Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/409

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386 SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. II. C11. 350. 1912. gracal sucll brgductlgrd shall apt be available for expenditure ut an cov mto e Treasury. _g$°_;·,1°g*g,;*;¤•c*g*;;* Omron ggsornm Sncnmuzr: of War-, $12,000;-Assistant um. derkn. ew. Secretary, $5,000; assistant and chief clerk, $4,000; private secretary to ?le Secretary, $i§500; clglrkéo theh Secretary, $2§|;)0; stenogrzagggr toeetary,000;ertoe tantcret, · assistant chief clh1·§u$2,400; disbursing clerk, $2,750; aiggointrhent clerk, $2,250; four 'efs of division, at $2,000 each; superintendent of buildings outside of State, War and Navy Department Building, in addition to comgnjation as chief of division, $500; chief telegrapher, $1,800; cler four of class four, five of class three, fifteen pf class tv;p,23•ineteen of daz gag, ?t $1,000 eaclg, one at $900; oreman, ; carpenter, , · re messenger, 1,000; carpenter, $900 laboigrii ; messengers; sevaln aisistant w sengers· ep one wr 0 ator· assistant e n swi -

 dperator; two messenger bllgys, at $360 each; erlgihegr, $900;

assistant engineer, $720; Hreman; four watchmen; five watchmen, at $660 eac ; eight laborers; two laborers, at $540 each; hostler, $600; two hostlers and one watchman, at $540 each; elevator conduct0rs—one (Et $600, one at $540; cliar:o1;r2en; in all, $$:12,82% Mamas: essen-. am nNmr.a1.’s cm: c er ,000- ten s o °°°°‘ division, at $2,000 each; clerks—forty-eight df class fbur, sixty-four of class three,_mnety-four of class two two hundred and thirty-two of class one, eighty-eight at $1,000 each; engineer, $1,400; assistant engmeer,mt900_; gre firemen; skilled mechamc, $l),000§3ten sengers· y—e1g assistant mess ers- messe er o 60· e yatchrzien; superintendent of builedidrgrg $250; aiid eighlieen laborers; m all, $781,950; all em loyees provided for by this paragraph for the Adjutallrt Ger1;eral’sk()Hi]fce1]§r: til; Vgar: liepésarzrgent shall be exclusively englagtemon e wor o t office ort e year mneteen un an theen. www °·¤¢¤*’· Omen or- run Ixsrrwron Gmman.: Cler·ks——one of class fo , om"` two of class three, three of class two, one of class one; messengliii;

 · M oc ·· “”é';Z2‘é2“Z?$-3€¤°?¤§';‘i ‘L.°“°ma°““°J;°c°°°L»‘1L“"ciif¢5“?‘ k .1

. • nn : c er an so- Gmms I om"` licitor, $2,500; law clerks-—one at $2,400 one at $2,000; clerks-—one of das: four, two of class three, three of class twréhsix of class one; co yrs ; twom ers; assistant messe er· in $26 600. °*¤¤·* °*¤¢•~ fg{·r of clerk, $2,000 cliigrs-Ltwo dt class four, ople o casst ,oneo asstwo, ouro cassone,tenat$1,000eac; two  »;—: ers; assistant messenger; in all $25 800. ng**"¢·*¤¤f¤¤·¤¤· The servhies of skilled draftsmen and srich other services as the Secretary of War may deem necessary may be employed only in the Signal Office to carry mto ed'ect the various appropriations for fortifications and other works of defense and_for the Service of the Army, to be paid from such eappmprratrons, in drtron to the fore- ·4"··*’='¥‘*°é=¢ *i—‘i,‘“&r$“"1§"°°“ “"‘Zi'Z*’"“‘r fiii "’;,,0,.,"‘° ?‘g‘Z§' £$ii°‘ P""“°"‘* " a eenrre en uresor u or e June thirtieth,ei[1Pineteen hundred En thirteen, shall hg? ::3225 $25,000, and that the Secretary of War shall each year in the annual sitrrnesltezr reporg tt; Congress th; tgumbler of persons so employed, err u res, an e amoun par eac . gyl;f¤5,;¤¤*¤¤**¤- The services of one wireless engineer and one wireless assistant, ’ as télie Secrcglarjééf Wpr may deem neésessarg, may be employed only in eS1gu ce ocarrymtoeecttearo`t f th

 Service of the army, to be paid from sulzh aIp1p1;oii)r1iatii>1i1, iii

drtron to the foregoing employees appropriated for_in the Signal

 Office: Provided, 'llhat the entrre expenditures for this pu e for

the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred andllqiiiween, shall not exceed $3.600. and that the Secretary of War shall each