Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/435

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412 SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sus. II. Ch. 350. 1912. ,,-,,,,,1 ,, ,,,,,;,,,1;,,, .,5 umass.; of Appeals _Building; atisgstant or ¤·~··—"°°°°` l "°P“‘ °1°’!" °2'25°; mgfl n’w°` than sd voxume- mL er,

     mst typevriar in the i>lerk’s

xiliide when not engagedin court three  : glizge $1 obo; three stenegraphnisftstalonllelfor theh, gatice auh<h;>1;•; ' ;ssociate'ustioe,at$1,200e•eh·m _ , »•·'•¤¤· ._ .,,, '····¤··..,,,,°"°°°"...·····*..*··. ¤··**:..2.i~··...**·:.*.;*.z.··.*:··. ··*.I..% *M*·°* ··‘..°:‘m; ”"”°‘°':‘:(_m the feesbolleetgdlba theelerk egmthe Court ol Dit’:.rict of . Columbia, shall be _ m T¤'¤•¤1¤’y» ctthebistrictoiilolumbra. _ lm, an -»-····~*s·-e""‘** ..x:···~.°°""...,s .%‘.‘.$.#*..." ‘¥'..‘.Z°..*2*.*'*‘...‘ .., .2.. 2:: ... ... justice anilone $900 eac§;L11:°dl,_$4l;=t0:’)f · ‘ glu!] in revenues _ r~·¤•··· ‘ That mud after Jugaiiret, umeteeu hundred °¤*"'·“ °‘ *" f s b clerk of the Supreme t 3% d twelv the us ees collected y _ _ ”·¥¤"4¤—°°°'°'° Z`>`§..¤¤onK’.na.¤§l¤eco1mpa._¤1811b.a·pes.¤¤y, one-hnlfto themditeithebmtnctdiblumhia. _ reuewem me gonnnssmsxn, Yu.n0W¤1¤1nPanx: Commmmoner in Yellowstone °°°°“°°°` National Park, $1,500. And the of section gtntenty-oneg ""“""“ ·"*`·°»‘°°"“`··~·y':i*·¤··- *·%·**’·*'°...E~·r:..=.s··.··~···"”"’...;~.~·..·.: construed as HB gglgry herein · · . . s ¤¤¤¤¤ M i“'“¤”“ Boo: mn mggrn. ornnama For thepmcbase and rebmdgngpf °·°°° law books and books of mfamee for Swhtesugxgglsig

 court.; of   expended under the

·.·..,""""'.Q...‘m.n is ms direction of the Attorney General; , That such books shall asm i¤;]lcasesbe&rammittedtotbe1rs11ccessor·smoffice;aHbooks gurchased to be plainly marked, The property of the ¤* °¤•°¤¤¤• mwd States, ’ AL : Presi ` and f ur associate'


$2 000i Eve sten phic clerks, at $1,600 each; stenograplnc repoi·ter,’$2,500; anogrgnwsenger, $8·}0; in all, $54,840. _ ""m“°°‘,, "“'°"' °" For rentof necessary quarters m Washington, District of Co1umbis, and elsewhere, $7,000; for necemary traveling exxnses of members of the court and clerk $330; for books, lpenodro , and stationsry, supplies, fregght, xgephoge and telegiiap ,theat, hgiht, and povger gg]-vi , · 08·D861's \lI'Dl UIC 311 U1] lI]g° 0I' P. S? .***..1%*- . $.3**3. *;*..2, 4.,... 2... ..K 1.,.. cifxzally provided for; and for such other miscellaneous expenses as ma be approved by the presiding judge, $8,000; m_all, $1_5,330.

 (Laurence Comrrs For the fo owing untnl and mcluding March

PM am fourth, nineteen lnmdred and thirteen, namely: Clerk, at the rate of $4,000alper annum; deputy clerk, at the rate of $2,500 per annum; marsh , at the rate o $3,000 per annum; deputy marshal, at the rate of $2,500 per annum; for rent of necess quarters in Washington, District of Columbia, and elsewhere, ailyfurmshing same for °'*‘2. ‘§*’“***°'°‘i.$§."‘é.f§§..°&’°Ei;d".$fi"3‘Z£.i’iI‘i;.““““°“*2% f£.“2.';§°Ea lll lll Q 8. S the sealzhhlfgovernriient and elsewhere, not othexzriryse sgeciriically providreedi {pr, ind for sinch otger rgiscellaneous eisenses as may be y the p ' e, 33,888.89; in $42,022.22. <=··~·=··»·¤=·*···· "*’·‘3I.‘I... ..¤...·.§"§’?§...*é‘.*‘%3.;'..%.,..,...». .., .. ..,.0. each: chief clerk, $3,500; assistant clerk, $2,500; bailig, 81,500; clerksone at $1,600, two at $1,400 each. three at $1,200 each; sten a her, °€*' P