Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/1228

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INDEX. clxxix Senate-Continued. 1’•••· Serums, om., for Domazio Animals-Contd. Pun. three Senators to be chosen ior Commi•· importation prohibited without permit 832 { sion on Tob:c§o. . 504 _ of worthlesz, harmful, etc6...B k 832 useoapropnataons orcom ero‘ svy inspection 0 imported, ureau o lyearbook and indexer for Senate Animal Indusky . 832 documents , ... 35 rejection of worthles, dangerous, etc.; for compiling and indexing committee destruction, etc ... 832 reports, etc 35 rules, etc., to be_pr011;n:.t\§Yted to prevent

 Cases, _ { _ _ em 930 gc, etc., in w es, dangerous, 832

sency a or compiling, . Senate Hammgzmp md _ 741 issue, etc., of to establishments for 833 a riation or revising prepanng. . · para non o .

]ioe Building, permitgtzwr importation of, which are not

appropriation for employees tor, under worthless, dangerous, crc ..,.,_, 333 Bergeantatarms · 363, 741 licenses for znreparatron issued on condiior police force .. . . .. 363, 741 tion 0 permitt.ing_ inspection, etc... 833 for elevator conductors, etc .. 363, 742 suspension, etc.; bearings .. 833 ios·t:rees,etc.,iorgro•mdsof.. .. 444 au ority of agent to mspect, etc., at for maintenance ... . . . . 479 any hour ... . . 833 don purchase of suppliesgi , . punishment ft? violation ... .. 833 cienc nation pruechesw. oreXpens¤.. . 833 for rstaunnttli ... 616 Ssrums, etc., _Tubcn:ulm, lor mahtsnsnce . 616, 021 appropriation for_ purchase, etc., ot, for Senators, treating animal diseases . 2I3, 832 appropriation for year 1912 Sonia, Bulgaria, andRou,mania, immediately a lc .. 86 for to . 95, 088 kzcaupmsstion .. . . 360,739 orsecretnryoflegauonandconsnlgenfor mileage . ... . . 360, 739 _ eral, . 96, 688 lor clerks to . 363, 742 Service Pearson: (see also Pensions, Service) torstanographessto . . . $$,742 grmtedior90daysormoressrv1cemCivxl deliciencirppropristion io! mileage . 50 War at 62 and over ,. . . 112 for cler and to . . 930 for 60 dai? service in Mexicsn·War 113 Amendment to the Constitution proposed Savior S , Anny, by Congress for the election of, by appropriation for mstzruction expensee... 570,704 the vote of the people of the States. 646 Srventmula Amendment to the Constitution, tilingstatements oi expenses of candidates, proposed by Congress for the election of requirements . 360 Senators by the vote of the people provisions for publicity to contri- of the States . .. . ., 646 butions or electrons of .. 25 Seventh Judicial Circuit, forbidden to give promise of appoint- allotment oi four circuiltlludges to . 53 ments, etc., before election 28 Sevier National Forest, U , limit of contributions by, to expenses of appropriation for maintenance, etc., of. . 285, 841 campaign for nomination and elec- Segvags, etc., Nambable Streams and Laker, tion ... 28 mvestigating, ss affecting diseases of msn, Seneca Indian Agency, Okla., authorized .. . .. 309 appmifiriation for additional employees 530 Sewm, D. C., _ _ _ Seneca ndians, N. Yi appropriation for cleaning and repairing. 151, 950 appro riauon for treaties with. . . 528 purchase of motor trucks. 151 S , (gaoern, _ for pumping station .. 151, 950 appropriation for interpreter at consulate. 103 for main and pipe .,,.,.. 151, 950 Sequoia Nantmal Feral, Cul., for suburban ... . 151, 950 appropriation for maintenance, etc., oi., 285, 841 for rigntsoiyay ..,...,,,.,,,,,.. _ 151, 950 Sequoia Park, Chly for Anacostia main interceptor ... 151, 950 8 appropar;a§1on .. 4N dxjtock Creek main . . 151, argent rms oor , , me apprognatmn or ts wa . appropkrixion ior, assistant, eaésirtant doorgw 7 I Sqmowrgnnik he b Y pers, mesengen, . , 4 construction ° aildmg' authorked for iorce trorn llaltb 8% 741 at. .. · .. 871 for employees tar Buildéam 741 Slaalloue River, C., d, _,, ..,. . . riation or imprcvqnmt ... . QT! ra p`$`¤¥ce ¢m;,,s...» om Building acs, m ¤r$1`·m°·»g no. M1-H. sggoancagaz-nu, wsse/Reprrsgslalwu, · approprationiorxmpmvemantef M7 appropnatmn for, dgruty, cashier etc._. 366, 744 Shanghai, Clnrm, orpoliceforce, ouse0¤ice$uildmg, sppropriatiemiorglxpensa, United States under", . _ ... 363,745 courtfor Chma ... - .. 101,N4 charts F. Riddell authonzed to draw iorprisonexpenses ... 1(B,Q6 checks, etc., during temporary dis- Shanlq, Hobart ., ability oi; bond ... 636 credit in accounts, Mexican Centennial until election of 637 Conumsswn . .. 598 bond r};ntinued...j.,. . 637 Sham Nagrodngl Gal., ctc of 285,841 sq-wu,ru,, orDom¤uo' morale, approprra n Otmlmtznmce, ,, .. traEc in worthlem, harmful, etc., in inter- Slammer County, Kara., _ yu qommqce unhvlul ... 832 dams authorized acres Kanms River in m•nniacture,etc.,mbject\¤Hc¤se .. 832 Wab•¤¤¤¤¢C0\m¢yor ---··- 110