Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/1098

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INDEX. xhx Degaartment o Commerce, Pun. Department o Commerce and Lab0r—Contd. Pun. ereafzer éeparunent of Commerce and authnrizedfto cooperate with Commisinu L¤bcrwbec¤lled. 736 _ on Industrial Relations 415 Department of Commerce and Labor, Children'; Bureau establiéhed in ...,.. 79 sppropnauou for Solimhor of the, ssisb hereafter called Deilarunent of Commerce. 736 rmt, clorlrs. elyc ... 405, 782 Secretary to be c ed Secretary of Comfor Secretary, Amistrmt, clerk; etc. .. 405, 782 msrce ..,... 736 for Bureau of Corporations, . 405, 782 immigrant stations in interior places ausgcml attoruegz; etc. . ._ .. . . 405, 782 Lherizegl ...,..,.,,, 682 for _ ureau of La , nlanes. . ... 405, 783 lease of building for, authorized .. 614 mmcellsnecuq exgnsu . .. .- 406, 783 Deparzmenz of Justice, for Bureau of Ligh ouses, salaries 406, 783 appmpriztion for Attomey General, Solicifor Census Office, shines ... -. .. .. 406, 783 my General, Assistants ..,, 404, 781 apppingments at $1,200 and less, etc-. 406 for Solicitors attorneys ... 404, 781 hmitatnon on temporary clerks, re- for chief clerlr, examiners, law clerks,. 404, 781 moved ._ .. . . . .. 784 for Division of Investigation .. 404, 781 miscellaneous expenses, etc.. .. -. .- 406, 784 for elerks, etc 404, 781 prin\.il.1;g¤1ZglthCo1¤us .- 407, 784 for division of accounts ... 404, 781 como tion of bureaus of Mmufsc- administrative audit of accounts ... 404,782 tures and Statistics into Bureau of for contingent expenses .. 404, 782 Foreign and Domestic Commerce; for official transportation . 405, 782 duties . . .. . .: .. 407 for mnt ... - .. 405, 782 for Bureau of Fcrpign and Domestic Com- for Solicitor of the Treasury, etc. . 405, 782 merce, . .. . . -. .. 407, 784 for Solicitor of the Department of Comcollatingfcrexgn tariin. ... : .. .. 408, 784 merceand Labor. ctc . 405,782 developing foreign and domestic c0m~ for civil expenses under . 462 merce ... . .. .. .. . . :. 408, 784 for courthouses, District of Columbia 462 ior Steamboat Inspection Servme, ssl- for construction of penitentiaries 462 aries -- . .. . .. MB, 785 for National Thuuini School for Boys, shrine, etc., st. huge,. 408, 785 District of Oolum is ... 462 for Bureau of Navigation, nlaqee . 408, 785 no putof specified appropriations to be nl;.?pi¤g¤erv1g:eatlarE,ssla¤e¤,ctc. 408, 785 umd for ¤nIar&;>f person, etc., holde orcing navigation ws . .. 409, 786 another 0 e, etc .. 462 radio-communmatinn . -. :409, 786 for Amsmnt Attorney General, deputy, for Bureau of Immigration and Nstunh- stwmeys, etc., in customs cases 463 zation, salaries . . .. . .. 409, 786 for supplies, etc., customs cases . 463 NaI:um1izat10u_Division. . .. 409, 786 for witnes fees, cbc., before Board of Infomation Dxvisiou . . . 409, 786 General Appraisers from customs exfor Bureau of Standards, salaries . . 409, 786 uses 463 apparatus, expenses, atc. . .. 410, 789 for dggending suits in claims 483 member, Intemztipnal Committee of for detection and prosecution of crimes, Weights and Measures- . . .. .. 410, 787 em ... 463 investigations. etc .. . . .. 410, 787 for inspection of prisons and prisoners. . . 464 for Cbildreu’s Bureau, salaries .. . . 410, 788 for investigation and prosecution of for contingent expenses ... . . . . 410, 788 frauds . 464 transfer of amounts for supglies, from for defense, Indian depredation cases, .. 464 bureaus and offices, to ivision of for traveling and emeriency expenses,. . 464 supp1ics..- . 411,788 foreniorcingnntitrust ws . 464 for rent .. . ,. . 411, 788 for setting aside conveyzgnces, allotments creditin accounts of William L. Solesu 788 to Five Civilized 'bes 484 for civil expenses under. . . .. .. 468 for enforcing agus to regulate commerce. . 464 for Bureau of Lighthouses ... . .. 468 for suits affecting Semrnole allotments. . 464 for Coast and Geodetic Survey. 469 for indexing, etc., Judicial Code 464 for Fisheries Bureau 471 for FedemlCourt Re {ts and Digests. . . 464 for ° tion expenses. ... .. 475 for Supreme Qourt Egluty Rules 464 for Forienger and Alexander for Paciic railroads nuts . . . - 465 Gnhgm. ... .. . .. . 476 for United §ts§e¤ Courts 465 for Seandixmvhn-Amerienu Lino. .. 476 for 'teutmnes ... 466 for Standards Bureau . .. . .. 478 for §ati¤ns1 Trainiui_Schoo1 for Boys, for Inwrustional Congresi on Social In- Districtcf Colum na .. J 468 sunuce. . . . .. . .. .. 477 for priut.i¤g and .. ; . 482 im Census Omce ... . . . .. . .. 477 deficiency apprognauorr for repairs to go.- prim md 1;,1,;,1;;,%; .. . . . . 482 com ofGl811D¤_B!llld1l'|¥ ... 3 mportsxgl Thirteenth umn, exxted 482 for Southern Pacific Rulmad land deficiency gppmgriation for Census co 49, 022 suit; ...-----·-·.. 49 for Smndardn ureau. 50, 622, 929, 937. 938 for contingent expenses . 610 for Bureau of Labor. . . 50 for Volume 28, Opmmns of the Attorneys for Bureau of Lighthoum 614, 622, 625, 929, 937 Geneml .. : ._ .. . 610 for Immjgyutign Se;-vigg_ _,,, , ,.., . . , 614, 622 for Volume 29, Opinions of the Attorneys for Bureau of Navigation ...--..--·-·-- · - 614 Geuenl -- , ..-. 925 fg; cgntin nt expenses . . . 622, 625,937 for Edward fl`, Quigley --··-.----··. 611 for nstumilmtion of aliens .. . , . . 622 for prosecution of crimes ... 611 for Coast and Geodetic Survey. -. 622, 929, 938 for enforcing entntrust lawn ... 611, 92o for Fisheries Bureau .. . . . - 622, 625, 937 {or Alasksgncicgenml court expenses. . 611, $26 for I.H1U11g!'3· tion and Bu- or Frank . en ...,... . .. mu _____ _ ____________,,,,,,,,,. 625, 937 for W. and I. Sloane ... 611