Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/378

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SIXTY—SECOND CONGRESS. Sus. II. C11. 335. 1912. 355 tion of any of said veseels, have entered into any combination, agreement, or nmderstandmg, the eifect, obyect or purpose of which is to deprive the Govemment of fair, open, and unrestricted competition lll letting contracts for the construction of any of said vessels. The appropriation made by the Act of Ma fourth, eighteen hundred If,‘:**°•* °¤ 6*** and mnety-eight, for one gunboat to be budt on the Great Lakw and rim ex mms to take the place of United States ship Michigan (How Wolverine) B hereby made available for the construction of a river gunboat, whnch may, as advantage may offer, be built elsewhere than on the Great Lakes or their connecting waters. Awzzmm. Oousrnucrroiw arm nucnrgmnrz On account of hulls and outfits mfgg;m°”°¤ '·°° of vessels steem machinery of vessels heretofore and herein ` authorized, mue million four hundred and forty-six thousand two hundred and five dollars. Iucnnasn or rum Naw; ronmgno soars: On account of submarine ‘¤¤¤¤•¤¤ ¤¤•¤ torpedo boats heretofore authorized, nine hundred and twenty-one thousand six hundred and forty-seven dollars. _ Iucmnsn or rim Naw; oonnmnsz On account of two ileet col- ¤••* ¤•>“*•¤· hers heretofore authorized, five hundred and eighty-one thousand three lumdred and twenty-one dollars and forty-eight cents. Iigosmsz or rmi Navr; mummmz Toward the completion of "l‘*i"’** equipment outfit of the vasels heretofore and herein authorized, three hundred and fiftyffive thousand dollars. . Ironman or rms avr; aauon mn aaunmm: Toward the mg? M •¤* armor and armament for vessels heretofore and herein authorized, aeven million two hundred and sixty-tive thousand two hundred ollars. Total increase of the Navy heretofore and herein authorized, twenty million five hundred and sixty-nine thousand three hundred and seventy-three dollars and forty-eight cents. ,_ In t mmm The Act entitled ‘fAn Act limiting the hours of daily service of 1»éil¤i$g:¤1»5s¤¤ to laborers and mechamcs employed upon work done for the United {§'§§f""°‘“ "°‘“" States, or for any Territo or for the District of Columbia and for AM. r- 137- other purposes," apzirovey June nineteenth, nineteen hundred and twelve, shall be in orce as to all contracts authorized by this Act hom and after the passage of this Act. _ _ _ No enlisted men or seamen, not mcludingh commissioned and m§’,{"*§§', °§,,{,'2,,,"'§§ warrant officers, on battleships of the Navy, w en such battleships Hgmd¤¤¤k¤¤· M- are docked or laid up at any navy yard for repairs, shall be ordered ' or required to perform as? duties except such as are or may be performed by the crew w e at sea or in a foreignlport. That no part of any sum herein appropriated s a be expended for ,,§,‘;,f°,,’Q,§,§f,,§,‘{,‘,}f the K;-rrchase of structural steel, s p plates, armor, armament, or •=¤-.¤¤r¤>i·i¤¤¤- mac ery from any persons, firms, or corporations who have combmed or conspired to monopolize the interstate or foreign commerce or trade of the United States, or the commerce or trade between the States and any Territory or the District of Columbia, in any of the umiwonmpm, articles aforesaid, and no purchase of structural steel, ship plates, *°;_•*••l·;#;m W or machinery shall be made at a price in excess of e reasons le profit ,,¤§§‘,E,’;,¤,m{ °" above the aptual cost of manufacture. But this limitation shall in · no case a to an contract. That ngpplxrt of tirny sum erein appropriated under_ "Increase of ,.,Y‘§§{{§;'i'°$£L“_ the N¤·vy” shall be used for the pa ent of any clerical, drafting, ;;g8Hk:m¤¢¤¤¤* inspectionf or messenger service or ll? thefeggeof any of the other téismiiod orephtgnder tp?) bureaus Navy Department, ashxngton trict o o um ia. That no phrt of any sum a propriated by this Act Shall fo1' mS£° Qlmiiisdg my expense of the Navy Igepartment at Washm.gton, District of ”°P·*¤¤°¤*· Qc umbia, unless specific authority is given by law or such expend- » iture. Approved, August 22, 1912.