Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/147

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124 SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Szss. II. Cris. 153,154. 1912. the have since com lied with the law in all respects, as would have beein required of thin, entryman had he lived, excepting that they are relieved from any requirement of residence upon the lan :

  • ,,";°,,§' $"°°° Promhkd further, That the entryman shall, in or er to comply

M y . with the requirements of cultivation herein provided for, cultivate not less than one-sixteenth of the area of his entry, bo§nmng with the second year of the entry, and not less than one-eight , beginning F¤r¤¤¤¤¤¤·i *¤>m°· with the third year of the entry,_ and unt1l final proof, except that mi·°·ifilse,p.m. in the case of entries under section six of the enlargledyhomesteud law double the area of cultivation herein prov1ded_sha be required, but the Secretary of the Interior may, upon a satisfactory showing “"“°” "‘i?1“·““" ‘°g“ *’2’i2*..*"l,..*‘i”“’{.,.` '°‘*".."° “‘° N¢¤¤·*• •**‘* l'-“" area of c tivation: , a ve on as c - m$¤Tis‘ii.°ii·°:¢il`¤i°` vation shall not apply to entries under the ct of April twenty- v°*·*‘· "°'°‘ eighth, nineteen hundred and four, commonly known as the Kinkaid Act, or entries under the Act of June seventeenth, nineteen hundred and two, commonly known as the reclamation Act, and that the . 'provisions of this section relative to the homestead period shall Ncdcewof kw w apply tpu alll unperfected entriesdas well as epltntes giereafteié mad? ‘ ‘u nw°c enceis uire:PromH , ate aryo til:) Interior shall, withinrgilxty days after the passage of this Act, send a co y of the same to each homestead entryrnan of record who may be affected thereby, by ordinary mail to last known address, and any such ent an may, by giving notice within one hundred and twenty da s after the assage of this Act, bly registered letter to the register andy receiver of the local land office, e act to make proof upon his entry under the law under which the same was made without regard to the provisions of this Aet." 4 _ had to revert ¤¤ "Sec. 2297. If, at any time after the of the aflidavit as gi$Zim»°?m?°°°u°h required in section twenty-two hundred and ninety and before the °u§é§3é’g_°-w’·¤“• expiration of the three years mentioned in section twenty-two hundred and ninety-one, it is proved, after due notice to the settler, to the satisfaction of the register of the land omce that the person having filed such affidavit has failed to establish residence within six months after the date of entry or abandoned the land for more than six months at any time, then and in that event the land so entered %*f,•g,*,,,, 0, NL shall revert to the Government: Provkied, That the three vears’ dew:. period 0:1 residence hereindfixed shall dlatqfrogn 21/regime of establishin actu permanent residence upont c an 2 proml u , ,°§*'-°°“°° ¤’°"'”"* Tight where there may be climatic reasons, sickness, or other unavoidable cause, the Ocmmissioner of the General Land Office may, in his discretion, allow the settler twelve months from the date of filing in which to commence his residence on said land under such rules and regulations as he may prescribe." Approved, June 6, 1912. — P To permit the American Academy in Rome to enlarge its [Public, No. 180.] A I mwmmv Be it e1uu:ted_by the Senate and House of Reprvsentati1.·es of the United ,,, ,{{,§',,'§_" · States ejrjlmenca in Congress assembled, That the American Academ V¤1·¤· v- 104*- in Rome incorporated by the Act- of Convress approved March thirci Purposes enmrged. nineteen hundred and live, may bly a resohition of its board of trustem enlarge its purposes so as to inc ude the study andjnvestigation of _ the archmolo,gy,litcra1t11re, and history of the classical and later periods · mi-xgidff ¤*’**P°"Y and that the said corporation may take and hold real and personal property to an amount not exceeding three million dollars. Approved, June 6, 1912.