Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/1126

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mum:. luvii Bmw:. - Pun Hay Teddm. hn. du§yonCanad1an . .. .,.. 6 dutyoncmgdian ,,,,,_,, __ _,______ _ _,,_ _ 5 ¥¤¤pm¤l duty m Candi on . 7 reciprocal duty in Canada, on .,,,.,. , .,,,, 7 Harvaten, _ Haydm National Foreat, Wyo. and Colo., d\l§Y 011 .· ·-.· .. .··-.. g H:y],:'§'ri;7tion formamtenmce,etc.,q>f., 288,840 011--- - ·---·--- · u.,

 Lawrence, KIT5, 524 Hpgirqopriaiion for Indian school ... . 538

apgropm n or Indian sc .. .. az de_ ciency appropriation for Indian school. 621 appropriitltiorgotfor refimd of, erroneously 476 B•¢¤\9• ·, co ec . .. acqui:-ingsitemriereciingpublicbriildiug Heods¢o·n¤for8oldi¤•’Groo¢•, %¤1th0Zm5i 3,;.-. .-.. 875 appropriation for, national, post, etc., 439 Hwym, ovwmb Gdbvf ., cemeten e . dedckgcy ior contested 618 for, Pguznarkz-d, graves of civilians in 439 ec expe¤¤¤¤ ..·-- . . .. . . cem es . - .. Hoamo, ll., _ _ _ _ deiciency appropriation for 619, 623, 935 acqumng site for public bnilding at, 877 Health, Aeeqdentboéd Life Insurance Conauthonzed . ,. . . us . .

   650   'of,   to conduct 16

, ., usmes ... prehm1nary' examination of to be made minim ’¤il requued' ... , 17 lor inland waterway commcting gnppolicies 17 Tornoka River and . - . . 227 annual taxes 1'I Emi, _ _ _ statements to be made to superintendent appropnahon for slanes, government of insurance .. 17 in .. :...:.. . . 385,763 snnpmsion ifassetsformd imp•.ired;l:ina.. 17 iorjudgea, eucmt courts . .. 385, 763 appeal to Commissioners ... 17 areonungentexpeusen ... 385,@ license inue if provisions complied 17 legsilptnve expenses. . - . wr .. . ... £¤rre' ofshipwrecksdAmericanseai04696 iratdna1£:ineticialarso<:iat:ionsnot in- 18 meum-.. . .. . .. , cu ... ..

 . .    128,673 mutual reliefa¤pcktirmsofA.rmy, Navy, `

for electr1c plants, defensu of. 673 or executive employees, etc., not for smrc ts for harbor defense . Z 673 _ affuted 18 for , repair, etc., fomiicaizg 673 mco  ::::1 Erepealed; other pro- 18 .. . . . . . . , rn tor preservation, repair, etc., torpedo Health D ment, D. Q. strructjrrree .. 673 appropzaégon for heaith officer, impecfor supplies, etc., electric plants, sea- tors, etc . r ... 164, 961 coast fortifications. .. 128, 673 for preventing contagious diseases, etc. 165, 961 for Weather Service expenses in . . .. . . 271, 829 for disinfecting service 165, 961 for agricultural experiment stations . . . 298, 851 for unitary emigrgency fund .. 165, 961 for luglijpower naval radio stations in . . 338 for expenses, f , etc., adulterations. 165, 962 {or dietnct judges, clerk, etc . . .. 411, 789 {or bacteriological laboratory . lgg, or uarantsrne system ex nsee; or contingen ex nses ... , irnspital. . . . . . .. 436 for inspecting dag; farms, etc 166, 962 for ethnologicil researches among natives for contagious diseases isolating wards. 166, 962 of . ,. 436 forpubliccrematory .. 166,962 for , d.1stnct judg outside oi no for treating, etc., ponds of ¤tagnan{:66 962 rmdence. . . . . .. .. . . ter .. . . for maileqniprnente for .. 546, 797 for pzrchase of land for epound and ’ _ for paying claims for damages, target stable; location approv , etc .. 962 _ practice, .. .‘. . . 718 for exhibit Cgngres of Hygiene and 166 deiicren a proprrauon or leprosy Demogrop ...

 .. ..   . ..   613 deiicimey approgrhtion for public cro- 917

r lectrm street vs ma ... largatgd §. Connees and associates; 2*3 . . 917 Hilo ..,., ...-..- numotrom Public, irrigation ditchgélo, granted to John T. 234 (cg annual quota . 101, 694 cCro¤o amociates . . . fur . ·, right of wa guru ted through Fort Slrafter a ropriation for, ashtaut, deputy, ed:. 164, 961 resegration 503 Huynga in Land Evuriu umgomm, crrazéiif "f '```'`'` " “M zpaprrgpriation sor .. gg den aproriationor ,.. cum appro on rexpmsen . H Hm, gu-okp ne Tiigacienoy _ appropriation for contested appropria%a§o;· pvsggopmmt of type oi, 906 Hay glecbonexpenms ...,. . 931 _ ojrgng. hyatt?) Cp .-.·-·-·- free of duty when {mu) Canada,. 9 limit for non5reproof, dwellings, etc., Hredgmcally exempt duty ID Canada; I0 pe¢;Xt?g6d-· - Q -----···-·----··- W ..,,.- Tiartyon Canadian . . .- 5 m,'Ark,, _ _ redpuurdutyin Gaaadaon. ... .- 7 lots m. granted fn Ph¤11¤v• (bww ··--·-- 647