Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/1145

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xcvi INDEX. Ku•mg¢r' , John]!. Pan- Labor Bureau Department of Commerce and Pan. ap riation for monthly payments to. . 577, 710 Labori—Gontinued. Kh¤a';`3P4gqnq,Z0reg., of In _ tnngerred to Department of Isbor ... 737 gppggp pport, , dung Labor aroma, des _ ... 534 toclge made blyiuiniclluetrial Rxg naupn port, e ., tmna mmrmwn creasing °‘°&°¥..£.."‘°".¢ .. ff}? . or m¤..,,_m., or . no appoprngion for 1[odoct Pomt irngatmn 534 appropntgtwn for, atatmtrcian, clerhg405Z 783 ect; ymen . 0 -···.···-·---·-·-····· · - -

 Cal., ‘ Labor Department (au Department of Labor).

apprqmatmniwnnmtmmce, •tc.,d.. 383,840 Laborpupum, _ _ Knwea and Fork, inquiry to be made by Industrial Relations dutyogcandmn ...,,... -..- 5 Commimion intornethods of ad_|ust· Krecrpmca; duty in Canada on ., 8 ing,_etc., by mediation . 410 terma §courtat ... . . 814 appointment on industrial Relation Com- _ dioootcledaobekaptat. . 815 miarionofnotles_thantbreerepro- Ksuahoa, Alban, _ _ ~ aeptatxves of, requ1red...: . 415 deiuaucy approprmuon hr ,. . 814 Labondavrng Degncea, fcervwe, 540 Kobe, Japan, pnauon or testing e . propriauon for Saamsn’s Institute 104, 087 apgiopurchase, etc ,. ’ .. 545, 788 K§at,Ala•ba, __ for _ DZ QL 1o¤o41a¤¤»1,gacm¤,o,m . so K .. . ..,... . . 507 appropgxiatliou gag purchase, fort Auditor 881 ootenai Fond, M4 ost ce Departmen

 etc., of.. 288,840 Labor-Saving Kachina, Treorury Deportoorenaz mr, mens,

budge' thoriaed amos, Libb 1(ont . 71 for purchase of . 768 Bexi=;¤h:Zont. . .. 3 tatidiea, Bureau of; Department of

···· : ·········--············ v

]nhmmary° examination to be made • of Labor Bureau changed to 787 Bonnara Ferry to in¤·nati¤:i $e¤_anddutieaa((!<>mmiai•gnerof · boundary line .. 231 Labor transferred to Commissioner §m(•e¢Chiape§). _ otLaZI:ZorBtag:1a¤¢;a..Z.Z.., . 737 Lloyd . ., provisions paying or mjunea appointment as major laedical CWM, {erred to . 737 Army, retrred,autlmnaed .. 187 Laborers, _ Kuahua, Hawaii, reatricoed to eight hours a day on public appmpriation for naval magaaine, public works .., . . , 726 works 343, 901 rivu and harbor dredging and excavation aimilar to .. Z . . 126 Ark L · Labour Lfcgialahbn, International Asaociataon La Fagan County or, alteration, etc., ii briilge acroi Red River appro ' n for contribution .. 400, 783 in, aadrorhod ,...,,.,. . ... . 185 Lau-1l£T1‘:'gt‘&ae\•n¢»·y, Le¤erandGoghrough,

 blic building so """°'ii‘.."‘°‘&J°' ‘°"""'“" "“"°“ °“ so

o rn r .. . .. La Sal National Form, Jxb and Colo., Laconia, Ning., _ _

 lor maintenance, etc., of. . 283, 840 construcet§>ntof public building author- 872

, iz a

 for public building  . . 421 Late Beresford, Fh.,

limit of coatincreaaed, public building 806 preliminarp examination to be made of La Trappe River Hd., cana from Saint Johns River. . 823 a propriation ior improvement of 205, 806 Lake Champlain, N. Y1 and W., Lablzar gee Employees). f C and appropnatio: for improvement of N ar;01 r ureau, Department 0 ommcrve rows . .. . . 801 Labor, _ _ _ preliminary examination to be made of I appropriation io: , chief etatiw, 783 Oadezphwater connections with canal. 822 mrc c erlm, e . .. , ,, {or perd$ gxpegs, eu:} ... gg, acquitingtheiteegcr public building at, ports an ma or . , au .. . . r$ Em, mamooymom Asocia- ur. c»woy,°i:z., 877 Z ZZ: -. - ---···.-----. &,Z x a¤t:¤onri:§)duac¤·o:ZG1lu?lit Riveriu 19 er books, e . . .. o n , ., ` for medical examination of injured em- appropriation for iigproevfement of, from Iployees, ... . -, . . . 406, 783 Saint Johns River to Crescent City, for mar-national Congress on Social In- 477 DmFla.,kre§·r“c·t;on .. 810 surance . _. . Z ... Z ... _ Lake mar Hagazi , N. J., deficiency appcropmtmu for per diem, ex· 50 s pimriatemi for public worm .. 342, 901 peru, e .. Lag ,

 abroad coat oi production of prelzk exam' t' to b ad of

u ‘ learticlee, etc., tranderrenl to waterway fr¤im?'i":>ledo, hey Eaurinee Bureau of Domestic and Foreign River and Fort Wayne to Lake Commerce from ... Q7 Hichigm. . .. 228