Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/1182

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INDEX. cxxxm Pmmm Canal Act-Continued. P•¤•- Peifcr, Distinctive-Continued. Punndjustment of claims for injuries, etc., to ciiciency appropriation for United States emplégecs . 563 securities .. .. .. 47 substitut for prior 1aws_ 563 Paper, ctc. Wood Pulp, wireless installations to be mstalled .. 563 tree of :1,:3 when imegorted from Canada: terms and tolls; messages given preced· co tion prec exit 11 ence _ .. 563 Papcrfor, Checks cmd Dmfu, Treasury Departopemting agreements, etc., with private mmg, companies authorized . . 564 appropriation for ... 883, 761 maintenance of docks, warehouses, etc., by Paper for Internal Revenue Stqmps, Panama Railroad _ . . . 564 spprgpriation for, and freight . 431 sales of supplies, etc., to passing vessels. 564 Paper cking, use of receipts for opemtmn, etc.; ac- spproprisuon_ for testing, etc., iibmus C0lmIjD€;é . 564 plan mcluding flax straw, for... 277,835 reports to made of receipts and ox- Pap¢r~Maney Jladnhu, Treasury asenditures ... I . 564 _ Department, _ _ _ civil ministmtion vested m_governm·. . . 564 deficiency s roprmtxon for operation, eh:. 595 Canal Zone laws made spglgcnble .. 584 Paraguay and ggwxquay, _ mwns and subdivisions to determined appropriation for mmmter to . 95, 688 by the President ... 564 or secretary of legstion. .. 96, 688 magistrate? courts; jurisdiction, etc . 564 Pqrqcl Post (maine Fourt.hClassMail1§attar), appointment of citizens; rules ot pro- Jomt Congressional committee to mquirc ccduro etc . 564 into general, etc . . .. 559 nouries public _ . ._ ... 565 approprumon for sx ness; report .. 569 district court established; divisions; inria- continued until report . 796 diction . 565 dciic1e1wy_ appropriation for expenses, to supersede Omni Zone courts ... . . 565 _ elgnupment, supplies, etc . , .. 928 jqmtp, selection, etc ... 565 allowance to transportsuon on district attorney; marshal; duties .. 565 railroad routes on account of; lim- • tment, term, etc ... . . 565 imtions ... . 797

of judg;a; clerk . . . % Pqric, Amaggsln Hoopilal of, 654

esignatmn 0 temporary in , etc . m ra. ; purposes etc . . . salary of district attorney nndgemnrshnl. . 565 Paris greens, I transfers of records, etc., of existing appropriation for expenses preventing ale, courts .. 565 _ etc., sdulterated . 300, 853 temporary continuance of supreme court. 566 Pans, Ta., duties of clerk, etc . 566 aiproprintion for public building . . . . . 423 practice and procedure continued ... 566 Par C01L7lI% Wzo. appellate Emsdiction of circuit court of grant of loc , Powell townsite, in Sho- _ nppes. , fifth circuit; procedure, etc. 566 shone irrigation project, for school admissions to Canal Zone . 566 uses to 322 punishment for violatinlgregulstions 566 Park Road D. C., _ injuries, etc., to Canal un wful ... 566 part of 'fwentieth Street NW., designated punishment for- . . . . ... 566 as 947 _ acts causing death ... 568 Parkersburg, W Vu., mterststc commerce provisions .., 566 terms of court nt .. 76 pamgo through Canal denied veseis Parking Commission, D. C., ovyned, etc., by monopolies etc 567 agprogristion for expenses. . 152, 951 extradition and rendition laws mai treaties Par , . C.,_ _ _ extended to Cam.] Zone 569 appropriation for condemning hud for in time of war Army ctiicer to have entire null, outside city limits ... 971 chnrge, ... 589 condemnation proceedings, etc ... 971 subordmstmn of governor .. 589 not lou thm 0ne—third oi coat, etc., of lands Pmumuz-Pacijinz Inu:-nativml Exposition fogtoboaasnednabeueita ... 178 Company, Parks, National (see National Parks). granted right of way ncros Fort Mason Parbwaya, D. C'., Military Reservation, Gal ... 186 one·lmlf of expenses of lands for, etc., to temporary use of portions of Presidio of _ benmeaedubenehts .. 178 San Francisco and Fort Mason Parlurmentuy Hansard G¤un6¤·n, _g¤ntedto . 629 Co1gre¤ionalRecor&tobefumidnedCnnclos1n¥oicert.¤.ins¤·eetsinSnnFxnncisco. 630 •d»in .. 632 "Pam.¢h:r, U.% S., 347 Panik, Uniu¤g8tatu d , add a 'tion orrepurs° ... ree¤seon,qrgoodconuct,exte to Papago rindnhvu, Pima County}, Ariz., life terms ... ;. 650 npproprhtion for development of water Parrish, J. E., _ _ _ f supply for nonpidic 522 deiciency appropriation for p•ying iudg- 602 or mvesugntion o irrigation system on ment to ... . ... P reservation. ...,... 522 Pasadena, Cal., f bhc bun {28 a , appmprh tion or pu dmg’ . alpgropriation for testing woods suitable for Pascagoula, Hin., · making ..., 287 nptpmprintion for improvement of harbor. . 811 Paper, Distinctive, or extending channel to the Gulf of appropriation For expenses, United States Mexico 811 securities .. 432 Pascagoula River Mba., for national currency 432 sppmprigticn ior improvement of . . . 211, 811 87618°—v01. 37-1*1 1—75