Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/168

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SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. II. C11. 182. 1912. 145 twenty dollars; temporary clerk hrre, one thousand two hundred dollars; rn all, ten thousand and twenty dollars. For the purchase of metal or other suitable files for the records of B°°°'° m°" the Department of Insurance, five hundred dollars. sm P, Sunvmroris orrrcz: Surveyor, three thousand dollars; assistant °’° °°°°°' surveyor one thousand eight hundred dollars; clerks—one at one thousand two hundred and twenty-five dollars, one at nine hundred and seventy-five dollars, one at six hundred and ve dollars; three assistant engineers, at one thousand five hun dollars each; comiputer, one two hundred dollars; record clerk, one thousan and fifty dollars; mspector, one thousand two hundred dollars; draftsrnan, one thousand two hundred and twenty-five dollars; draftsman, nine hundred_doIlars ; assistant computer, nine hundred dollars; three rodmen, at eight hundred and twenty-five dollars each; chainmen——three at seven hundred dollars each, two at six hundred and fifty dollars each; computer and transitman, one thousand two himgredddollars; in all, twenty-five thousand seven hundred and twenty- ve ollars· _ _ For services of temporary draftsmen, computers, laborers, addi- T°mP°m”°m°°` tional field party when required, purchase of supplies, care or hire of teams, exchange and maintenance of a motor vehicle, six thousand dollars, all expenditures hereunder to be made onl on the written authority of the Commissioners of the District of Columbia. In all, for surveyor’ s cies, thirty-one thousand seven hundred and twenty-five dollars. · · FM mic mnt, Fam Punuc Lmnanr, mcnunme Taxon Paar: naman: Li- ?‘$L¤;i;%zLT•¥¤¤; brarran, three thousand five hundred dollars- assistant librarian, one thousand five hundred dol}ars· chief department, one thousand two hundred dollars; cl1ildren’s librarian, one thousand dollars; librarians secretary, nine hundred dollars; reference librarian, one thousand dollars; assistants—0ne at one thousand dollars, six including one in charge of Takoma Park branch at seven hundred and twenty dollars each, four at six hundred dollars each, three at five hundred and forty dollars each, three, including one in charge of Takoma Park branch, at four hundred and eighty dollars each; copy- isi., four hundred and eighty dollars; classifier, nine hundred dollars; cataloguers-—one at seven hundred and twenty dollars, one at six hundred dollars, two at five hundred and forty dollars each; stenographer and typewriter, seven hundred and twenty dollars; attendants—six at five undred and forty dollars each, five at four hundred and eighty dollars each; collator, four hundred and eighty dollars; tvqo messengers, at four hundred and eighty dollars each; ten pages, at,three hundred and sixty dollars each; two J-lamtors, at four hundred and eighty dollars each, one of whom sh act as night watchman; janitor of Takoma Park branch, three hundred and sixty dollars; engineer, one thousand and eighty dollars; fireman seven hundred and twenty dollars; workman, six hundred dollars; hbrary guard, seven hundred and twenty dollars; two cloakroom attendants, at three hundred and sixty dollars each; six charwomen, at one hundreld and eighty dollars each; in all, forty-one thousand three hundred s dollars. For substitutes and other s ial and temporary service, at the dis- S°b°¤°°°°°° °t°' cretion of the librarian, one thlfusand dollars. Sud., npenmg For keeping the libra o n ii.fty··two Sundays from two o’clock ' postmeridran to nine oélocllwpostmeridian, five holidays from mne o’clock antemeridian to nine o’cl0ck postmerzidian, and for extra services three hours on Saturday afternoons during July, August, and September, one thousand seven hundred dollars.