Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/1205

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clv1 INDEX. Pu blic Lands-Continued, PICS- Public LG1ldO—C0uti.I1\|€¢l. PBR- hommtead entries, proof required in case of timber killed_ or damaged lay forest Eres on, death of entryman . 123 authonzed to be sol .. 1015 t areaof cultivation required yearly .. 124 of timber on unperfected for enlarged homestead entries ... 124 c . : .. . 1016 not applicable to Nebrah. arid land, payment to claimants on dual approval or irrigauon ... 124 _ of entry z. ..: .. . 1016 unperfected entries included .. 124 time extended for paying installments due notice of law to be mailed each entry- ggchomesteaders on lands of man affected .. . .,. 124 yenne River Indian Reservachoice of entryman to perfect under tion, S. Dak .. . Z .. . 84 hudold law . . . . 124 Coe1}rddd’Alene Indian Reservation, 85 to revert on ure estab msi- o . dence or abandonment . 124 to include those dire prior to the pasperiodtobeginiromdateofactnralresi· saigeof thelaw ... . . 1026 dence ... . . 124 Standing Rock Indian Reservation, S. extension permitted if delayed by Dak. and N. Dak.. . 84 ickneq, etc .. 124 title, etc., to former Creek Indian lands in choices! p;1orent{·ynientr>per·fectproof 925 Alabama, relinquidied to present 22 un er ormer w . . owners . l failure to give noticejor reduced term townsite, Port Angeles, Wash., sale of cer- Eot to prejudice rights under fcrmer 455 Timgirnlliocks afi ... . 74 w . . . em upree, . .,

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paten . . . . o , .. of 320 acres of ¤omrngab' le hnds author- tract set a for high' way, Caddo County, of Miged in States .. _ 1. . . 132 Publ L0kl£?ft3..é..j;;..-&;.;ii; .. 505 acresm ebraska, q caucus ic formy, . ., es, ar of forma homestead entrymen .. 499 Brandt, hommtead settlers allowed additional time appropriation for salaries ... 145, 942 topayfqrChe{le-r.:neaudArs£hoe @f7iC6It'[ik£8PI*bl\IlljL .. 943 hservatmn, 0 ., ceded lan . . . 33 rfor substitutes 145, 943 allowed addmlonal time, etc., to pag for for Sunday and holiday opening. . . L -- H5.,943 Kiowa, etc., ceded lands, kia- iorbonka, fuel, etc .. L. 146, 943 boma- . ._ .. 91 delidency appropriation forcentingent exallowed ?Ide::1tional t;fmlef:dp1:gr for lands I runs .. , . . . -- 916 on c Roseb Reserve- Pub ic aDiv1}i¢m;1‘rsaruryDepm·tmml, tion, S. . . ...,. _ 21 a ro for chiefofdivision, el:c-.. 374, 752 allowed extension of time for entries on Igrinting and Bindiguy, form<;·Umtagnd:ian lands, Umh. . . 196 appropgiation for‘ a3 , 80 wes absence in certain overnmen n 4 _ d.istrig:ta.---: . r 23 { holidays and leaves of absence ... 480 ®I¥l'.@¤0¤H'0]¢¢‘UIll0I$6m0Wf&• orexpenses .. .. 480 mtablihrundence after water avail- for Congress .. . 481 ahh. . 7 . . . Z .. 105 for executive departments, etc . 1. . . 48], on Wind River ceded lands division oi_allot.ments, restriction . 482 _ may commute entries ... . 1 91 all expendituresfor printing and bind-

 tracts maybenldatauction; limit. 7( ing to be equitably charged to work

metalhferous gmmng exploration, etc., al- executed . . 482 loved m_ lands withdrawn under presmen to be paid 55 cents an hour. . 482 OQ uldconselxgvadtgon . ..: .. 497 for salariesdand expenses, superintendn ; qncul entries per- ent o ocuments .. 482 nizied of surface of clanihed ... 496 for printing, etc., Postal Laws and Regupstentgfor in Oregon to estate of T. lgtions; gale ,___,,,, , ______,,__.,,_ 541 gen on ogg . 666 for Thirteenth Census .,..., to purchasersof lands of Umatilla Indian continued ___________________ _ ________ wg, Oreg., Suitable only 665 for printing compilation of Chinese Op z _ __ ________,______ : ,___ _ _ [gang ____ _ ______ _ _____________ _ 694 phmgztghoagfds ml lands, selection by 687 degicigncy appropriation fog . 621, 933 _ _ _ ...·-····...-.- , ;--. or nterstafe ‘ommerce ommission pl3C€!·II1llll!1g cla1ms, Alaska, provisions matter relating to rivers and harbors, to be 933 _ for lncavpg, etc ·..-.-.-... 242 paid for from river and harbor apprormknad gra,¤t5•u1 Arizona, N ew Mexico, 0; riatioug ,,,,___,.,,,,____,_,,,_,,,_ 233 California occn}pied by Indians may ordered; compilation of river and harbor be exchanged or other lands ... 1007 laws, 1907—l912 .. . . . 233 rough and mountainous tracts may be sold extended to 1913 827 to adjoining owners; lnmt .. 78 index of reports of Chief of Engineers, nie of ¤¤;rf=¤r¤ <>f wzregmd Choctaw Md 1866-1912 .-.. r --.·--.. 233 Chzclrasay coal and asphalt la.nds-. 67 reports oi river and harbor surveys made school sections in uusiirveyg swamp lands during mceg _____________ _ _____ _ _ 234 826 _ granted to Loirisiana _ . . . I 90 · compilation of river and harbor appropria- , semiand lands set aside for sptneless cactx tions revised edition to include 62d propagation Luther ____ 5m __ ______ _ _, _ 827