Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/338

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SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. H. Ch. 306-308. 1912. 315 on the fourth Mondays in May and November; and for the eastern division, at Jackson on the fourth Mondays in April and October. The clerk of the court for the western district shall appoint a deputy, °°°°" who shall reside at Jackson. The marshal for the western district shall appoint a deputy, who shall reside at Jackson. The marshal for the eastern district shall appoint a deputy, who shall reside at Chattanooga. The clerk of the court for the eastern district shall maintain an office m charge of himself or a d uty at Knoxville, at Qhattanozia, and at_Greeneville, which shag be kept open at all times for e transaction of the business of the court} : Approved, August 20, 1912. cnn. sor.-as act To mend mam re awe immiiea me fourteen me fo A ’°· *°”· avenuuarsdmaesgvrmssormensvaeasatltcyws · r Be·i¢em1dedby theSendeM•dHmmeof of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That sections fortyjwo hun- §i°EY?•¥¤‘ii.“`ms, dred and fourteen and forty-two hxmdred and eighteen of t Revised "‘ m ‘“""‘°°"‘ Statutes be, and the same are hereby, amended to read as follows: L, tm I azgzo. 4214. éfhe §ec1etaryclof v(apimmer¢ie and Labor may cause xamer-less umm-, y ts an empo ex us1 as easure or esigned ,;_&,,,,,,_,,,,,,, as models of naval archiytliture, if bu& ang owned in compliance with P-gg} 22. P M the provisions of sections forty-one hundred and thirty-tl1ree to forty- ` one hundred and thirty-five, to be licensed on terms which will * authorize them to from port to port of the United States and · to foreign grts wit out entering or clearing at the customhouse· such licensesh beinsuchformastheSecretaryof(}ommerceandl.»abor Ram may prescribe. Such vessels, so enrolled and licensed, shall not be allowed to transport merchandise or carry passengers for pay. _ Such vessels shall have their name and lgort on some conspicuous portion of their hulls. Such vesse m all respects, excelplt as above, be sub`ect to the laws of the lim _ States, and shall be ble tothseizure and forfeiture for any violation of the provisions of this ti . "Sec. :1218. Every yacht, except those of fifteen gross tons or a£°¤5°§’S${.?£°?l?;°°° under, visitinglrgdforexgn country under the provisions of 'sections ,,§i,_· **1*- “°- m"· forty-two hun and fourteen, forty-two hundred and fifteen, and forty-two hundred and seventeen of the Revised Statutes shall, on her return to the United States, make due engg at the custornhouse of the port at which, on such return, she sh arrive: Provided, That umuséeemsussxs nothing in this act shall be so construed_as to exempt the master or “’“°’°' ‘°°“‘""· person in charge of a yacht or vessel arriving from a foreign port or_ place with dutiable articles on board from reporting to the customs oflicer of the United States at the port or place at which sand yacht or vessel shall arrive, and deliver m to said officer a manifest of all dutiallgle articles brought from a foreign country in such yachts or vesse . ’ Sec. 3. That all acts and parts of acts not consistent herewith are n};{,°;‘_{°‘°“* ’•‘" hereby repealed. Approved, August 20. 1912. UEAP. 308.-·An Act To late the im rtation of nurse stock and other A Z),1!l2. plants md plant products; togble the Secrgotary of Agricultuve to establish and l§¤{·$*¤’-l mlintlin quarantine districts for plant diseases and insect pests; to permit and mg\l~ [hbm yo, ps,] late the movunsnt of fruits, plants, and vegetables therefrom, and for other purposes. Be it enacted Senate and House of Rfiqaeeegztatives {the United Stale! of Amer-wa an Omtgreu assembled, t it shall e unlawful L¤r%¤;>°;,,mm foI' my person to import or offer for entry mto the United States w£e¤., uukwhl