Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/1056

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·‘2:,‘“’*,.,.,,.*‘**‘°.r’.i:;"2'..t’§’.¢,...·· ...,.m.t P-- **·;-¤··*:;,,·*°»··1:’¤¤**·····‘* 1,,..,,,.- -- - ···· tot‘.?;,;".1’.ii?...·%,‘;.‘2‘§¥,"."**’..t...···...··;:,··.;r;”‘°·“‘° Orpmxzigmvmxm i···¤····¤`i°é lower cm n mm ees . I . .. 210,810 r swam `` mrmm `' ‘ ‘§..`g ‘ '‘'‘‘ i,,,‘ ‘,3, `‘‘‘‘‘ °° pre1im£¤§yP¤xagf)h¤•6¤¤ cl, to be made fc 823 pr Pomméaf: and ns£•?:iswmvm°.t:H _ “¤ ··-··--·- - ··--··--·-- Rock Creek, D. C ... , 94 Appolodwm_Wo¢e·aheds (see Conservation of £orexclungr§g' lands, tc. i' Aww Nsvrenble W•¤¤¤>. { Tree ational ioreegcel ... me ¤*¤¤<l•¤* *****1 ¢!*•*·¤¤·¤s>¤ fw --~- Z- -, ----- 250 posits Sioux cig, row}.? ... me gkadmgof, fors1npmsntmbarrelsmmtes· .. forexpenses_,di§na\ Ornnhalndianlhs- App ¤“'·!° -··-~-··-···---··-·-- 250 f ervatmn. ebr., unallotted , 113 km , - · or Ann quam;-5; wg, 4¤<>?si¤¤¤¤G;3 °$!“;£zf;“t?d to ...--·.. 508 eqwlggm Y . 133 PP WWW of f · demnatirm expenses, {tend;] appgopriamm f9r,._ . .’ . 448 or ( Onderwood Street NW., ll. C . 104 Appouusnmts Dwmem, Post Ojloe Depart- for pa aeemments on oggiu vom!. _ _ lan in Oklahoma . -- , , 194 appropnauon ior snpenntmdent, anst- for paying claims for erroneously, etc., col- ` A _ mh, Glqfhq, Gil! ···.. ... 4(B,779 f lected°¥u—reven1re·;.1sixu 3 ..,,_ 249 ppambnmk , ireanery epartment, or experms regu]; Pmu Aappropriation gr cliigilcf division, etc. . 374, 752 { ery stock, ew.? . 5 . ffl: 319 ppvqu••¤·M•¤¥ wv. · orcommmm Industrial` appropriation for improvenientpf ... 206, 806 for carrying ouiélrovhirms of for seals een. 41. Awwwozwv vfdkwmwvtggé vwrw. 13 verénlgn _ in Great Br1m¤,·:.p.¤, com onun erTlurteen nsns . an umn ,,,,,.,,,__,__,,____ ____ Appro¥:;’ Stores, New Yorl: Oity, for American tobacco commhion. . till: appropriation for fire protection, etc .. Q2 _ for Ahoy; ______ _ ____ _ gy or matutenfsxce, etc., nenmattc tube 427 for codrfymg, etc., laws applisable to Bm service m cnstonllnouse . Alaska . . ..,...,..,_ __ _ Appropnat1om' forsu olworkli ,D,G ,.,__,, no amendmentsto certain general acts for lis- for thexpef1s::,Senate:. . : .. m cal year 1912 { . $7 for r levees on lhmnnppm River annual, for fiscal year 1912 conunued dur- and in utsnes .. . ..,___ 638 ing the month oi July, 1912. ... 638 forrelieiof llood sufferers in Misisippiand continued during first half of August, _Ohio Vallegs , , 683 1912 .. 640 use of balance r rations, etc., to Americontinued during last bali oi August, can citizens in Texas, removing hom 1912 .. 642 danger in Mexico ... M0 appropriation for preparing statement of. . 478 for expenses of international maritime confor nt deficiencies . - ..,... 1, 47, 634 ference ... · . ... . 83 for mienciu . 595, 912 for medal to Capt. Rostron, of “Oo.rpathi;," for diplomatic and consular service .. 94, 688 for services in rescuing survivors of for fortifications 125, 671 ‘ ‘ Titanic ’ ... 689 for District of Columbia .. . .. 139, 938 for encsmpments of Organized with for river and harbor improvements .. 201, 801 — Army..: ... 039 for Militury Academy ...,.,. 251, $56 for exterminsting the armlaworm 640 ger Department of Agriculture .. gag, $32: for immshment trial of bert W. Arch- M0 sg; §°v;`1°§`:{&§é$.`IfZZZQZ$ZZZCZlZZZZZQZ_ szsfsm or omp¤ra¤_ ``' · for legislative, executive, and judicial Heerngjrom danger in Mexico .. M1 expenses ,.. . Sw,739 ugéofprxhtmbfmlimhhpe . ... 643 {3; gnrgilydmvrlneexpenses for u srlmrnistratwn of Patent 643 Q ..-.·..-...·..·. ~ ..-•., for the postal service .. 539, 791 for C0rbett_ttm¤el,_Wyo., claims:. ..,. 643 for the support of the Army 560, 704 for refunding duties on embroxdcy mafor condemnation expenses, exten¤i¤¤ d ¢l\i¤¤. 6% ---·--··--·--··--·--··-- 663 Colorado Avenue and Kennedy for school sections to South Dakota md Street NW., D. C .. 1 ’ North Dgzu, Sanding Rock Indian 678 for public building, Bangor, Me ..- 23 . t .. l l"1sti 1stsesswn' 62dCon- forsurv andallottrnglands,Sla¤r1ding or f .. 35,38 Raervation, S. Dsk. m { · y . r . NP I ’ ' ‘ '. '‘° ' “'°`' or 1% immediately available .··· 36 ic! shhon, Chrugra, ... , 682 for mcomuucdngr eww bridge grep Wey- for _ tation, etc., Revo tronary War mouth ack River, Hmgham, mlhury naval records- . . Z ..,,_ 723 ga, ________ , __,,__,, _ _,,. : . 62 for condemnation expenses, extmsion of for condemnation e , extension of Western Avenue NW., D. C 724 Lamont Stree:§e’V17?sD. C . . 71 for expmses, extension of New Hampshire for protecting levees between Head of Avenue, D. C . . 729 Passes and Cape Ginrdezgaa Kn., for inquiries and investigations, Saints. . , 1021 against Mississippi River il . 78 for mamtenance of order, etc., inaugural made available for tnbu?3 waters . G1 oerempnies, 1913 . , .. 1021 for preservation, etc., of na trophy Bags for expmsm, mangmtl one st Naval Academy. .,...,.. 79 monies, 1913 ,. 1023