Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/204

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SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 182. 1912. 181 in stables owned or 0 erated b said District: Promhied, That such *’*°°*•°· horses horse-drawn gehicles, {nd carts as may be tem orarily unqiieggmngwohzz needed for hauling and excavating material in connection witll works ‘ authorized bg appropriations may be temporarily emplqyed for such purposes un er the conditions named in section two o this Act in relationto the employment of laborers, skilled laborers, and mechanics. wm, dcwmmt Sec. 4. The services of assistant engineers, draftsmen, levelers, rembonry ansirodmen, chainmen, and inspectors temporarily required in connection °°°”’ °“‘""°°"' °°°‘ with water-department work authorized by a propriations may be employed exc usively to carry into eEect appropriations, and be paid therefrom, when specifically and in writing ordered by the Commissioners of the District, and the Commissioners of the District R°°°"" in their annual estimates shall report the number of such employees perforrnin§_]s;uch services and their work and the sums paid to each: hmm . romded, at the expenditures hereunder shall not exceed thirteen Haximiun expensithousand dollars during the fiscal year nineteen hundred and thirteen. °“€y°.3,k ,,,,.1.,, com. The Commissioners of the District of Columbia are further author- mgggggqhwm ized to employ temporarily such laborers, skilled laborers, and ew. mechanics as may be required in connection with water-department work, and to incur all necessary engineering and other nses, exclusive of personal services, incidental to carrying on such work and necessa for the proper execution thereof, said aborers, skilled laborers, any mechamcs to be employed to perform such work as may not be required by existing law to be done under contract, and to pay for such services and expenses from the appropriation under which such services are rendered and expenses incurred. mmum mm Sec. 5. The Commissioners of the District of Columbia are author- ma. wu ized to employ in the execution of work the cost of which is payable $§{°,,§f";§ "°”‘· from the appropriation account created in the District appropriation Act for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and five, approved April twenty-seventh, nineteen hundred and four, and lmown as the "Miscellaneous trust-fund deposits, District of Columbia," all necessary inspectors, overseers, foremen, sewer tappers, skilled laborers, mechanics, laborers, special policemen stationed at streetrailway cross` , one inspector of gas tting, two janitors for laboratories of them$ashington and Georgetown Gas Light Companies, market master, assistant market master, watchman, horses, carts, and wagons, and to incur all necessary expenses incidental to carrying on such work and necessary for the proper execution thereof, suc services and expenses to be paid from said appropriation account. L,m,, 0,, ,,,q,,,,_,,_ Sr-zc. 6. The Commissioners of the District of olumbia shall not ¤¤¤¤- make requisitions upon the appropriations from the Treasury of the United States for a larger amount during the fiscal year nineteen hundred and thirteen than they make on the appropriations arising from the revenues, including drawback certificates, of said District. Li mm Sec. 7. Durin the Escal year nineteen hundred and thirteen no A1§tr,p.lI54. more than the following rates shall be paid for lighting avenues, 1,-,,"Q',*"""‘“"‘ “"”· streets, roads, alleys, an public spaces. umm g”,_mP__ For mantle as lamps of sixty candlepower, eighteen dollars and forty cents perglamlp per annum. For mantle gas amps of not less than one hundred and twenty canrllepower, twenty-seven dollars per lamp pcr annum. _ Sm, de,,gm,,°¤ For street designation lamps, using flat-flame burners, consuming lamps, eee. not more than two and one·half cubic feet of gas per hour, or eightcandlepower incandescent electric lamps, with Hosts and lanterns furnished by the District of Columbia, ten dollars per lamp per annum l . Incandescent elec- For forty candlepower, fifty watt, incandescent electric lamps on mc:-mips. overhead wires, Efteen dollars per lamp per annum.