Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/1107

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lV111 INDEX. Macallan Bureau, Interior De lmmt—Con- 1’•¢•· Elberum, Ga., Pultinued. M appropriation lor public building  : . 419 appropriation for documents, appnretuggs 775 limit ofgast increased, public bui1dmg... 866 etc ... . . , Eldorado dm., deiicienc e ro tion for Charles W. · acqmj I site and erecting public building Hs§;vk .. . .. 607 at authorized . 874 for collecting statistics . 620 Eduardo Ilalwsal Form, Gal. and Nev., for distributing documents . 620 appropriation for maintenance, etc., of. . 282, 340 Education, Cmrmniaiomr ¢ Election ¢y’Senalora, _ appropnation {or, clerks, etc ... 398, 775 Amendment to the Gonstitutwn for the, by Kn traveling expenses . 775 the direct vote of the people oi for education of Alaska natives, under States, pmposedn .. I., 646 supervision oi ... . 450 Election og _8ena¢ora and ver, forprin` annualzeportof .. . L 481 Po` Oonhibutiom , Ejicizncy requirements for filing statements by , appropriation for tosecuremethodsohin cmdithtesmodilied ... 360 Txemury Department ... . . -. 379, 757 Electoral Votgfor Preoidentmd VioePr¢•1den¢, Ejieiency andEeononq Commission, appropriation but pinting certfiled copies appropriation fog um .. 4.17 M of . .. _ .. 2 gg not excssdm rsons ma re- ymen memengersoonveying ceive  :“year..{b; 417 ' report to e appropria transportation cember 31, 1912 ... 417 by . 549, 799 for investigation of Patent Office by 843 substitution of wagouservice authorized. 549, 799 deiciency forpamting, etc., Electric Currents, rooms .. 913 appropriation for investigating destructive cost of Senate Document No. sheets on buildings, etc., of 410 11 tobepaidfrombalanceunex- E’lecu·ieOurrents,Higl•Po¢en¢ial, pended of . 913 appropmhtion for investigations to mini- _ Ej¢ienqRueé»nga,By¤•m¢;¢} mi$&gHIh'$.·-·; . 787 appropriation for clerks, estsblhlunent of, ElectrisPlonla, etc., D. C. étee Ptbliclltrihtis m_ emecnti·ve departments, ets., Comminion, D. C). mimi yes: ... 750 Hessian , D. ., restnetim on pay 750 a for sahiu. - »~... 15:, $2 Eiga, _ upenn- ·-·---~~--~~-- 153,952 uty on Ga.nad1an, bumen, ctc 4 for vnesundngmtmd . . . 154,952 reciprocal duty in` on, yolk, aibn- for _ pnlicspauolsystem 154,952 men, ew. . ; . - .. 7 in lighting upmsc . . -...-.. 154, 962 Eg:fBa.rnyard Foul, faire-abt: beau. . .r... 154, 953 oidutywhsni%sdiromCanada-. lg iusdditanlcablssiwdonwnnei-54,953 recrprocal}y` exempt duty in Canada. . tina. .. . .-. · .-.. . Eubrmg, licked, _ { Q5 i;no¤¤vehiclm.:.--} ... ... gg dennacya unuvices .. ° eppmpnatnon ormpp es - H§e·Ho•¤· 1913. . .. 181 allfiovunnnantaudbinistcenuactato Il•eu·iealPl•nh,1r¤•y, _ ·_ atipalatatlnatnolabusrgarmsehanie salsot$mpv•srpsrmntlsd;1m•ofpeb. iall wut mus than eight been a _  : ... . 580 day . . . 187 Elactnesl flqnh, Ibrnylenhom, penal in violathnr goals . 137 appropnatwn for supplies, etc., seaooasg ` exceptirms and vers . 138 lorttdptnons 123,571 unset _ ornmdiied. 138 to»i¤ml1;¤g,•c¢..._ .. im under prior tion Acta not af- for installing, etc. Hawaiian Islands ..._ 673 fected ... . . 138 for supplies bor, and Philip. in effect January 1, 1913 ... ‘ 188 pine Islands ,_ _ 673 made applicable to contracts authorized Elecoodes Carbon, in naval Act . &% free of duty when imported from Canada. . 10 provisions for, c ty elivcry carriers, and reciprocally exempt from duty in Can. clerksinirstand second clsnpost. adn . . 11 _ oline: . .. 5g Elizaber]•Riur,1g;J., re mremen incon ts or o cations . s ‘ tion im vement of .. Eighclh Judaism! (aircraft, El v¢r, Fr., pm 805 g riation or meaenger, etc., circuit ap ro tion or im vement of Southern ppmpcourt of appeals.: .: .. 411, 789 P pggnch of. . EY . . 447 allotment of four circuit Judges to 53 Elizabeth River, Va., Eoatmn Brunch aL El Ark., _ _ _ Efnrelimimry examination ol, to be made.,_ 225 acquiring site for public building at, su- 8 izabeth River, Vo., Western Brenda of

  • ·h¤¤W ···--·---··—·-··---·--·--·— 77 3 N 'stion for im vemen of, ., _

El Pmsedend Raigoadgompmy, WC Vo., pm t 806 n to way acres ort uachuca condemned cannon granted to for G gm Military Reservation, Ariz .. . 92 4;;.%;,.,,; _______,_,___ f ____,, 509 El Pow, Ter., _ _ _ _ Elizaberhum, erm., · mnstmium of pablrc building authorized 873 acquiring site for public building ac, uu. i »··-- · ··-··--·-·--··~-—-----·--· rized .. . ... tents and nations to be sup lied Amerggrn Elimbethxgn, Ky. 879 citizens seeking rrgxfe in, m 3 ujniug qi ’ · · ding threatened danger in exico ... 640 cq nuthorlzzedfglifw . 878