Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/1051

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ii INDEX. gnwlgw·q‘ 1 A Depuunen t AH: N¢mqatson—C0' tin ed. Pace. A gut I; 0 Pm. F:rrq,`1’.§.;];urch¤:‘e of 1018 gncul¢ura` Ea: 'mmt Ojios , n_ ap construction _- - Aspfropristzionlg; salaries .3 .. ii. . g, g tenth  :::-1buh Harbor, Oluo, 1018 or general expenses. ... . . , unpso _ _ .  : - - gdmimhug ‘ .. 297 851 (Hevdm 0hlO ing-sgml stnuon uugg shtio Aln% rem mee ’ v&nem.'  ; . Z : . . . 1018 and gona .. ;_ 298, 851 Lcr¤¥x•,01nio,_1ightmdf¤§;si§slsn•uez1. 1018 iormporms on f¤mers’ imtitutes md sg~ olevcut.}1 dmtnct; Asbhn . ns., •dd1- ¤¤¤1¤¤\1 ¤=\¤¤¤1•· ······--..·----- 298,861 ¤¤¤d - ·-·--- , ---· , -·----· , ... 1018 for nutrition ... 298, 851 Ocongc Harbor, Wm., produced hght md

 • ¤·_:________    )‘¤“..:.x..`;;.ii;:il’..QkQi); 1018

mm 0k1sh¤¥sL?. 298 _ lidnmentot aidsin ..3 _._.. 1018 iotdnimge invedpdnm 286,862 &mtHsry¤B1v¤·,ll1ch.,r¤punmd1m- jo: rant  : . 1 ... 297,850 £ve¤1onts . _ ... . . . gg A" · · ¤¤°`»n•e ·ew.’ ¤» be . DuckI•h¤d,mlhiy¤ m4§°ii£.£1{.§ •PP¤*P¢‘¤¤¤¤ gy, . G opened to ..._ 287,80 reeuuvuysnce of land to _ S. ~fo!§lI.’V§,i‘IQ,6E.,b,FC£ @237 842 _ 0:czn.._..: . gg su 5..s¤l°¥°°°’¤¤¤,‘ ’'`' Z§iiZZjj.`.ZZZZZZZI.. ’e4s semi om mw md ms, Aynkxulturallaehinayandhrpknanu, _ _ msqdlim .. _ ... : .. 239 ‘d¤t_y¤¤0•:sdiqn .. .. {5, IXXIHI dutdct;.-?£;_8smt Elms, mw --····="’<""°°".»»·»~““"‘¤ .‘;.i"2 ‘‘‘’‘‘ .. ··——~¤·““‘=-·“‘?‘;.;,.,...»·»·"”"~»»»¤·"~*-=¢ spjpmprisugn for printing mding _ cd • mm, q W ... A fm·r¤pcr¤, ctc., ou. .. _B6,86l light I|l%.:..i;é;1% . 1018 mquirytobe·m¤dobyInd¤irilB¤h· tions into bbw condi- 41. Nugdltvnh . Ei..._ 1018 tions 0 ,.. . ·.. _ • Agnindturc, Department of (au Department in-lsu! dqtyn ·. _ 1 018 Agnhuhgg, Inszwu of, . _ .. 1018 · m, . 008 duck uz! zegmbmsed out ot speeid 1018 i¤r¤uu1••;mg,' eee., lieni . 101, Us work _ .

 l1•gc¤¤d¤¤n•ds¤ppIis•,o¤c.;depout mm

sdmttgd to hnhugy y for untrue- hu pmcoods . .. mm- e¤¤d1¤¤¤», e¢¤..., ... wz A pc. qc., M 706 Am.¢ncKw&.’w¤pri.•¤' I1 for im vemeut H€1;• ‘ Puebla, xc. su, ` of l . . (3 ... 619 bridge izuthorind sam! River, M AW rv N¤v•m¤' . , ·-----·---···-·--·-- •ddi§€ vessels thorised for - Akon Ohm,

 ...   288 mqnkdng site md   public buildd•§ci¤¤¢y•p pnstnoxgfor  .  014 ingsgsuthogmad ...   882
 sutlmnzed io: genenl 1017 A nloofpmmt budding; minimum prme. 332

sarnco ..-. WMM, _ Bmdistri · d tluxised . .. zss • ompentoillepruentsuven 13 llcuh ct, It:l':nt§1Me;?·l‘:ghtv¤el . 1017 sr right, qt1c,mdi¤tsr¤ti11i¤m¤()e•ek third gid- ompiinsville, Sum: Indnn lands, xelinqnmined to pranm: M¤‘°"'“‘* ·rn1¤*'Y`i» ¤'%°" ‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘°" ¤..—¤‘i‘:.‘3,'§.”·;‘5'.;·z‘m.¤.c·.¤ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ {Z ’ B · ···- . B.,f‘v.., 13. 32 ml nm, opened 2.. mrhco h.,.t.,.d M dd; mq Pmm.¤‘ xm ___, _ ____ eu ... . . F “‘?;“· ”""‘“°’°· “"·· °"“" m M sixth `iviiif 238 tenant; mm ... ’ .. .`fZZZffZjj‘ g de¤cg.§.°§.ppi6;§ai%i6¤fiJ»ZZZZQZZZZZ em op»1'£f?{ZIZI.'.ZZZZZZZZZZZQZQZQZZXQ ew purcgsse • site md coustmctwn of mu offices otoglex-k..: .,.., ,__________ H`, 699 opot . cemm pen cass in sou - ' thdistict·Anm¤sP•¤ tS¤ti , divnh f ..,,, 53 ugh Tex., addition! .. 238 Alawnqegrxgwdmn Jusnhnhl Dwnhz, Atnlnhkyg Enhance Channel, In .. 1017 counbcs constituting; ... 698 _8o¤u;we¤e Pep lignt vessel . . . ._ 1018 temp, .}nuiswn._ .. . ...,.. 099 nmth Sm usa, {ER., 1¤\P|'0W· 238 .. . .. $ men mss¤·v•¤¤¤. ...-... .  : .. . , . Guugtsnsmo kpdpds dWel~ Gsdsdeg .,. , .,,____,___,__ 698 1;% md u hghts author- 239 gimmvglie _,____ ___________________ m lz .- .».. . llpef ___, ,,,'_____ ____ ____ __________ __ Nsvum Inland, W. I., light station . 1018 Tuseglwg, ,,__,_ _ ________________ L ____ 699