Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/1186

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mnnx. oxrxvii Persia, has- Philippine I•la1•d•—Continued. P•••- appropriation forminisgmto. ... . 95,688 appropriation for roliei_ of shipwrecked orsecretar{_0flegs.uonand00rrsr1lgsn· Americansearnenmn .. 104,696 _eral at eheran. . . ; ... 96, 689 for seacosst batteries .. 128, 673 for mterpretertolsgatronandcorrsnhste for•earchl1ghtsforharbordefense.., r 673 general ... 96,689 for preservation, repair, eta., fortificator interpreters and guards at consulates tions Z , .. 128, 673 P ... . . .. 106, 696 for repair, etc., torpedgm 673 restriction on Ipaying tor, from lump-sunéu no for supplign, beefy; 673 a . ... . . 4 , not a to mechanics, etc . . . . , 790 for structures, etc., for submarine mines. 67 not applicable tolisgientiic work under I £1)rlugh·powernavalr:"A;·l]i0stat;1onsiri... g Agricultural puunsnt; trunsters, r seacoast m ... ew  ; .. . ... » 854 - iorgxpensei, report on Esligiss, etc., of. 475 Personal fas Bogrd, D. 0., 141 M0 g tgqugpmentsfor ... ga; 7,9*; pnanon shrine ,... . .. 0 troops rn ‘ Pm {fun, D. C., _ , ‘ resdctiononsnrount for o&eus’ quarexempt:rou_of household effects of public ters_ .. 1. 584, 717 1·»a.4¤1»y°E°ui$' ‘.?'“"°°"’ ‘°""‘”‘“ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ’°°° ‘°' §’,‘.;’2'£."ce°‘.?&"" ‘°' "‘“’“"°°’ “"°§8r m Panssmrlseioilmusasnsmrposrsmes. zoo mr one or m au, . asy ums ur .. ,

   , 95,688 for con` cies Engineer Depart-

1-...d ·’?"'°°""°"°""“°" ·‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ °°*“: e¤m..‘&$ §£a::i:;;::;:::;::gf“·’$9 utyou `_ . . . . extennono t y eg1.slature' _ au orp,r...”“’”“‘r,.d‘G,_z(r“” "‘1€"""‘ ¤..h°" ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘··‘‘‘‘ ° mr ‘.;r‘;;;;.;;‘r···,¤.··: " claimofU' Shtestocertaintimber clasmaildeliveryrates 557 P crgr .. 697 radio regulations not ap- Sm emlumu 4 , ., p e ... . . riatzion for improvement of. . 220 818 vessels owned b 'tizens to 0 l 'n

 examination of, to be ma<le... ’ 230 trade witzfztc., admi re;iZt.iy

Petit Jean Riva? Ark., _ _ wl1erever built . ... 562 bridge authorized across, pontoon . . . . . 29 Phtleppme Sgouu,

exammatron of, to be made-.. 228 appropgréaviiron for pay of officers; long?] 710

4 , ., · ... , appropriation for public building .. 423 for pa ozznlisted men; longevity . .. 577, 710 survey directed of inland route to, by Phillips Cgunly, Ark., Crooked, Burt, and Mullett Lakes, granted lots rn Helena for public uses . 647 P etc , ,... 228 Phtucondgorbs . . ...,.. 647 ' ¤. wu. i , - ·, ‘ to be agcommissioned chief pharmacists Pazrglgpjation for services ..., 521 six service . 345 , ria., to Ppagziz-ie., of chief boatswain . 345 ap ri: riation lor public building .. 423 Philadelphia, a., Kar lrndian school, . 521 spgypriation for naval home 834, 895 Phomipeilk, fa., _ _ _ navy yard, public works .. 340, 900 acquiring site and erecting publrc bruldgr rnarme barracks, addggral ... %, 921 P ini at, authorrzjadd; 875 r asistant tx‘eas¤.rer·’ 0 . 7 1 ` for mint at ... . : .? ... 884; 761 Idaho’t0 select, subject to mining forjbuildings, etc, rrnmiglnnt station- . . 475 righb .. : - ... . . 687 dehcnency approgratrou Mvy yard, Phosphorus Karcher, Whale, _ pu lm wor .. 604 internal-revenue tax on, provkrons governfor mint, aaay commission . 914 ing _ 81 loan of obsolete rides, etc., to 1 Pl•0¢0gmp7¤•t_Fglm•, dc., Pageant Comrmttee of, for celebrv free admrmon of American, exposed - tion of one hundred and twengg abroad ,  : ..,. : . 12 gr]: anniversry of framing of M1 exccleg`: Elms for moving-picture ma- 12 nstxtution ... es . terms of court at ... - . . 730 wom out, etcl, movirrppicture films 13 Pkd•ppr§°{W£ Va., _ . 76 P prooxcrdentrty _ 1 2 wrms eourt tgroom . . .,0 Fights,

 Crnutetbuhvy, mq   receiving, etc., ,0f, by mail or exrestr-rctiou on detsnlung oicers for, not to pres, unlawful  240

be enforced nnu Imm, 1914.. 571 pumahmentjor 241 no oBce=rbelowmaj0r tobed sschiei Photoplgs, Ilotrovr Plays, dna, or amstant chief oi; further restrrc- copyright exten ed to . 488 _ _ _¤o¤s .,...,,.,.,.. . 571 penalty for mh-mging copyrrghted works Plnhppmq Islands, _ _ Y .·---·---.----- · ·-·---··-··---·- 489 appropnatipn for pay ,of Resident Com- Phymal Qmrgronrs, _ _ mmmners · ... 365, 743 apprupranon for operating testing mafor expenses . . . . .. 365, 743 clunes, to de¥£!|¤1¤€ .------ - -~--·· 410. 787