Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/1219

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olxx xmmx. Rwullloilubivuwn" ,Pc¤t0 Department P•¤•· Pan. •ppmpri•ti<m for superiutenjidznt, bridge mthoriied acme, Burnett c ou: . . .. 402,780 County, Wir. md Pme County, R•:oellForQ:ho pigScndy Rim, city K 92 lIinn...: ... _ 14,25 ndgo acros,Elkh<n . between Clusago Mmn., an Hnrauwboine, Ky ... Cj. ig time Polk compy, wu,.} 61 , ex or brggmg, t rx Ruaellyilk, _ _ b _ County, Wk. to adungton County, 22 mring m mecting public llilding Mmn . ’ . ww st, authorised . 878 Saint Ne., td wl , a oum vemen ..

f¢;nmb1d¢¤to. .     _' River,  229

secretary embosy .. . , uehmmng exammntion to nude .- foraecondaecretsry . . . . 96,089 _ 07IdLlIk¢,_#l}.¢I7IdH#HI.,

 . 96,689 postlunternhghuaudionmdon  .. 239

iurse•lgegu1ntmns,togrve•&cttoc<mve¤n- S@I¢Ffo7lG!R|·’U€, Ark., — _ bon with, etc ... : . . 499 appropr-i•tmn_for improvement of ... 215, 814 not1ii¤mamtote¤nmntp¤e•tyol1832w1dr, bndgosut.hor1zed•¢:ro•,Dunk1in0ounty, sdnptnd and rallied ... - 027 Mo., to Cgi County, Ark .. 20

 mm- .,, "’°¤...€°""..,"*   zi.?

ocquu-mg m su- cxammntmn , . . he thorhed .., eva s§ ,F‘nr1u§g Riu; y,,__ F ° M duty on Canadian, dom .. 4 bVBO$:§l0¥iEd acmm, nn recrpmoul dum Quads on, flour 7 Mo .,.. 119 ireoofdutyw ¤nmdlru¤n0a.n•dn.. 9 p1elimiuryonminntionof,tobem•do-. 228 ncipmcnlly exempt duty m Canndn. 10 Sain: Naval Station, Vo., qpprgpnnuon for mmntennnce 895 5, Sami oe Fora}, Idaho, oppr?n·mgnon for mmntunmoe, etc., of.- 285,841 Sabine-Ncgheg C'c:¤l,_T¢:., d 3**;: _ •¤§RW¤’, I¢W§¤, _ d who 231 appropnsmon or m t · exim- I-\¤¤¤·¤’& . ··· —...,,...,,.·*···*··***··*‘ ,,·.s:..,,..,.,. -·-··>=·· i ····-·· L: ""J.,’m,,;,’?.·:*.;.;,,, an g · ,,______ _ o _ z 1.. ., .. Aé bridggoutheyiud accom, Port Arthur, Tex. 08 wu! P¤V“°8°¤ lm abme oa, a:., _ _ ---····-·-····-·~····-·-

Ppmp¤'g,¤j impmvqmm mm'; Som! John R1 ,

¤,nc°__i? ____________ if _____ gu bridge guthotgned across, Van Bunn M0., sabfqw 3;,,,, [,,_ qnd Tm, _ tosointlioonnrde, N. B., (hands 1020 appropriation for improvement of rotor- $0**  ?'¢!·» _ , _ ygy, ugnngnfgu Rivgg wu _____ _ QW foX` P\1bhC St, Iupieumiouyeummauonor ¢¤1»m¤a¤.. zz-: _ thorupd -----·----···---·-·----···- 878 Soc and Fg: Agqng, imno, #7***** hh? FHM

 for nddmonnl employees  524 \PP!°P¤¤¤°¤ 9* ¤¤P'°V°m°¤t °f» h'°m

ga, uz 54;,,, 4,,,% gym. jacksonville to oce•n -210, 447, 810 ¤1;$p¤s¤m' in sdditivnal employes san M ¤1l:‘p;·¤v•m¤nt oi, Iuzknonvmo to 1>.. 3,; pu [,,4;,,,, _ ... . 210,810 pymglt of W “ uw gl. {OI 1mpfoV€mBDt Of, to m0 lotmento of certain, Deep Fork die- —-·· · ··--·~··-·····.-···· 210,810

 Okln.; condition, etc  194 br improvement of channel, Cumber-

‘°“° °""*",i,,,, fg °{,,°‘m“""‘”’,,U,,,QK°§',;;h mumimmqd Sgunxmd $.5 `éi i.3'i.2,' Q M °pp'°p,£§.,.,; ____ I ,__,___,____,, ,,,__ I 524 me Harney to Lm’w».m¤gw¤.Z 227 gm, [Q, ‘ d ~ _ b _ Sdmca;31 to Imkergerestord from .. . 823 uu]-ng te nliui yi °! uq ge, ggrgiznrirod . 874 sitsiuudsdrecting public building 876 sqcmmmro, _, _ s , au_ onz . deficiency appropriation for public build- Sum! Jong; Rwer, Qcl., S Eil ... . .. 914 S£_p§1}>pnat1o31{;}: improvement of. . 806 ocramento ver ., mph ·» o ristion for im ot ... D0, 818 uppmpmtion for improvement ov! harbor Saying jpplionw on _ , _ md nver. ...--··----. 216, 815 gppropnntion for enforcing uso of .. 437 SGM! Joseph, Nv., Sopnow River, Huh., tprmn of court at .. 52 np riation for imgmwment of ... 448, 815 Somt Joseph River, Kids., Bmvigggdgezqa Boy, of ., qppropnntion for improvement of. . 815 nppropnnuon for xmprurvemont of channel Som! Joseph; Bo , Flo., from A}»uh•:h.i¢oln River to 210, 810 appropriation fir improvement of entmnco Bain: Ann': fn ont Asylum, p. 0., _ _ to; local contribution .. .. 210,810 npproprgntnon for cure of children m . 174, 968 Samt Julien: Oreck Naval Magazine, Va., Sdn; (bow County, Wu., _ _ _ appropriation for public works ..,,... ...- 342. 901 tina expanded for bn%Samt Gnu Sant Lemumb, New Bnuuwick, Corrado, River, to Wmhmgton unty, Mimi., budge authorized ncrou Saint John River {mm ·-··-··· · -··-··---·-·---···— ·- 22 from Van Buren, Me., to ..,. 1020