Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/243

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220 SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sms. II. Ch. 253. 1912. 0***** *•*”°'· Improving Los Angeles outer harbor in accordance with the report submitted m House Rivers and Harbors Committee pocument Numbered Eight, Sixty-second Congress, second sessmn, three hundred and twenty-seven thousand two hundred and fifty dollars. “}_3¤ce·¤s• ¤f *·¤·¤• That the Secretarioof War be, and 18 hereby,_ authorized to ¤¤¤iii»i¤¤¤. grant to the cw of s Angeles, Cahforma, the néllzt, utle, and interest of the nited States m and to that portion of submerged land around the milit reservation of Deadmans_Ialand, acquired undo;} act tag thehbgeigligstugcgf this Stat: of Califorhriug approved. Mare teen un an mne y-seven,w c ieswes of the virielgterl; pierhead line of Los Angeles Harbor between station fifteen, as established by the Secretary of War July twenty-ninth, nineteen hundred and eight, and stationtwelve, as established May thirty—iirst, nineteen hundred and eleven, containing an_area of nine and aeventy·£ve onehundredths acres, more or less, in exahagg for the grant by said city tad the Ugted Statics, fgr use fori pg { ,oana xuna areaosumergedano

 city in that pgrptizn of Log   Harbor known as the outer

harbor, having a frontage of nine undred and fifty and fifty-three one-hundredths feet on West Channel, and 1 ad'acent to and southerly of the submerged lands in front of tgugan dedro Military Reservation. ¥·>¤¤¤w. M- at Monterey, California, in accordance with the rgghort-fsubnugtedtyin Houcze Document Numbered Tien aa: our, ix ·iirst , third sessr n an su ec gondtitions set forth in said- document, two huinshed dollars. °•¤¤¤¤·¤·¤· Improving harbor at Oakland, California: Coutinnin improve- P~•¤••|I I- . but ment, one hundred and thirty thousand dollars: Provid¢d$That if in P the judgment of the Secretary of War the prices received m response to advertisement for bids for are not reasonable, so much of the amount herein appropria as shall be necemary ma be _ ezfpended for the purchase or construction of a suitable dredging . ant. N;P;_¤l{t¤;¤;¤c:rk¤¤ P Improving Pleialuing grplek and Napa River, California: For main- ’ tenance,ninet usan dollars. ¤•¤¤¤·¤¤> ·¤¤ Im rov1ng' Sac m nto and Feath Riv , Calif : Co tin ' '°°°°° mm" m` imprdivement alrilii {gf é!18lIllS0l1:l&0gr incl:i§ix1}g l.I:;;'];:0|I;)0!x:t ab-1::% to t a wit t rt `tted ' House Docunibnt Numlberb:iaS•i:ent;1—;?x, Sixty-zelgiinod Cbiingurialss, Bri: session, sixty-five thousand dollars. cjL•¤ ·¥¤•·¤¤*¤ mm- ImprovingSanJoaquin River, California: For maintenance, includin Stockton and Mormon Charmels, forty thousand dollars. c:L¤·>·=¤*¤¤ ¤•*°<¤- g[mpm Lkt&n Halrliror, San ggaquii; Riyler, California, by dredging c e an ont anne , ' t - ing a perrlnanrztl chaizlnel degtgliif nin%feetf)e iIdiiii,c‘r: vgiglimiilliie rt s mit in o t h dred d ieighoty-eiie, Sixty-second%°ongre;lslj1;§ia1cond1I:iassion, anirlosulipect toil:-he conditions set forth in said document, eleven thousand doliars. hrunnzeax my md hImpr¢:ivi(;igl'I‘illamook Bay and Bar, Oregon: For maintenance, five ’ . thousand dollars. Improvin Tillam kB dB ,Orego ,` rd `t gelptort submitted in0I(io¢x;s<i;);Di:.>ncumd"rit Nunglilerbld efrlid o y-mne,_ rxy-secon _ ngr , , d b' 31;% $...1,m.. at fmt m"d0Z$;°¤`3L‘n,“?.°;i‘2°f?.i‘..d“"r1.{.°.?.2..‘3 ¤¤¤·¤¢·¤ M ·¤¤ Improving Nehal m B d t to Neh l B (huge n°"°°°°' in accordance with :eportmsuiiiiniti5tI¤i<i"ii11cI‘?House Doiixnligienliiiilumberelii Six hundred and twenty-three, Sixty-second Congrem, second session gig subglegtéltp conditions set forth in said document, one hundred rs.