Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/1078

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mnmx. xxix Claarnbers of Cogrameres Cosmnercthl and Pun- Charleston, K Va., Pan Indgutnal Anomatsons, Filth Inter- appropriation for public building 419 _ natwml Ccnyrcgc q[, _ rent . . .. . ... 419 foreign Governments invited to take part 636 br-rdgenaiuthorrzed across Great Kanawha rn . ... : I . ._ ... ; . v .r. . . ... _ .. 683 Champlain N. I . sale of old public building at, authorized. . 21 Fort. Covington constituted a subport oi construction of new bu ding on present ...‘3.i#.§¥.."’ ’‘‘‘‘‘ maagemm ‘‘‘‘‘ 232 tm. ‘i'“’..‘i°;“i’“°“* °‘°‘ ‘‘‘‘‘·‘‘‘‘‘‘‘·‘ ii fnnspv . . o co a ... . .,., Clumdler, Okla., d bh build Charlevoiz, Math., acquirmgsitean erecting u ` ing prelim' mary' examinati , tobemad ol at.,auth0rized . 875 harbor .. 228 Chemml Depths, etc., of Waters, Charlotte, Fla., construction of meaning oi, rn river and ap ,riation for improvement oi harbor. . 809 harbor Act .. . ... 233,827 C'harEtt¢ garbor, Fly., Chapel Hill, N. C., ‘ appropriation for improvement of entrance; acquiring site and erecting public building local contribution . 210 at, authorizedit .’:*I 875 examination of, to be made .. 227 Chaplain, _ Umotu, Midi., appropriation for, House of Represents- construction of public building authorised tives 365, 743 at an for Senate 360, 739 Charlotte, M C., Chapman, W Orr, _ _ _ appropriation for any office at .. 384 dehcren? appropriation for services .. 929 or public bmlding ,,.,,,___,_,,,,__ 419 Chargés d’_ juircaad interim, Charlotte, N. YZ, _ _ apprpprruayocrzfprd . . 95,688 examination oi harbor, to be 224 a ‘ tioniorBoard, .;mt.A’ °ties . 169,965 cum, Hy¢mg»¤"`;Stk¢`ojéé, ``````'``'``°`'`' iorreformatoriesand correctional instit.u· ropriatio i services, ‘ , {run tions . : .. 169, 965 app phot¤li, hy 391 for medical charities . 171, 966 for pres, etc.,for ting,from for child-caring institutions .,. 173, 967 metal plate; by photolithography, _ 392 for omes .,. . . . 174, 968 Rwer, Ga., and Ala., for mdrient msane .. . ... 175,968 appropriation for improvement of, below for relic of the poor . 175, 969 Columbus, Ga . ...,._,,,,.,, Z)9,809 for trmngortiug pauperu ... . .. 175,969 Chattanooga and Ckrbbavmruga Park, fpr wor 01186% . ... 175, 969 loan of tents, etc. to Grand Army and Chanton, Iowa, _ _ Confederate Veterans, at ... . 721 acquiring site and erecting public building Chauarwaga, Term., _ _ _ Charlamatpzumomed .. . .. 874 I enlargetggnt of public building at, ·s.u- Bm apzzogiilgtén fer public building . 419 terins of court I I i 314 ` , awa, e u a to resi e at 15 construction of public building authorized otiipcetdflzletrek to be kept at 315 at . ... 871 Cheboygan., Mah., _ · Charles, Garjeld, _ _ _ _ appropriation for nmproyement of harbor. . 815 deficiency _ appropriation for compiling acquiring site erecting public building treaties etc .. . . 930 at, authorized . . ... 875 Charles Town, Vo., _ _ Clarke, Certiied, acquiring site and erecting public building receivable in payment of all public dues. . . 733 at, authorised . . ... 876 (Thane, • Charluton, Ill., _ _ _ tree of duty when mm from Canada.. 9 acquiring site and erecting public building reciproeallv exemvpt duty in Canada. 10 at, authorised .. . . 874 Clsuequah _. JZ, Uaarlatan, S. C'., _ ropriatron for improvement of . . 203, 804 appmbgyauon for improvement of livin Bm mia py, iléraim of Bu scr aulpmsii °'' QR bfGQ£¤n ```` QI iiziiéén ’ e·1Bil’i¤· ny _, Wafa., `' ' ' lcclelknville and. .. 2tB, 808 appropnahan forrmprovementoi, tollontsfor imgrovernent of waterways between sum. 8% A iptorCreekand . . 28,808 Wed., io1·_navy yard, public works". ... 340,900 iormamtenance, etc., o£-. 282,839 deticrency appropnatron for navy yard., . . 624 1(aq., — credit in accounts of E. W. ‘r.,rm· approprnahgmfornewpowerplantfornaval provrnggrqurgds, publrcb ... 596 _ hoqnhlpmdsdludsnu ._. 902 old post office burldmg, donated $0 D!u8h· Chcmwal and_ Rusarda, Publec tara of the American Revolution as Qougam, _ _ nnhistorrcalmernonal . 889 appropnatmn br geclngiukpotain deprehmmgry examination of, to be nude. U p@b. . . .. : ... 457 inland waterway to Savannah, Ga., 823 C'l•¢mutry q/'Ap;3•l¤u¢,288 M4 terxnsott coirrt·ait.·.:;;::::.-.;;;:::;::;:3:; 61 ormspector•,!aboratoryhelper·s,etc.. 288:844 Chvleston, Tgmr., _ _ for general ,,..,,,_,.,... $844 bridge autbonzed acre: Hrwanee River, for collaboratmgwith otherdepartznenta. to Calhoun trom.. . 31 etc.. - . . .. 89 844