Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/19

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PUBLIC ACTS AND RESOLUTIONS. xxi _ Page. Dtrtrid of Columbus Oode, An Act To amend section eight hundred and ninety- live of the (Qode of Law for e District of Columbia. February 3, 1913. . . . 656 District of Coluimlna, money lending. An Act To regulate the business of loaning money on security of any kmd b_y persons, firms, and corporations other than national banks, licensed bankers, trust companies, saymgs banks, building and loan associations, and real-estate brokers in the District o Columbia. February 4, 191 ...,.,. ,, ,,,._,,,,___,,,_ 657 National Institute cg Art: and Letter:. An Act Incorporating the National Institute of Arts and Letters. Fe ruary4, 1913 .,,_,,,, _ ,,,_ 600 United States courts, Texas western district. An Act To create a new division of the. western judicial district of Texas and to provide for terms of court at Pecos, Texas, and for other purposes. February 5, 1913 .. . ...,.,.,.,.,.,_,,__ 663 Customs, refund ofdutiu. A.n Act To refund duties collected on lace-makiriiand other machines and parts or accesories thereof imported subsequently to August iii , nineteen hundred and nine, and rior to January Erst, nineteen_hundred and eleven. February 7, 1913 .. 663 Con/'edsrau mastery, Rack, Ark. An Act for the taking over by the United States Government of the Confederate cemetery at Rock, Arkansas. Februxzir 7, 1913 663 Internal revenue, cvyarg to employees. An Act_Amend1ng section thirty-three hunde and ninety- two of the Revised Statutes of the United States, as amended by section thirty-two of the Act of August fifth, nineteen hundred and nine. February 10, 1913 ...,,,,.,,.. 664 Customs, motor boat. An Act To provide for the construction or purchase of motor boat for customs service. February 10, 1913 .,,. , ..,,,,,,.,,, 665 Bnkige, Rod: River. An Act Granting an extension of time to construct a bridge acmm Rock River at or near Colona Ferry, in the State of Illinois. February 10, 1913 ... . .. 665 Umatilla Indian entries. An Act Providing when patents shall issue to the purchaser or heirs of certain lands in_the State of Oregon. February 11, 1913 ... 665 T Egentzm gogg. An Act Prov1din§for the adjustment of the grant of lands in aid of the construction of the Corvallis and aquina Bay military wagon road, and of conflicting claims to lands within the limits of said grant. February 11, 1913 .. 666 Public lands, enlarged homestead:. An Act To amend an Act entitled "An Act to provide for an enlarg homestead." February 11, 1913 , - . . . , . 666 Imports uio ’ng an¢iu·u.•¢ laws. An Act To amend section seventy-three and section seventy-six of the Act of August twenty-seventh, eignliteen hundred and ninety-four, entitled "An Act to rgducegaxation, to provide revenue for e Government, and for other purposes. “February - 1 , 191 .., 667 Wyandotu Cernetay, Kama: City, Kam. All Act Repealing the revision of the Indian a propriation Act for the fiscal Hair ending June thirtieth, nineteen lliundred and seven, authorizing the sale of a tract of d reserved for a burial ground for the Wyandotte Tribe of Indians in Kansas Cir}, Kansas. February 13, 191 ... 668 Bridge, Missouri {vcr. An Act Providing authority for the Northern Faciic Railway Company to construct a bridge scros the Missouri River in section thirty-six, township one hundred and thirty-four north, range seventy-nine west, in the State of North Dakota. February 13, 668 1913 .. . .. Bnllgc, Iiniuiggggiau. An Act To extend the time for constructing a bridge acres the Mississippi River at eapolis, Minnesota. February 13, 1913 .. . ... _ ... _ Z . . Z 669 Brklge, Mimhpg River. An Act To extend the time for constructing a bridge across the Mississippi _ River, at eapolis, Minnesota. February 13, 1913 .. . . . Z 069 Bridge, An Act To extend the time for constructing a bridge across the Missimippx _ River, at neapolis, Minnesota. February 13, 1913 ... _..:- 669 Bridge, 1$¤€ssipEg-giver. An Act To extend thetims for constructinga bridge across theM1ss1ss1ppi River, at neapolis, Minnesota. February 13, 1913 ... 670 Interstate commerce, larceny, etc., ofartrkles in. An Act To punish the unlawful breaking of seals ol railroad cars containing interstate or foreign shipments, the unlawful entering 0 such cars, the stealing of freight and express packages or baggage or articles in process of transportation in interstate shipment, and the felonious n.?ortation of such freight or express packages or baggage or artic es therefrom into another istrict of the United States, and the felonious possession or reception of the same. February 13, 1913 . . . 670 APr¢wp¤atimu,*]'ortx{a1tv1o*n;. An Act Making appropriations for fortifications and other works of defense, or the armament thereof, for the procurement of heavy ordnance for trial and _ ¤¤rv1ce, and for other purposes. February 13, 1913 . . . 671 Umud State: wurh, New Jersey. An Act To amend section ninety-six, chapter five, of the Act of Congress of March third, nineteen hundred and eleven, entitled ‘ The Judicial Code. " February 14, 1913 ..,..,,.. 674 Standing Rod: Indian Reservation. An Act To authorize the sale and disposition of the surplus and unallotted lands in the Standing Rock Indian Reservation, in the States of South Dakota and North Dakota, and making appropriation and provision to carry the mme mto effect. _ February 14, 1913 ,,_,____,___,_,_,,,_,____, , ,__,,,,_____,,,,._,...,..,... . 675 Indmjn, allotrnenu. An Act Regulating Indian allotments of by will. February 14, 1913: . 678 Pmrums, Induzn wars. An Act To increase the pensions 0 surviving soldiers of Indian wars m _ _ certain cases. February 19, 1913. .- . , ... _ .. 679 District of Columbia, Washington Railway and Electra}: Company. An Act To authorize and require an extension of the street railway lines of the Washington Railway and Electric Company, _ and for other February 25, 1913 ,,,,_._,,,,, . ,,,,,,__,,,,,,,,,,,,,,_,,_______ 679 B'1d9¢, Yellougatone iver. An Act Permitting the building of a railroad bridge acrom the Yellowstone Riyer from a point on the east bank in section fifteen to a point on the west bank in section sixteen. towushi one hundred and Efty-one north of range one hundred and four west of the fifth principalineridian, in McKenzie County. North Dakota. February 25, 1913. 680