Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/1237

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clxxxvm INDEX. Sugur Beet, Plas Sundry Civil Eripceroa Appmpriationrj-Con. Pin appropriation for investigating insects anect- under War partment, (`ommrmron of ing 291, 846 _ Fine Arts ---...-· - --··- 445 Sugar Beet, American, nvers and harbors, contract work-. .. . . . 445 appropriation for investi ting, etc., seed, maps, mnrm, etc .. -. . 447 adapted to lands oigtihe arid West.- 301, 836 New York bor .. t ..: . . . . - 448 Sugar Producing Planta, Intemauonal Waterways (Qomrmsmn- . . 448 appropriation for improvement cf, etc-. . 277, 835 artificial l1mbs,_etc.· hospitals, D. C .. .. 448 Suuun Channel, Cal., Volunteer Soldrers’ Home . . . 449 mpropriation for improvement of . 819 State and Territorial homes _ . . . . . 453 S von, D. R., { back pay, bounty, and commutation of 453 deiicien appro riation or . . ...,... 614 rations .. .. . Sullivan Fcglls, New arrears of pay War with Spain etc ._ . 453 a 'on for improvement of hubor. . ml under Interior bepartment, for 453 S odo, Capitol and grounds .. .. .. .. 453 free of du when imported from Canada.-- 110 Pension Office, temporary clerks .. . . 454 mciprotmlfi exempt from duty in Canada- 111 lands . . . . 454 Sulphur, Ol: ., logical Survey .. . ... 457 appropriation for sewer system Platt Bureau of Mines:. .,.. . - --. . .. . 458 National Park, conditioned on like m1scellaneous,d1sba.rmeutp¤noeedirrgs.. 459 amount from .. . ... . 532 Alaska, education, etc . . . 459 Sulphur Springs, Ter., _ _ national parks - - ..- .. 460 strip of public building site, deeded to city Government Hoqrital for Insane . . 460 forstreetlpurposes .. .. .. 321 c0lIllDb18D%‘IDIti.hIUO¤...·---.. .. 461 Summary Court: amal,Army, Howard University- .-... 461 provisions for .. . .. . .. 722 Freedmen's Hospital .. - -. .. :. 462 Summit Hills Pa., wd to for d under bbepartment of Justice, for public 462 cannon gran , ur dings . .. . .- S Alnny post .. _1010 restricutiohn on payment g officials, etc .. ig urinary, a-, _ misce eous, conduct customs cases. appmpfriation zrpublic building . . gg defenses, ian claims; prosecution oi 4m ., 4 ’°""°'*"""""""" , f :""""""’°"‘°'°"" Sundance Naponol Forgot, Wyo., , · enforcing snutrust laws, etc.. -. .. .. .. 464 rqgiatron for maintenance, etc., of-..296, 841 reports, etc., for courts, etc . .. . . .. 464 Sgy elsbay, Portal Service, . revising Equit. Rules .. .. 464 mstrinion on, at first and second cKn .. 465 S glli”c& . 2. .}_- ..1;}; . . . . 543 under judicial branch, for United States 465 undry { p puh ct or , . courts ... . .. .. . . appropriation gr': electric plant etc., Vol- .. . . . 466 unteer So1diers’ Home, Hiot Springs, tional T ' School for Bogs, D.C 468 { S. Dak., . . . . 37 ggmmercean Labor, or , etc., e substances, re- thouse Nice.- . .. 468

  87 Poast. aud Geodenic Survey  -. . -- 469

for Mount. Rainier Park, Wash., reduced.` 38 Bureau of l·`¤she¤itr¤ . . . - . 471 Sungray Ezppuu Auplpgoprurtiogn, b _ milrgcollsnegtus. irninnigéntioux expenses, etc 475 u er e ent, mquxrynnto un- urean Stnmur .. 476 namethodsotdeparunents, etc. ,. 417 International Q»uun·».·: on Social Inunder Departmeut, for public surance.. ... 477 bnr¥d1r£;I;..xé£,;. .. Census Office, tob¤=c·<·o and cotton starspealo " y .-... ., tistics .. . . 477 Life .. . .. 4% under Department of State, for (‘¤n5di,g,n Revenue tter .. . .. . . . 429 boundary waters commision ... 478 Engraving and Prmung Bureau . 430 printing electoral vote .. .. . 478 use of power preses .. ... .. 430 under legislative, for statement of appromrscellaneous, xnterualrevenue, etc .. .. 431 pnations .. . . ... . . . . 478 United States securities .. I. . .. 431 conveying electoral vote . . .. . . . 478 public burldmgs ... : .. .. . . 432 Botanic Garden ... . .. .. . .. . 478 suppregrng counterfeiting, etc 433 imlcxin Senate reports, hearings, etc. . . 478 co lectin; customs revenue, etc.; Biograpiitzl (`ongressional Directory 479 reogamaauon of service .. . . . . . 434 Joint (ornmittee on Printing . . . 479 Public ealth Service .. . . - . 435 Senate Office Building .. . . 479 quarantine service . . . 435 House Office Building .. 479 prevention of e idemics .,.. . . 436 Capitol power lant ... . 479 under Smithsonian iirsutution, for National forGovernment Office, iorsalaries. 480 Museum, etc .. . .. I . .. .. 436 public printing and binding 480 under Interstate Commerce Commission, superintendent oi documents .. . . . . 482 fors|anes,etc .. 437 forlsthmianlianal .. . 483 unda Warmnopartment, for umones and fortifications . ., 485 __ax·se --.`-- .-.-.. 438 detailedstatementofl

  • ¤¤¤¤rr we- we ---------- -- ·--· · ···-- 438 ti<>¤¤ ¤¤·=¢¤<ii¤z $15% ml |m>r:p¤:;
 cemeteries, etc -...-... . . . . .   rnittedtgn Bpol: of I;E;.imdtes ... 487

, _ -~-- · ··—·-··-- ;·- ··-··~ ·· ¤0¤PP¥¤¤¤· mm ¤ ¤ N `l·i¤¤ buildings and grounds, Washington, etc. 443 ayfilable contxrously pninlgsrmspe monuments..- . .. . 445 criicallyprovrdedtobeso .. 487