428 SIXTY-SECON D CONGRESS. Sus. H. Ch. 355. 1912. ` t 'anitor service, awnmgs' , curtains or any _ _ for the gen- % inliintenance of the Treasury but ing uding not exceed- ' $1,000 for booksof reference, and journals, iiniiscriptions to which may paid in advance,_and also for contingencies of eve kind and description, traveli.nl.g’ exppnses of site agents, record' deeids and other evidences of t1t , p_ otogralphic mstrumentsrizhemicals, plates, and photographic materials, an such other minor and incidental expenses not enumerated, connected solely with work on public buildings the acquisition of sites, and the administrative work connected with the annual appropriations under the Supervising Architect’s office, as the Secretary o the Treasury may deem necessary and specially order or approve, not including surveys, plaster models, progress photographs, test pit borings, or mill and sho ins tions; m all, for the 0 objects for general expenses P PM , ¥'°§°m8 , I I M w of publi: buildings, $65§,920. _ _ _ 4 . _ _ .,$§n'§Q‘.°' ° tcctural competitions, public buildings; For commissions to vnu:. pdll architects heretofore selected under the plrovisions of the Act entitled . "An Act authorizing the Secretaiy of the Treasu to obtain plans and specifications for public buildings to be_ erecte? under the super- _ vision of the Treasury D•;pai·tment, and providiuifor local super- · vision of the construction o the same, " approved Fe mary twentieth, eightéeen hundred and ninety-three, $17 ,000. ,.n*'JL°°°"“l °°"' e Act entitled "An Act authorizing the Secretary of the Treasury
*•*•**· to obtain plans andspecificatnons for public buildings to be
v°,_b_P_m_ undo; the superyision of the Treasury Department, and Pl'0V`|il-\:§ for local supervision of the construction of the same,” approv February twentieth, eighteen and ninet -thi-ee, commonly mm. mum. known as the "'l*arsney Aict" 1s_ repealed: ProvvLd' , That contracts ,,'E‘.§§'.'{.;_ heretofore entered mto under sud ct shall not be affected by this repeal, and architectural services rendered under such contracts shall be plaid for from the sipbpropriation for “Architectural competitions, pub `e buildings/’ av ble at the timepayment for the_ particular service rendered is due. w¤·8•v1¤s¤•¤i¤•- LIFE-SAYING snnvicn. ¤¤s•¤r¤¤¤¤¤¤=¤¤- For district superintendents of life-saving stationsjas follows: One for the coasts of Maine and New Hampshire, $2,200; One for the coast of Massachusetts, $2,200; Ona for the coasts of Rhode Island and Fishers Island, $2,000; One for the coast of Long Island, $2,200; One for the coast of New Jersey, $2,200; One- for the coasts of Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia, $2,200; One for the coasts of Virginia and North Carolina, $2,200; One for the lilo-saving stations and for the houses of refuge on the seg? of Sotnath gd Florida, $1,900; e or e, e-saving an e at stations on the coast of G1ig1offMe11;col;f$2,000; d M be the e or the ° e-savmg` an e at stations on the co Lakes Ontario and Erie, $2,200; ats of _ One for the life-saving and lifeboat stations on the coasts of Lakes H‘3.‘I;‘ ?"“t»?2Y§““*m,’”*2°"&n be 1,,,,,, or e·sa an e at stations on ` Mig:g?n’ tizg; I _. the coast of _ o or e s-sa ° and ifeboat stations on the ‘- igrlnigizo Oregon, Washington, and Alaska, $2,200; Oiixcx, ‘°'\’*”- _ Flor salaries of two hundred and nine keepers o ’ Ying M lifeboat stations and of houses of re£ngeg276,3og_ [ mus uid
- _°*'•• ¤¤¤·· b°For pa of crews surfmen employed at the life-saving and lifeat stafgms, Including the old Chicago station, at the rate qi seventy