Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/1163

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cxiv mom. Hiaoula Fam, Hons., at mm 1obikBay, idle.; _ of I Pan. ppropnauon or maintenance •t:. . tpilvpflthm 0I' ¤¤P¤W¤l\¤¤t 0 Iiuotm, Y ° ’ .cunnectingMi¤i¤ippiSound and. 211, 811 apportionment of Bepree•ntaths_ . 13 pmjactmodnligd . . ... 811 Ii••ou1i.E¤lcr·nJudi¤alDi•¤·ict, payms¤tius£ 1¤toGrants Pas 811 counties constituting; dividms. ... 51 ccnskuction and time extended turns, (bps Ginnlmu - . 52 iorbridges, efc., Dauphin I¤land.. . 137 Hannibal .. 52 examination to be made for Rolla . l 52 m1andwaterwayiromPen•colaBay Saint Louis ... 52 to 823 diese ei clerk 52 Hoeula•y,_Pq¤·, _ _ .. ... .. 52 for reimbursement to .. 524 Hunan, anna, Ten; Oonpeny , ., ‘ exchangeland¤¤nd¤Ch¤acta and umng" aite£urpubl1c'bu1ld1ng' · ""’ m.»;».>.,.»1¤..¤,¤».¤.¤?.'. n ‘°“ mma . T m Bimini Iyivgr, for df Indus Nagiogml {’or¤t,_€'ol., f 284, 840 appopnatun appoprnum ormamtenanne, etc. 0 . in opposite Sioux gityéulowa. 63 M IN Jloweia, Q‘ugtmn;, him of 434 ‘ mxpmvunent , secure · orcouqvennti in .. clunnel between Kanna City and Qui., ` the mouth ... : ._ . 219, 447, 818 _ for improvement of . . . . 818 enopuntimbylocal1¤eabcnsIit¤d...- 212 tobemadeu 825 iaimprovemnutot,Kan¤sGitytoSioux Bridg¢Cosnpang, C•ty,I¤•¤. ... . . 219,818 maybridge ‘ ' piRiver . . . 810 i¤·im;mvunentoi,Si¤uxCitytoFort Iol€n¢,Il1., Benton, llont. .. 219, 818 bridge authorized mos Miqissippi River, in bank nvetment above Elk Point 818 to Bottendort, Iowa .,. 810 brldp authorised acres Bellevue, Nebr.- 89 Ionusm, Pe., between llonntnil and HcKen:ie Gunn- and erecting public building hNt:•,thN.Dak . i17% mauthpripedw.: 870 N¤mn;¤13:¤i6K&£3ZZ'.'IZIZIZIZ.. ’2 library os, made pm ot Library of ca- SM

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Weldon Springs_ lio . 15, 1015 terrnmation of .. . _ 30

 oi, to be made Honqlnnding, D. Q,

at (Sty. ... 229 regulations for issuing licenses for, etc., at

 ... 825 muethandxgucentinterest  657

Saint Iosgphbflgiz - é ,516 229 llonq0rdg.s_Divi;on, osg O~_@¤:1D ncmstructao ridge over . pmpnatann upenn eu c BY _ .._ ... 55 sp e¤c..§..;..};‘;l.$_...: 402,780 time brnigmg' , ° lain, Benq ervwe, srwx, Iowa ,.,... . .,,,,.,..,,,,,,,, , 123 for mppliee ..,,,.. 552, 800 Walden 8 Landing, Mo ... 1014 statemenufromlanuaryl tolune 30, 1912, Yanhonjglgk ..,.. . . . . 857. not to be assorted, etc.; retention Missouri Wuung 52 an . . 915

...:... ... 2::;::::: 52 light vessel authoriged near ... 1017

J City . 52 Iona National Form, _Nc¤. and Cal., gxnliu . . .. . ... 52 appropriation for maintenance of ... 284, 840 t Josekph .. . . . . 52 Ripcr,

  52 bridge authorized acrom, Catawba, W. Vu. . 688

gig . .. 52 River, fa., offices of c .. . 52 appropriation for improvement of; recon- _ . :..:..é3; 52 _ g¤uc¤on0f}'41ctil:)mdf7DambNol;1g‘§.. 806 Kuala, . ., akepruasmaun prelimmaryexnmma n to e e; gnu, _ _ reconstruction oi Lgcks and Dams deiciency appmpnation for pay to widow Nos. 4 and 6 .. 224 of. ·- . ... . . 616 for reservoirs at headwaters of; scope of Jloape Natimal Form, Nev., investigation, etc . 224

 for maintenance, etc., of.- 284, 840 I gpropriation for expenses ... . . . . 224

, o., sa en1a1gernetoipublicbuildingat,auth¢m· l ed, tc.,b , 'tbed to M'? . ... so “° v°1?.§¤;"r'§'.f cm?. .’°‘. . .““ . se x°w°’A{°°’· my www 211 sm mmm 1 bh bu .1 un men .. , ’t»e r 'l at, - iz:} _ _ fvihkbll ... 211,810 °°° m¤£`»a.?..¥f{...Y...`..`{€ Y`. an .,·...‘°'j."“;,.,‘:°."°""“"’r-.,...,]·,·w»1a‘»; ‘‘‘‘ — ‘‘·‘‘‘ £ 'Z,‘F'°‘· ”· Q1 { bl b m . . . u ° ‘ d' . ···~¤=·····~·=~ ..·...,.,.·~····¤··=·····..,.,.;.,‘ ·· ···“'m 0* 5 ·~······"'°,,..,,,.,""?`...,.‘I“ ,Z£p“ `° ““,.,,,.`“‘. I ... ‘” ·-·---··--·--·-·---- n surve r , er , termaofcourtat. -.. 3 .9 etc ,..,. __,__,__,, Mobile Args'lly.ry, Arny, _ foregchanging lands with, for forest uses. 854 appropr1a¤mf¤ralterq,&.. 127,672 app ¤0nmentcfRepressn¤tives...,,,,, 13