Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/298

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SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. II. C11. 284. 1912. 275 three clerks, at one thousand and twenty dollars each; twenty-six clerks, at one thousand dollars each; fifty-six clerks, at nine hundred dollars each; twentygthree clerks, at eig t hundred and forty dollars each; thirteen cler , at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; thirty-three messengers, gardeners, or laborers, at seven hundred "°"°°*"'·°‘“ and twenty dollars each; eleven messengers, messenger boys, or laborers, at six hundred and sixty dollars each; fifteen messengers, messenger hodys, or laborers, at six hundred dollars each; one artist, one thousan six hundred and twenty dollars; one photo pher, one thousand one hundred and fort dollars; one photographleli, one thousand and eighty dollars; one lalxoratory aid, one thousand four hundred and forty dollars; one laboratory aid, one thousand three hundred and eighty dollars; three laboratory aids, at one thousand two hundred dollars each; one laboratory aid, one thousand and eiglhty dollars; two laboratory aids, at one thousand and twenty dollars each; five laboratory ards, at eight hundred and forty dollars each; six laboratodry; aids, at seven him ed and twenty dollars each; six laboratory ai , at six hundred dollars each; one laboratory apprentice, seven hundred and twenty dollars; one map tracer, seven hundred and twenty dollars; one map tracer, six hundred dollars; one gardener, one thousand four hundred and forty dollars; two °“‘°°°"·°°°· gardeners, at one thousand two hundred dollars each; one gardener, one thousand one hundred dollars; two gardeners or assistants, at " one thousand dollars each; seven gardeners, at nine hundred dollars each; four gardeners. at e§ht hundred and forty dollars each; four gardeners, at seven hun and ei$g dollars each; eight gardeners, at seven hundred and twenty do each; five gardeners, at six hrmdred and sixty dollars each; two gardeners, at six hundred dollars each; one skilled laborer, nine hundred dollars: four skilled laborers, at eight hundred and forty dollars each; one mechanician, one thousand three hrmdred and eighty dollars; one mechanician, one thousand two hundred and sixty dollars; one mechanical assistant, one thousand two hundred dollars; one mechanician, nine hundred and sixty dollars; one mechanician, nine hundred dollars; one carpenter, nine hrmdred dollars; one ainter, seven hundred and twenty ollars‘ one teamster, six hundred) dollars; fifteen laborers, at five hundred and forty dollars each; twenty-four laborers, messengers, or messenger boys, at four hundred and eighty dollars each; five laborers or charwomen, at four hundred and eighty dollars each; two laborers or charwomen, at three hundred and sixty dollars each; two laborers, at four hundred and twenty dollars each; seven charwomen, at two hundred and forty dollars each; seven messenger boys, at three hundred and sixty dollars each; four messenger oys, at three hundred dollars each: in all. three hundred and seventy-nine thousand eight hundred and twenty dollars. GzNmuL mxrmrsns, Bmmary or PLANT Iunusrarz For all neces- §’,f;‘,°'§;f, ,,_ sary expenses in the investigation of fruits, fruit trees, grain, cotton, tobacco, vegetables, grasses, forage, drug, medicinal, poisonous, fiber, and other plants and plant industries, in cooperation with other_hranches of the department, the State experiment stations, and practical farmers, and for the erection of necessary farm buildings: _ Nmdcd That the cost of any building erected shall not exceed one §,;'§§‘}'f,;.,,,,M,,,,,_ thousand five hundred dollars; for field and station expenses, including fences, drains, and other farm improvements: And provided use 0, pwN,,__ gzrther, That the money alread appropriated for “General expenses, uses rm- im. _ \1I'68·11 of Plant Indust , fiscg year nineteen hundred and twelve," l'°l'“‘ P' mz rs hereby rnade availahllle for the erection of necessary farm buildmgs, provided the cost of any building erected shall not exceed one thousand five hundred dollars; and or field—station expenses, m- cluding fences, drains, and other farm improvements; for repairs in