Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/368

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SIXTY·SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 335. 1912. 345 Thatifanyac assistant dentalsurgeonsha.llfailu nthe exami- ”'°°*••¤•,,°¤, ’•¤·¤• nations prescribeudlin this Act he shall be honorably diiiih d from n m` the naval service, and the appointment of an acting denmu on griay be revoked at any time m the discretion of the Secretary ci-F the a . '£t all ppgintees authorized by this Act shall take rank and m%·__¤¥ •¤¤ wwwprecedence m e same manner in all respects as in the case of appointees to the Medical Corps of the Navy, and shall not exercise command over persons in the Navy other than dental surgeons and such

 men as may be detailed to assist them by competent

au ority. That all officers of the dental corps authorized by this Act shall P"'·'“*"“°"•°°°’- receive the same pay and allowances as officers of corresponding rank and length of service m the Medical Corps of the Na . _ That all officers of the dental corps authorized by Act shall be "°“”'““"· eligible to retirement in the same manner and tmder the same conditions as officen of the Medical Corps of the Navy: Provided, That ¥,, M, ,,_ section fourteen hundred and forty- ve of the Revised Statutes of siggi- ms the United States shall not be aaphplicable to the officers herein "°°°‘ ’°'2°°' authorized: And provided further, _ t the dentist now employedat lg§2§.'}h&¥s}:,"" ‘ the Naval Academy shall not be by the operation of this Mem Act and he shall have the same offici status, pay, and allowances as riigyl be provided for the semor dental surgeon at the Military em . . That the Secretary of the Navy is hereby authorized to appoint, ee'ii °°ii¤°i»;’ec¤=°¤:e-‘ for temporary service, suitably qualified acting dental su ns when ““""°"· necessary to the health and eiliciency of the apersonnel oi the Naval _ Service: Provided, That the total strength of e dental corps includ- §§‘,§,‘§},,, ,,,,,1,, ,,_ ing those appointed for temporary service under this Act, shall not 1¤v¤·i— exceed the pro rtion of one to each thousand of the authorized enlisted strength`) of the Na? and Marine Corps: Provided further M ‘ of tf That appointments issued un er authority of this Act may be revoked mea? °"°m at any time, shall have no legal force or effect excespt for the time the temporary appointee is in active service, and all include no ' ht of retirement. A { L_ b ngfhat all appointments authorized by this Act except the appoint- r»l°1Y:°Zi°¤,°2i°§ ’ ment of acting dental surgeons, shall be made by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate. I me I That all laws and parts of laws inconsistent with the dpcriovisions of .,¥'£$§‘d_ “° "'° this Act be, and the same are hereby, repealed: Provi , That the .,.”°"f•",ji qmm tests of qualifications for appointment to the said reserve corps and tions to the dental corps may be varied to suit the subjects of such ranch of the healin art or specialty of surgery of which specialists may be required ang in the iscretron of the Secretagy o the Navy such 1 I { Epecialists may be grouped separately: P further, That of the ,,,,i‘,,$,2§ °°;.,° Z ental suégeons hereby authorized to be appointed to said Medical ¤¤•°•· Reserve orps and to the said Dental rps, the whole number ordered to active duty shall not exceed the number the Secretary of the Navy may deem actually necessary to the health and efficiency of the personnel of the Navy and Marine Corps and, in time of peace, the number shall not exceed the proportion of one dental officer to one thousand of said rsonnel. c,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,_ That phargiacgst? Qian, after sixnfyears from date of vggant, ble ngommisisn. my. commissions c ie p armacists ter passing sat1s_ac y SHG vena, p.m. exammation as the Secretary of the Na may prescribe, and shall, on promotion, have the rank, pay, aniiyallowances of chief boatswams.