Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/345

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322 SIXTLSEGOND CONGRESS. Sus. II. cm. 311, 318-320. 1912. · otsnyof thebreachesotanyoltheconditipnsorpmvisionsannexed xi giithtlzs, grants dengistedind gamut resslution approved P _ 9 _ __ , mit IB _ 0 0 d d1t1 revisions, aiver of right of Iorfei ure glfagg of State:1?>1n·:e::1nt of anylhresch or breaches 0fa:yofsmdoond1tions,norasawa1verolanycauseofactionor rem cyo{theUn1tpdStates on_acc0untot’anybreechorbreaches of sud 00l1d!h0DB_0l' provisions, not as_a. waiver of any other gts or remedies existing m favor of the United States, _ Approved, August 20, 1912. ...’$'¤i~'i·i‘ii° °""’¤..t· °‘°*“‘ *$.?.‘t».‘I."“‘?§.'.S‘°¤..°"’.i.,.,¤...t°‘ “°‘ **}.}**2.% °"""'£a"° lY¤u*¤~¤°-"’·} lifteen, i¤thecityd ¤:r-hams, B it enacted t7•eSenateandHouse the United &°g¤iii3ei»'.k`m•Std:e of AmerieZrin 6’ongreeeaeeegnbled){Thattheexclus·i’veri%)°t:~ “"""”" ····*.···...·.°.*’.r.**·P:.·¤·;?:.r:.=:°*’°:.:·‘m*°·*°¤}**.a*·:·s,¤g...- .. o an in e G1 0 0 Arkimsss, isligy this Act granted to the city_of Eat Springs, _ kan; sas for the _ of erecting and mamtaming thereon a suitable and syhtly or buildings for the ·use of the fire department °°”"*“°°'· of sei city. The rights and privileges granted this Act shall continue asjoiigigs the prolperty is used and occupied for the purposes l‘;."Qi*él’.}.‘°° “‘ ...%’ ““e.L°°‘un he.°"& *2 ".¥f°{r°]i°§.'“"’,,g.°°°L‘“°1.“' ` °tati t ci 0 sas, shall ive years after_the palxglge of this eiect and equip on said lot a suitable and s1gl1tly ding or buildin? for the purposes above mentioned, or if said city shall at any time ereafter use or permit the premises to used for ea? other purpose than that herein fanted, then and m either event the rights, pr1v1l es, and powers my this Act granted and conferred upon said city shssli be forfeited to e United tatee. Approved, August 21, 1912. A mz. J . . --—-—-,,,_§ %j_,_, b.m°"’ me °L?.;, f..‘}E.’£‘.§"£·‘2‘.1.‘¤*E'§’i‘.f.3¤fo‘.?."r..e¤" f°' "°§2§’},‘}.“§£°eitZ”w‘,‘?.$§$ “‘“"° B it enacted the Senate and H R eaentati the U ited <lii•"¤iucd::e?>Ek:% sm; of Amergvc in Congress aeae“1»l:t% iight the 0;. the prejeei rei·';s$iii Interior is hereby authorized and directed to issue stent conveying ¥’“'P°'°•· block thirty-one town site of Powell, on Shoshoni recliamation project, Wyoming, to school district numbered two, Park County, Wyoming. Approved, August 21, 1912.

  • ,§¤!,,j cmu. eso.-Au Act To incorporate the Naval History Society.

fY¤¤¤¤·F°- mi B it enacted theS¢·nate nd H R mmei me Umj °·,~'{§’§’;’$',‘§°¥,‘?;‘,'fi=§ Stats; of A1ner·i¢;I·in C'ongrea:ceeem$>?d of I`h;{”C8hsrles Qigraaqiircis Adams, ¤°p¤_g•i¥rp*,;·,;•°,{,l;•;¤* of Massachusetts; James Barnes, of New York; Willard H. Brownziglrzngf we _DistréctC<g Coluigibiln? French E. Chadwick, of Rhode

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District of Columbia; Henry A.°Ylu goiit, ciirgfaegévygi gogxlll Farragut, of New York; Cas ar F. Goodrich, of Connecticut; Charles T. Harbeck, of New York; Gprenville Kane, of New York; Ste hen B. Luce, of Rhode Island; John F. Meigs, of Pennsylvania; Rogert W.