Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/384

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SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS: Sess. II. Ch. 350. 1912. 361 $5,009; chief _ clerk, $3,2§0i16nancial clerk, $3,000 and $1,250 additional while the oiliee ia eld by the present incumbent; mmute and journal clerk, principal clerk, reading clerk, and enrolling clerk, at $3,000 each;ez;ecut1ve clerk, and assistant financial clerk, at ’?*’E°€3$§“él£".%€;g°£‘i§¥r,°”.L?$b*a2.*¤{‘°§.”°’*·‘*°°‘“‘”"Ji.l§’,“’“‘} cer , _ , _ _ mpiling a ry o £%'$‘£»£€?;,‘¥2?fa3?°.§;‘§§_;£2%*N““.v_,j_$r‘;{lef%’.‘*’"“.k ..;.1 $:.*%.*%:3*;*.: M on river harbor bill, oodbxii er, $2,220; indexer for nndhubcmnnn. $2"§2"i0*I»“§’.'2f."°°`*““.,ti‘;.‘.?iil»“.l.° me $* °m‘ *253.2 ii%°"‘·“'°3‘i'.¤'“5*

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exiaueéinammgzsgézm; c1erk,tq1,é¢L> cnerk, s1,eoo£1.¤esec.¤{ckéepe£ o sta one ·ass1stan' ms tioneryroom ,200•messenge

1,44%; tl1ree_laboi•ers, at,$840_eacli·;

$94 043 rera, at $ 20 , rer m stationery room, $720, in all, ljoevarmrr noon: Superintendent, George H. Bo $3000· two °°°"""‘"°°"“ eeesscme, at $2,250 each; eeeieumt, $1,440; two clelilm, Lt si,440 °““'“`”"“°°"°‘°`°` each; skilled laborer, $1,200; m all, $13,020. . Cmnxs arm imssmmmas _·ro commrmsz Clerk to the Com- ,§',°{,*',,;‘{,’,.'?¥,,:',,'”‘ mittee on Additional Accommodations for the Library of Congress, ‘ Z$1¥2£¢0$;°“rf,?“%°§*533*“.2§e°rZ1’Z'§ L1’.;£‘°3°§'6{»“"?.§°e°”ge.Ag‘i$‘i'4"ZB? clerk to the ’Conimittee on Appropriatioxis, $4,000, two bssisitant: clerks, at $2,500 each, two assistant clerks, at $1,440 each, messenger $1,440; laborer, $720; clerk to the Committee to Audit and Control

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$2,220, m<isse1iger,,$l,440, messei1g€1'» $1,200; clerk to the Committee er mm; on mee an e n en , 2]* .*£*a.°s.*:.***C:; *“e:.t**S:****· ’*;?°1€·..*:***.]:.¢**2 :223* meqwngcr, $1,440, rpcssenger, $1,200; clerk to the Comniittee ei Claims, $2,500, assistant clerk, $2,000, assistant clerk, $1,440, messenger, $1,200; clerk to the Commxttee on Coast and Insular ?>‘2¥"°"* '%§‘§‘§2»'“°°°°’”¥$* §Z;i"°§1°li‘3‘ ?.?Ze,.%° °°$‘“'i°{‘§?s°i» °§£§°€§ ¢¤¤¢¤ , , mm . » _, ; the Cominittee on Commerce, $2,500, assistant clerk,’$1,800, meesenger, $1,440; clerk to the Conference Minority of the Senate, $22%, aaaaéoant clerk, :1,§001(I;!’trl é;1,200; cgrléztéo the mi on neerva rc c c assis clerk, $1,200, messengea $%i40; cleglzotf tlge on Cortip ' `tnto umia 220messenger §)rl;;0;D<5cl·)l:gto the Cblmmittee on(;Culban §§l8é;?llB, $2,220, er $1,440 esseng $1,200; er to e mmittee on poution of Ueele;mPaperscrin the Executive Detgsartments, $2,220, meaeenger, $1,440: clerk to the Committee on District of Columbia, $2,500, assistant clerk, $1,800, messenger, $1,440; clerk to the Committee on lgdxggbtioizl arid Latblor, u;ss1stant clerk, $1h4;£, m , · er to mma on $2;·;il;ggesen§er, ’$1,440; clerk tz: the Committee on d Bills: $*232* §i“r‘£°‘“Ji.}°’”‘*&};."‘&i'i’°'e.rv." "’ “‘§2€»°2'5”"$‘a,e¤“°·‘°g.,E§i'1‘4*i‘»‘? e ve ran es e ce

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t , , 20 , , ·· e e on gxptgbditures the Department of’Commerw and Labor, $2,220,_ meaenger, $1,440; clerk to the Committee on Expenditures in the .,IT;?fi°’£.?¥>7,’°‘“°“‘* "*”°*“?1°.‘°“‘“* {.%.*‘**1§’.;,..m."‘°'°°“’*i°'&.¥’*?¥.’?.'£»’ to mmittee on `tures in. e en o us $2,220, mistant clerk, $1,440, messenger, $1,440; clerk to the Com: mittee on Expenditures in the Navy Department, $2,220, ZDEBUQUY,