Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/1065

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xvi mnmx. nam.; MYI, Pin- Baydity, Ib:. _ _ Pun comnnxtion of public building authorised 872 of public building author- 872 M··*··· ‘°```‘` ;.;;°".1‘...,..,, `‘`‘`°°°‘ ,., `‘°° ...,, ‘°°`` M M `°```°`° 4, ``°°° (1.; riatinn e ° a propria , in B‘:;P;;Pr¥ulatim¤, Kennebec 'ver at 429 P _ yanue Bay,..._...&.%.5é;;1 g , . ., . relxmmaiy exnmmstmn , e... acquiring site for public building at, nu- Baz River, _. C., thnrind ... . ... 878 appropriation for imppvement of . 207, 807

C., 152,951  tob•madeof, 226

Of . D W pl'0llg.. . . . . . . . . . mg c¤¤mecting Honee fountain Bayonne, L, _ _ _ with _ Z . 95 1 construction of public building autbonzed eeimgteg to be submitted for two tidnl at 872 vaterétufnr . 951 BayquBar0wlcgmw, C0 tyA* 20 Bahmm .Fu-zum, autlmnned Drew un . auqmumann . . .. g M ’ 212 an meupoal duxy m Canada on . . .. ap or impmvemen ... .

    • ·*···**·.c*··"*·‘·€··*”m·,f.,.°····]mz; .9 mjm

na ridge lhmnnpp a pgnamm . . . y Rouge IA,. ... ’ 725 Baylim 'Arbonne, Ip., BdonRo•ya,$., a `tinnfcumpmvementot. .. - 212,811 bridge authorised scrum Mininippi River. 725 La., Bdtennfgr of the {Vc•y,.1:&w, _ _ of .. 212 appmpnatmu wmv nglm modniying Bayou ourdu, , nnountn . .. 335 appnigriatinn for improvement of. . . . . . 811 for modifying, etc., bneecb mech- prel1.mmnryexa1nLuati•:n0f,t0b•made.. 824 anime . .:., . 8u,80¢ Bagoullayovblu., _

 336,8% ¤p £¤g·1mpmve1n¤ntof.. .. 212,811

%hI1II1g,8I< . ,-.- 336,897 Bayou La., glinernfgr guns, etc app¤;riatiun_f¤r ot . . 811 Battle •p f¤rimpmvementof 212,812

 purchaeeof . . . 338,898 Bayou _ de Targu¢,L•.,

Ball Batiinum, Hot Springs, •pprmtt1¢}:hir t of ... . 212, 811

 Volunteer Sol- 452 preliminary  of, to be made. . . 227

repeal of appmgrintion improvement oi 212, 812 oh., olnnteer Soldied H -. 8 Bayou arebomne, IA. BaltI:.3‘Gdy•bwg, 1*ijli¢bA1¤•6vcr•:;q' 7 ioriminovementof ... 812 de ‘ cfA¤ny¤Ecm¤di!ectedtoprov1¢i.e ngbtduyfunmpruvementto mpply gg 7bQ¤pt;\1!0dL;... .. . ... . . 212 •¤v•¤ge,¤mtat\¤n Bww mmhvn. ·» camp and equipment md sppropriatim for improvement oi, md ration: {gr veterans . 825 panes ... . ..,, 212, 812 urangemen plated before M. . 1, 1913 ... T2;. .. 625 free ol duty when from Canada. . 9 exercises to be_i¤ charge of Pennsylvania 6% Brea rocallipxeaupt m duty in Canada. 10 · Cnmmgmn ...,,... , ,,,.,,,... ear (gut, aa., ¤¤l of , L- tc., tobe der pm rintinnf pro t f ... . 212,811 °°“ d,.,°2"$¥ n...‘;"2¤§m ... ‘f‘? 626 Betgtnclg ;¢..M$'}»"‘.,.,.¢,"i’["Z,‘I,‘i, ° appropnatwn for one-half ol necessary ex- approprumn for maintenance, etc., ot., 281, 839 Bmu»m¢pm1$°mm...1;°°°d}%r°:fé65,§ ·········· ““ "‘.:‘;‘*,I‘:.T‘,,’,».m..""’·’G.,E`·a... ...9., ot M. upmpriatiqn for maintenance, etc., ol. . 281, 839 ny from NorfoE , Va., Lo .. . . 206, 807 m.¤..c”zt.'Z"$¥$¤'Z“;¤¤m·zed- cm 354 "“i.f£“¤Z°¤¤°’ °"°“"°"‘° ‘“"’ ***%,6 W construction of one; authorized; 911 207:807 to be built in a navy yud ... 911 for improvement of wuterwn from Pem- Battlnhipa, Navy, lico Sound to ...{ .. 207 regtriction on duty of enlisted men and Beaufort, {K _C'., _ penmeu dglcilajtd, etc . . . 355 epa;-ogggvgonl for imgfrovement of 207, 807 _ _ _ _ , ., v men ye etween hminnryerxnmmntmn Ltobemed 229 N R' .- . B.£.,'2,g...,...,D. ¤._ ° _ ° , m?;$,y‘¥$’.T¤?“€¤m¤0...¤m . ?‘”·é'37’ juymdmtwq of court m uses of ‘ for fisheries biologieal station equipkee mg; pulllnhlumt ... E9'.? mmf, etc .. . 473

 Cosqnhak  75 p  exnminntim to be made   23

Bq . , nw -·—····- Bwufom S- Cr · . . 8 made subpart of entry; . . . .: ._ . 133 acquirin `te · cl ‘ blin bui1dm` g ¤¤¤¤·¤·*• j¤¤·v ml _ g¤§gmm?.T an @.,.,,.1, ...,.  :...1;:::::; mf "'°‘“"‘“"°’i..»,1w;°°.,‘1,;3& “’ "° *******7 · Y vunnab, Ga.. w