Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/1235

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olxxxvi INDEX. Steamboat Inspection Sem2»—0ontin¤ed. has .9% Ida, PIII. oficers reqnnred in certificate of inspection, ciency approgiation for . - . 600 ocean-going, etc., vemels; one duly Steivnhalafrsc Rover, lo., _ licensed master- .. 733 preliminary examination of to be made... 227 tlneelicenndmatesif1,tXI)tonsorover- 733 Stenographera to Committees, House of 'Repre— twomatesifrunleathan 400mi1es ... 733 sentotiua, · twomatesif200and leat.han1,000tons. 738 for . - . 368, 746 one mate if 100and le¤than200tons.. 788 orclericalamistsnce. . 37 if run exceeds 24 hours, two mates deticiency appropriation for extra serv- _required 1 . . .3 733 S ices r .. 616, 932 inspectors may increase num er tenogophan to motors, veael not sufficiently manned for for ... 363, 742 safety . 733 ciency appropriation for . . ... 930 Ihhing veaels, yachts, or motor boats not Sterling, _C'olo., affected .. - ... 733 acquiring gite for public building at, anuoo5certotakech`1:§eofdeckwatchon thonaed .-. _ 877 leaving sport en having had aix Steubenville, phio, _ hours o duty ... . .. 733 on for public building . . . . 425 dutyofotiicersmp<1rtnottoexcwd9 Stevens g;,W¤•l•., hoursin 24 733 time exten ed for dam acrom Pend Ozeille at sea not more than 12 in 24 ; . 783 Riverin ... 115 emergency exceptions when life or prop- Stevens Chek, 8. C'., ertyin danger . 733 time extended for dam acres Savannah penalty for violations . . ; 733 River at mouth of .,... 72 gasoline may be carried in tanks of motor Stewart, General Donkl, lifeboats on Igsenfersteamers .. 650 approprhtion for monument at Midway, inspectors of hu an boilers for Los Ga., in memory of General James _ Angeles, Cal. . - B. . .i’. . ... 1013 S Scrfven .. 445 Qpehnnng` mspec` tors eu mit re rtagt tilagumnia Rena' ., ~ _ r endof year; . I: €* 116 preliminary exainination of, tobe made. 219, 825 _ ' ,etc.,bygeneralboard .. 116 Stool: Food, 4 Steoming ‘ , Navy, appropriation for i¤vest§tim of cactiand appropriation for prizes, etc., nor economy other dry-land plmhfor . .- . 277, 836

 consumption and genera;33 894 St3?£Qmmn’Jmm[,dm for __

· e cron , cien prezrn advertrnng, Stemnslui Lincxfy . .. . .. 924 owneriix of by railroad carrier Stockton Chmmd Cal., wful J uiy 1, 1914 .. 566 appropriation ·f’or improvement of . . 220, 818 detumination ofcompetition, etc .. 567 preliminary examination oi, to be made; Sétahipa, diversion canal, etc 230 railroada having arrangements for through Stockton lfoqbor, (Jul., fore' bnainem with water carriers, on for improvement of . . . . 220 may‘Tersquiredtonnkeaimhar~ S ,Scmuel W, _ rangemsntawithotharlinssot, to the deticiency appropriation for . . ... 614 mma pct . 568 Stoddard {Joumm, llo., Butler ond, Shin, may budge Saint Francis River at Hodgeo duty on ... . 4 Ferry . 67 reuprocaldutyin&r¤dam .. .. 6 Stolenhopcgty, _ _ Sudvnonlsiond, Ta., bringing, into District of Columbia, etc, bridge authorized acres Morris and Cum· punishable under its criminal lawn,. 45 mings Channel, at. .. . .. 55 Stone, 54:1% _ _ fm ul 6 duty on Oasadian, building, etc ... . . . 5 u o¤(}anad1au, drgeetors p . rec u in on build' , reciprocal dutyinCanadaondigeators£r xp etc Y .. · .. ..i. 2 8 wood pulp 8 Stone Bathtubo, etc., Steel, Shipfkztu, blirrnorl ¢;c.,dm N fm duty on .·.·... . 5 no piuchai to e or avy m reciprocal u in on ... . trade monopolies oi . 355, 912 Swne, Capt. D.tZ., 8 atapricoinexceaofreaeonalglepmiit. 355,912 deficiency appropriation §ur,creditiny> not applicable to any exwing con- counts ... . 920 Sud w_t.ract. . . 355,912 Stone, etc., f- _ appropriation or mvestih kugtmgl me bgipey yhen imported from Oanada, 10 8 $atgriaF1;of.. . . .. 410, 787 recipr·g`lal1y exempt hull! duty ih Gllllda, 11 COIIIIIEU foi ¤ix·year ieana, fqr qgngqgiyg U-mud •·’’'*•°’' ••• '‘•‘· ··· ~ €P“¤·¤€uu» ·uthmi”d··• ·-··· ··• Sr§zl%{4.A., _ , Mud _ I 8tor•dA9rj•cult1¤·a1Produeu, 718 ecrency _ e u- a rorlationf inveetrh ’ imag; . aagwgloaelser nm xuncsixiyiizem- pp Iieceng. X7 ..,,,,.., °f 291 846 mxttee.: .. 932 Storel¤zp¢r•andStor¢ke¢per-l?ougers,IntanaI» ’ Stale Bayou., H1u.,_ Room gpprupiggipu fu improvement of .. 212, 811 · rktioii'ior salaries and e uses. . 381, 759 S‘¢¢u°¤•I?¤·_ in Bch , , - _ cy appropriation for and appropnauon pub_ \l1H@ 425 exper; . . . 597,914