { °""" *““"’°" of die lgatiisiield rm, Nnuhblered seven;-ave, bryan gm; oiwoie geppblic, twcincielixgdemned fieldpiecee or cannon, with a suitable outt 0 cann n ; A¤¤¤¤.ea To the citiof Atlanta, in the State of bronze or brasscannons, wi a suitable outlit of cannon balls, same to be placed in a public square or park in said city.

 To the  <§i§`to)rlti‘.mhnson,tNevt;qv¥0rk, for the ugedgf the Monttli

sewnwsowy. guomery un y y, cannon or pieme wi ir amages' and outtit f cann balls. gggf,:*g·_fgV‘ To (the city of Alexandria, V'1r;iiiia, for the use of R. E. Lee Camp em. of Confederate Veterans, two bronze or brass cannon,· with their 0 01 0 or use 0 °t ost o. 1 , me-· °·a*·=..:·;·».·;· :··£:1E.·'i:;°a,*’·*‘* °’ 2··m.:::. b·”··f 3.].. P N 47 umm Grand Army of Bepublip, pepartmmt of Kansas, two bronze or brass cannon, with than carnages and a mutable outfit of cannon °•¥*¤¤» K1- To the gity of Dsytoxiérg the of two condemned bronze or raes cannon a nu on cannon ¤*¤¤•·**••· _ That the4Secretary of War be authorized to furnish two g1m_cai·- HIgBBW1th¢&D.!10l1,0Il6 b0l)0 0I1B8»6l181d80f aboulderwitha bronze tablet erected by the mmonwealth of Massachusetts in the ttpwwn of as almennoritalngir the who defended . e m ar er . §·,°_*•;,°°_{·1m{;-p,_,_ Tgifonate to Liqutenaxllz Ezra S. Post, Numbered One hundred and thirty-mne, Grand Army of the Republic, Scranton, Pe1&1:y¥vama, tw brass or bronze cannon, with mutable ou o cannon : §{.°"E`°7..,;.,.;.,4,. Provu11ed,Thatno expensesballbe incurred byfheUnited States '*';;{· N om, 0, through the delivery 0 any of the fo condemned military

 equipment: And provided furtlser, That  d eve article of condemned military Igpuipment covered by this Act shi be subject at

alltxmesto theo erof theSecretaryofWar. Approved, March 4, 1913. “{;*·,;,.}j** cnn. Lag.-an ae; To Pacific rwway gompmy, ae. umm. w·». an ummm. the mh ·pp1 mmanmmapbm, ne¤¤¤p¤Ic¤my,°n`ia¤§}.°»n‘ E Be·it¢1u1ctedby theSe1nateandHouaeo Re °vea thollnited §"1"{,*?3.§""'· seam gamut in Gmgrese armani That th N rtg rmmc

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· ¤· , , o con , maintain, and operate a and spprgaches thereto acrozs the Mississrp 1 Rxverm Minneapo Henne in County Minnesota at a . P . v . P. .r . ¤ mt suitable to the mterests of navigation, crossing the rnver and m Island therem from a point near block ten, town of Minneapoligatthesouthendof thebridge toa 'tinblocknine V L M A Bottinoaws addition to Minneapolis 'at `theli1(b11¥th end, in accordlgzlei ° · " with the provmaons of the Apt entitled "An Act to reglate the construction of hmm le waters," approved arch twenty- Amndmant. Sec. That right to alter, amend, orrepeal this Ant is hereby Approved, March 4, 1913. I