Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/246

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SIXTY·SECOND CONGRESS. Szss. II. Ch. 253. 1912. 223 upon recommendations bg the Chief of Engineers. In case such works or items are consoli ated and separate amounts are given with each project, the amounts so named shall be expended upon such separate projects unless, in the discretion of the Secretary of War, another allotment or division should be made of the same. Any ,,}§,,’“;,}‘§,°_‘;‘ $,{,'{*,;_** “’ balances now remaining to the credit of the consolidated items in this Act shall be carried to the credit of the respective aggr ate amounts aplpropriated for the consolidated items herein contamgg. In the co ection of statistics relating to traffic, the Corps of Engi- ,,§,},‘,§‘{’,{{§g,f,{g" "‘ neers is directed to adopt a uniform system of classification for freight, ` and upon rivers or inland waterways to collate ton—mileagc statistics as far as practicable. _ _ Sec. 2. That for examinations, surveys, and contingencies for ,.§§f$f‘“*‘°"‘· °“" rivers and harbors, for which there may be no special a propriation, Ailamxfmm ··¤· the sum of not to exceed three hundred thousand doiiars shall be °x°°n °°°°°` allotted from the unexpended balance of the amounts heretofore ippropriated for emergencies in the river and harbor Acts approved vom;. p. nie. arch third, nineteen hundred and five, March second, nineteen \{ol.34.p.ll10. hundred and seven, and June twentydifth, nineteen hundred and v°"3°·*"°°7‘ ten: Provided, That no preliminary examination, surve , project, §°[,‘f,Q';"§Q ,,,,,,,,,,,,,. or estimate for new works other than those desgnated in this or some ¤‘°g;l****;<;hmnm_ prior Act or joint resolution shall be made: rovtded further, That p¤ni’i’e¤en¤wu.° m` after the regular or formal reports made as required by law on any examination, survey, project, or work under way or proposed are submitted no supplemental or additional report or estimate shall be made unless or ered b a concurrent reso ution of Congress: And promkled further, That the Government shall not be deemed to have b$§°,w,i“,@{,"{§f,{° entered upon any project for the imfprovement of any waterway or harbor mentioned in this Act until unds for the commencement of the ro oscd work shall have been actually appro riatcd b law. Tiie Secretary of YVar is hereby authorize and, directed, to cause ,,1:}},*};**gj, n°,fl,%¤’;j preliminary examinations and surveys to be made at the following- mm. named localities, and a sufficient sum to pay the cost thereof may bo allotted from the amount provided in this section: Wills Strait between Orrs and Bailey Islands, Casco Bay, Maine. M•*¤¢— Harbor at Criehaven, Maine. _ Wessaweskeag River, South Thomaston, IMEIDB. _ Beverly Harbor, Massachusetts, with a view to securing a channel ““"°“""°“‘· depth of twenty-four feet and of widening the channcl_on the northern side by the removal of the ledge near the Essex Bridges Boston Harbor, Massachusetts, with a view to securing increased width and depth in the channel from President Roads to the sea; also with a view to providing dee water connection with such suit- $5; terminals as may be establish-ed by the directors of the port of ton. Gloucester Harbor, Massachusetts, with a view to removing certain led s in Harbor Cove and securing a depth of fifteen feet. _ Ligrrimac River, Massacbusettshwith a view to securing increased depth from Lowell to the sea or m any part of this section of the river. Harbor of refuge at or near Scituate, Massachusetts. mma Harbor at Great Salt Pond, Block Island, Rhode Island. _ m‘°°° · Narragansett Pier, Rhode Island, with a vi_ew to the construction of a breakwater at or near the life-saving station. _ Dutch Island Harbor, Rhode Island, with a view to the removal ol

 now obstructing the approach channel. C0 mjwt

Bridgeport Harbor, Connecticut. M Greenwich Harbor, Connecticut. Milford Harbor, Connecticut. New Haven Harbor, Connecticut.