Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/288

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SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cue. 276-278. 1912. 265 h oiled and rolled, and shall maintain the same, includingmthe space ° betwelcgo ztazlll times good coiliidliizgn for ve le truauigc; san or ro wa wit e reservation 'te roperly by satisfactory electgic light without to the g]1n1t1f2lStat:£dand séiall construct and maintain a suita le drainage 'tc o trac . · Sec. 4d1€`hat if any portion of the said reservation occupied by ..£'§'°""°“ '°' "°"' _ works herein authorized sha]1 cease to be used for_some one of the dpurposes aforesaid, the same shall revert to the United States; an the °“‘dm.s‘?°"’°t§ }$¤“£%’““°£;2§;$‘T;*§"§5“tt‘£1 $Z§§°$?°mm“ EZ.-’° “h° Pm . cul · · ° Maintenance ot 820.5. tthe d raunma be uiredatalltimesto improve and ilgugdcksoand ine between them mhm good condition for traffic in conformity wi the streets or public roadway over which they are laid. _ Sm. 6. That the Congress reserves the right to alter, amend, or *’“°°‘°°"‘· repeal this Act. Approved, August 9, 1912. U i_ . . . dm HA . ’ . till-

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Illldféd SVCD.- Bitenaded ¢7•o8¢nateandH R 'entati fthe United Slalds of Ameri'; in Congress of $'}_°°°§"‘f,_°”j'}°",g_ the "Act to ise, and amend the laws relating to e judn- Wm ciary," approved h third, nineteen hundred and eleven, be, and ’ hereby is, amended so as to read as follows: _ _ _ _ _ NQ, km, ,,1,,,,,., _"S1¤. 96.b'£h£mState 05'hNe:ir;8.g1ei1st$iyfsf1Iall cj>nst1tuteTone judiczl umm. ct,to wnas e co ew erse. erms_o e district court shall be held at Trenton on the third Tuesdays in Jan- cm;‘.,.,...• ye". u , April, and Se tember. At each term of the district court it •**· sm be lawful for &e_ judap holding such term, on consent of both parties or on ap lication erefor and good cause shown by either partyto anycivil’causesetfortn·ialo1jhean¥atsan•iter1n`tqorder such cause to be held or tried at the mtg of ewark, m said district, upogslhe dayhsslt fic: thztlpurposedby judge: Provide:} That such i ,,' °”u,¤,¤,°°` a 'tion m etosai u ei erinvaca oncrterm tiiise, at least one week before the date set for trial of said cause and on at least live days’ notice to the oppodte part; or his or_her attorney; and write of subpoena to comxe the atten ance of witnesses gt said city of Newark may issue, an ]\1I’0lB snmmoned to attend said term may be ordered by said judge to be in attendance upon sand court in the city of Newark." Approved, August 9, 1912. CHAP. 27&-An Act Providing for patents on reclamation entria, and for oth¤ *°§*5°‘g?u‘ A P°’p°°°°` {museum] B itenaded tl•eScnate ndH Repr catalina thelfnited mmmmm Static of Amailgla in Gmgre; u; ’1'hat“any homcgftead entry- d ::¤:; man under the Act of June seventeenth, nineteen hundred and two, wainemuummnknown as the reclamation Act, including enottuiymen on lndun *“$‘,,‘f·,,_,,,,, lands, may, at any time after having eompli with the provisions of law_ applicable to such lands as to residence, reclamation cultivation, submit proof of such residence reclamation and cultryation, which proof, if ound regular and satisfactory, shall entitle the entry-