Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/1043

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1020 srxrr-snc0ND CONGRESS. sm m. Gus. 171, 172. ma.


'_[mb,' `“f No ,54** acres Caddo Lake, in ID\IJ¤l@I»" ' B it enacted Representatives the U {lcd $§g°¥·,x•,¥;mJ{§ M Statga of Amn·i1¢:ya in Oongrm That section ongfof thenAct bnqung, by Guido approved January twenty-seventh, nmeteen hundred and twelve, P“"’°“ entitled "An Act toauthorize the constructiomof a bridge across ·"‘“· 1* °9· Caddo Lake, in Louisiana," be, and hereby is, amended so as to extend the time at which the eomtruction of the bridge shall one year, and the time of the completion thereof be likewise exten ed . one year. Approved, March 4, 1913. 1hr¢!•4.1!¤· ¤KAP.172.—AnActAu " th•e¤¤etmcti¤nof•bridgsacro¤the&int [H. B. IB840.] · · . .

B¢i¢¢ouu:tcdby theSe•nateandHmssco Repreaenwiws the United §,°_':*{,g”,;,”§,,”é" States of America in _0m•gr¢s• onanbkvff That the Van B%·en Bridge g¤_¤:¤•I;¤;{_n’·y§;i¤s;6 Company, a corporation created lgeffic laws oi the State of Maine, its sum warm, sis., successors and assigns, be, and y are hereby, authorised to con- °•"“’* struct, maintain, and mw a railroad bridgg and approaches thereto

 John atapointsuitab to themterests ofnavigation in the town of Van Buren, in the county of Aroostook, in the

“‘...’°.1.°.Tr€.?i.??‘.?i.£?Q».1.‘ "°"‘§,‘2‘11f"°m.°*€§·’°.;'£‘§t.;',i ",..1.°‘.°’i‘*5."°'1»,.,»,.‘“·.¢“"° a m e e gf New hrunswick, of Canada; shall be conv,,,_ ,,_ ,,_ 8, structed m accordance with the provisions of an Act entitled "An Act to regulate the construction of bridges over navigable waters," hmn liiggroved March twent¥—third,_ nineteen hundred and six: Prmnkled, cxx? bguilan ida t the construction 0 the said bridge shall not be commenced until

1,,,,,,,,,,,_ °°'“' the consent of the proper authorities of the Dominion of Canada for

the erection of the structure shall have been obtained. Amsuemmc Sec. 2. That the right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby expressly reserved. Approved, March 4, 1913.